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Weather has been very cold here the past few days, with a bitter east wind all the way from Russia, I suspect! We got a smattering of snow on sunday night, then two prolonged flurries yesterday; to the children's delight they co-incided with trips up the road to the PO and the mobile library. The coldest it's got down to at night was - 5 1/2, which is actaully quite cold for the south of England. It is down to -20 in some of the Scottish glens; today the sun is shining, but the wind is still bitter. just warmed myself up by doing the ironing!



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You are cold and we are HOT!

Temps yesterday were up around 35 here and and another town about an hour away had 41 (Celcius) Believe me it was sweltering. The girls had lots of water fights and the sprinklers were on often as they tried to cool down. For the adults it was try and keep out of the way!


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Soooo Lowlie I guess your ground isn't sooo squidgy anymore??

I am going over to sue's instead okay, Lowlie, I want that warm weather. Is your heat humid or dry? I was in Arizona a few years ago in March and it was 30 and 40 degrees C. but a dry heat, loved every minute of it..

How about the Australian Men.... hmmmmm guess they don't wear kilts huh??





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Debbielee, it looks like 40C is about 105F and -20C is a little below 0F. Give this a try and see what you come up. with.http://zeux.sudog.com/cruft/therm.html

With those warm temps Sue I can see why your kids are playing in the sprinklers. Wow, that's hot!

Lowlander, I think your outside gardening must be done until it warms up a little. wink.gif

Brigid, you might find a few in kilts in Australia, move over I'm going with you! Ah, warmth!!!

Come on Debbielee, we need to find a kilted man for Brigid!

It's fairly cool here today at 19F but an awful wind and it's that wind that cuts right through you.



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That was Cool DEE......thanks....it took me a few mins to figure how to work it...but i did....and it was pretty fun!

Wow....that is HOT SUE....and COLD Lowie....

Be careful!

Your soooo right DEE.....our Brigie needs to find a really Nice/loving/respectful/caring/generous/handsome Hunk with a nice hynie...(she seems to love hynies).....with our without a kilt....i'm looking.....i'll letcha know if i have success....you keep trying too! grin.gif



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KILTS? You have to be joking they wear as little as possible - and of course there are always are few that wear less ....

Actually where we are it is usually ok but the last few days have been humid as well. Not nice. But the nights have been cooler, so at least you can sleep.


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Hi ladies! grin.gif

I sure wish i knew the language of celcius....cuz i'm assuming that Lowie is freezing and Sue is sweating....and Brigie......is just Brigie grin.gif

Hey yeah...what nice article of clothing DO Australian men where when it's warm?



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Well paper fans might not last long - actually you arms might give out first!!

The fans in this house are on All day! and half the night at least until we go to bed.

Just love those hair cuts, wonder if my local hairdresser can do that style!


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