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Is anyone having a Halloween party?


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Does anyone have any feed back on the pickled egg delema? If I can go ahead and make them now I want to so they'll taste better. I posted the recipe earlier in the thread. I need to know how long they'll keep, it says to keep them for a week in the fridge but they should keep longer then that shouldn't they?

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That sounds better then a week. I know I see huge jars of them in stores that I know have been there longer then a week and not kept cold. And I used to work in a local bar and the owner had some sitting out on the bar for longer then that, but I wasn't sure. Don't want to make anyone sick. Thanx a bunch!!!

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O.K. I've been working on a few things the last couple of days, and I have some pic's to post. The only thing that I haven't taken a picture of are the pickled eggs, and the cheese ball. If anyone wants to know how I made any of my treats, let me know and I'll post the reciepe.


The first pic is of my peanut butter eyeballs. I thought these really turned out cute. I mean there really gross, but they turned out good for what there for.


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This is a pic of my popcorn ball suckers. They were going to be bats but they looked cute as suckers, and it saved me some time not having to cut out all those wings and eyes. Plus I think it's a cute trick.


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Here is a pic of the cat poop cookies. When I go to serve theese I'll put them in a flat box like your can goods come in lined with grocery store bags, and filled with rice crispies, and a kitty litter scoop to get them out.


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This is a pic of the magic wands. I don't know how well you can make them out, I have them in a ziplock bag. I'll take a pic of the table when I get everything layed out the day of the party so you can see everything better.


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And, my last pic is of the trail mix. This pic turned out a little fuzzy, and it's in a ziplock bag too. This is really easy though I just mixed a store bought trail mix with a package of candy corn with the candy pumpkins. It really looks seasonal, and you could use it for Thanksgiving too.


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We are having a Halloween party. I live out in the country as well Jamica. We always make our first pot of chilli on Halloween. This year we are having a big bonfire. We cleaned a lot of trees off of our property and are going to be burning what is left. My niece's birthday is on the 29th so we are celebrating that as well. I thought I would make her a dirt cake. We have lots of trick or treaters here, but it is a small town and everyone knows almost everyone. Happy Halloween.

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Wheew.... boy I can tell you I am sooooo exausted. Today I've only made my dip so far, but I've been trying to clean up the mess around here. My daughter did help me to unwrap my caramels though for the caramel apples I'll start those tomm. Thank God my dbf is going to be off from work tomm so he can help get the place cleaned up and get the bean bag board made and the guest bedroom cleaned out because we are going to have at least 6 over night guest staying that night. I still have to finish preping the games, I have them made up I just have to get them all together. And, I have to put up some more decorations. I've got almost all the food stuff made up so far, all I have left is the cakes, chili, the caramel apples, the worms, jello, and the drinks. Most of that will be made the day before and the day of. I plan on makeing the peanut butter candy pie, and cutting up my worms today. I do have everything ready to throw tegether though so I hope I saved myself a little time. And, I still have to finish painting. I'll probably do that tonight or tomm while dbf's home. I can't manage to do it when it's just me and my dd here alone. She likes to help to much.


I have another pic to post! This is a pic of my dd in her halloween costume we got last night. We had to try it on to make sure it fit because I grabbed a bigger size in a moment of Halloween haze. But, it did so it all worked out o.k. actually I think it fit her bett because it went to her ankles instead of below the knee so I can put her in a pair of sweats too, because it is cold here. I think thr forcast here for Saturday is in the 50's for the high that day and the 30's that night. But we will have the bon fire going for the chili so it won't be that bad. Plus, Grandmaw will be inside if the kids want to come inside for a Halloween movie, and some home made hot chocolate.


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Here is another pic of my little trick or treater in her princess costume. She won't go to bed before 11:30 - 12:00 at least. We're wondering how in the world we are going to get all that costume in the car seat and get it buckled to take her trick or treating. We don't get any trick or treaters up here where we are so any candy left here after the party will be her's too I imagine. And I was trying to cut back on her sugar too, yea rite. Maybe after Halloween.


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I've LOVED reading the progress of your Halloween party! It's my favorite holiday, too!


We always watch "Nightmare Before Christmas" while eating and getting ready. Dinner is always hot dogs. When all the kids get older we'll switch to chili probably. This year I'll stay home with Roan while DH takes the kids out. Oldest DD goes out on her own, they usually go to the cemetary and then t-or-t.


We always WANT to decorate big, but we never have the money to do that LOL.


We got invited to a trunk or treat and have wanted to check out that church anyway, so we'll be going to that as well, it's Saturday. I'll have to change DS's costume. He wanted to be a "homicidal freak." (Yes, my kids are a little twisted LOL). But I don't think that will go over well at church. Oldest DD, not sure what she's going to be, probably a vampire, youngest DD will be Pikachu from Pokemon, Roan will be a frog, and I, as every other year when I've been pregnant on Halloween, will be Mother Nature.


I'm going to make those peanut butter eyeballs for the kids' Halloween parties, thanks for posting that!



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Those eyeballs were super easy!!! Your peanut butter mix is

1/2 Cup peanut butter

3 Tbls butter (softened)

1 Cup powdered sugar.


You mix the peanut butter and butter together first until mixed well, then mix in the powdered sugar until it's all combined. Then you can roll up the balls easily with your hands. It shouldn't even stick to you, it didn't me. I lay my balls on a metal cookie sheet and pop them in the fridge to cool so there easier to dip. After they come out of the fridge I use a tooth pick and dip each one in melted white bakers chocolate, and let them drain off really well. Plus with them being cold it helps to harden the chocolate faster to save time. When you dip them you want the chocolate to come up really close to the tooth pick. I had to use another toothpick to help get them off the inserted tooth pick to put them on the cookie sheet. As soon as you get the eyeball your working on off the tooth pick you want to put a brown reese piece's in the blank uncoated area. When you get them all done pop them back in the fridge to finish hardening.


Meanwhile, mix together:

1 Cup powdered sugar

1 Tbls plus 1 tsp water

1/2 tsp red food coloring.


This will be really thick. I put it in a sandwich baggie and twisted it shut, and poked a hole in it with one of the tooth picks in the corner of the baggie. When the eyeballs come back out just draw on squiggly lines with your red icing starting from the pupil going down to the base. You may have to poke the tooth pick back in the hole every now and again to get it to flow out more easily. I had to do this several times, and be sure to have an extra baggie close just in case. Mine popped on me and I had to transfure to another baggie mid way through. The icing is very thick so it's kinda hard to get it to squeeze out without poking your fingers through the baggie. A pipeing bag would work better with a very small tip but it will stain. After you get them all done put them in a covered container and pop them back in the fridge. The red icing will get hard to. Plus if you use the sandwich baggie it saves on clean up later. I thought these were really cute to. The red icing doesn't taste very good on it's own but is o.k. used as a decoration. My daughter looked at me like it was a sick joke when I let her taste it.

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well, it's all over- the little hobgoblins ate us out of house and home, listened to the treasure map clues for the quest for the five cauldrons of confection, went on the treasure hunt by flashlight, came back, divied up the booty and left a trail of crumbs when they departed...

here's some of the refreshments


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lol... I love the pic's luna. My party is over as well, and boy am I glad. You couldn't get past eachother in my house. I have some pics to post as well of the party table and such. The first pic is of the punch bowl area.


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