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Caramel Ice Cream Topping?

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I'm having the worst time finding a recipe for caramel ice cream topping. I should think I have all the fixings except for 1) dark Karo syrup, or 2) cream or half & half.


Any ideas? I want something that turns out like the stuff in the jar. I just tried one with a can of evaporated milk, brown sugar and vanilla, but it isn't even remotely thick.


I'd appreciate it!

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Caramel Sauce Recipe


A caramel sauce recipe for ice cream or other desserts.



1 1/2 cups sugar

1/2 cup boiling water



In a small heavy skillet, melt sugar, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. When sugar is golden brown, very slowly and carefully stir in the boiling water. Cook for about 3 minutes to soft ball stage*, to about 238° on a candy thermometer. Serve warm with ice cream.

*To Test for Soft Ball Stage

A small amount of syrup dropped into chilled water forms a ball, but is soft enough to flatten when picked up with fingers (234° to 240°).


From Diana Rattray





Basic Caramel Sauce Recipe and Variations


Tip: Caramel dessert sauces and ice cream sundae toppings should be incredibly rich and silky smooth. You need to cook the sauce just long enough to bring it to a boil, but not too long or otherwise it will harden upon cooling. Using a candy thermometer, bring it to a soft ball stage, which is between 235° F–240° F. At this stage, if you took some of the syrup and dropped it into cold water, it would begin hardening and form a soft ball, thus the terminology.


Basic Caramel Sauce


½ c. white sugar

½ c. brown sugar

½ c. heavy cream

¼ c. butter


In a smaller saucepan, combine all four ingredients and bring to a boil. Do not overcook. See tip above. Cook only to a softball stage and use a candy thermometer for best results. Remove from heat and add 1 teaspoon of vanilla. Cool and serve with whipped cream on your favorite dessert or ice cream sundae.


Variations to basic Caramel Sauce Recipe:


Cinnamon Caramel Sauce

Add 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon to the basic recipe above. This makes for a very flavorful sauce.



Coffee Caramel Sauce

Add 1 Tablespoon of freshly brewed coffee to the basic recipe above and cook as directed.



Brandy Caramel Sauce

Add 1 Tablespoon brandy or bourbon to the basic recipe above and cook as directed.






One Ingredient Soft Caramel


This is, without a doubt, the easiest way on earth to make homemade caramel.


1 can sweetened condensed milk (not evaporated)


For an easy caramel topping or dip, simply heat Eagle Brand using the following directions. For safety reasons, heating the unopened can (an old cooking method) is NOT recommended. Instead use one of the following methods.


OVEN METHOD; Pour 1 can Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk into 9 inch pie plate. Cover with aluminum foil; place in larger shallow pan. Fill larger pan with hot water. Bake at 425° for 1 1/2 hours or until thick and caramel colored.


STOVETOP METHOD; Pour 1 can Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk into top of double boiler; place over boiling water. Over low heat, simmer 1 to 1 1/2 hours or until thick and caramel colored. Beat until smooth.


MICROWAVE METHOD; Pour 1 can Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk into 2-quart glass measuring cup. Cook on 50% power (medium) 4 minutes, stirring briskly every 2 minutes until smooth. Cook on 30% power (medium-low) 20 to 26 minutes or until very thick and caramel-colored, stirring briskly every 4 minutes during the first 16 minutes and every 2 minutes the last 4 to 10 minutes.



NEVER let the water level get down to the top of the can (s), because this could cause the can (s) to explode.






Hope this helps!



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