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A Newbie Introduction


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Hi, I'm Tate and I stumbled upon you guys via google while looking for ways to prepare for a blizzard or snowstorm. I'm a Texan living way up north, and well, I have little to no snow experience, and decided I need to learn. In the two weeks I've lurked around, I've started making BOBs and have purchased my first week of food storage from Nana's list (thanks, that list is so helpful!). My next task is to figure out if we can grow blueberries and raspberries in our backyard. I know they'll work in this climate, I'm just the blackest thumb to ever attempt gardening. (Well, except maybe my DH who mowed down my attempt at tomatoes last year). Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you guys and to learning more about homesteading and disaster prep!

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Wow! thanks for the amazing welcome. I'm not sure I'm up to canning. It sounds like you have to know things about food and well the kitchen. And I admit to being a total suburbanite. Until recently, making dinner=picking up the phone, though when we moved to Wisconsin, I discovered the joy of the farmer's market, and we've been trying to teach ourselves to cook. DH is way better at this then me. I can now make jello, though I totally failed at this the first couple times, and I've only set the stove on fire once. I'm hoping to get better at this. Just so you guys don't think I'm totally ignorant, I would have no problem building a set of shelves with out electricity (though I'd miss the table saw dearly) and I can make a fire with wood, tinder, kindling and a match (I was an girl scout).

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Hi and Welcome,


I am a novice at canning, but ... DH is wondering where I am going to put all the jars I can actually open some now as I finally got a special opener for the Aussie style of canning jars. It is fun!



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Lol, Mt Rider, Texan are sure funny about their snow. I was in college down in south Texas when it snowed on the Mexican border. They made it into a book! (Which, I do own, my mil likes to give us that sort of thing)


Mistylady, uhm, I hadn't really thought that far ahead. In fact, if you hadn't of mentioned it, I would have never thought there were catalogs for seeds! I'm pretty sure I want to plant berries of some sort, as I know we'll eat them and that they can survive in our climate. I must investigate further! And then I can learn to can the berries that I grow myself. That'd be so cool.


Mother, the most imporatant part of building shelves without electricity is being able to saw in a straight line. (Or at least close, and then you can plane the sucker!)


SueC, I have no clue where I'm going to put anything. One of my goals for this week is find some of the five gallon bucket you all keep talking about. (Is there a reason why round buckets are better than square containers?)

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