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new to the group


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Hello everyone. I'm new to the group, and I'm looking forward to being a member.


I'm a stay at home mother of two, so I have a lot of time on my hands to come up with all kinds of crafty ideas and recipes. I came across this site by accident the other day and was captured by all the ideas on here. It's nice to see a group of people with so much insight in so many areas! I live in the hills of Kentucky with my hubby and children, and we don't get to many visiters, so I really don't get to be around a lot of people with the same intrests as me. I think this group will be a great escape for me. I find it hard to find any time for myself with a two year old, a thirteen year old, and my ol' man pulling for my time, but I think this will fit the bill so to speak.


I have never seen a site with so many great ideas and careing people! I don't think that you could get more down to earth, and in touch with home then the members of this site. I have to say that I find it refreshing to see that there are still people like this in the world, I thought they all were lost with all the hussle and bussle of life today. Thanks for accepting me as a member! I'm kinda new to the message board thing, but I'm sure that I'll catch on quick. Thanks again and I look forward to being a part of this wonderful group.

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Welcome Jamica! We're so glad you've joined us...the more the merrier!


Yes, we're very grateful that like minded people have found this *home* here on the net. I know that if I were to take a survey in my neighborhood regarding the things I do or are concerned about, they'd probably recommend I see a shrink...lol Oh well.


Feel free to jump right in and if you ever need a thing, let us know!

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Thanx for the warm welcome everyone! I already feel very at home here. See this is what I was talkin about, such nice people. I just don't know what to think about it.

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Well, I'm new as well. I stumbled upon the site while searching for ideas for an apartment based urban root cellar. I've been looking for a site like this for a while now. I'm very excited. I look forward to partipating in the community.



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welcome! mrs.s is really a great place to be! we are glad to have you

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