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(Bean and three-grain loaf at under 8 cents a pound)


The prices quoted are from 1996


by Kurt Saxon


Here's a staple food which I concocted which anyone can make and would be a guarantee against hunger. It is a combination of one fourth each of ground pinto beans, corn, wheat and rye.


(Grind and mix one pound of each). A Corona grain mill, $50., ordered from us, will last a lifetime and be your best self-sufficiency tool now and in the event of a collapse.


At your local seed and feed store you should be able to buy untreated wheat and rye for $4.25 for 50 lb. each. Fifty lb. of whole corn is only $3.00. Prices may vary where you are but not much. My wife bought 20 lb. of pinto beans at Wal-Mart for $5.00 or 25 cents a lb. Our health food store sells 25 lb. for $15.00 or 60 cents a lb. Since the health food store is always higher five lb. bags at your grocer's should be around 35 cents a pound.


When you consider that the three pounds of grain costs around 21 cents and 35 cents for beans, you pay about 62 cents for four pounds of meal. At 10 ounces per three pound loaf you get at least six three pound loaves or 18 pounds which amounts to about four cents a pound. Add the cost of electricity and the seasonings, this food would still cost under 8 cents a pound.


Say you ate about a pound and a half of this food each day. You would get all the protein and carbohydrates for energy, plus vitamins and minerals your body needs. You could live on it but you can eat it along with whatever other food you have. It is tasty, filling and nutritious.


Bean And Three-Grain Loaf



5½ cups water


2 cups (10 oz) meal


2 tsp. salt


1 tsp. poultry seasoning


2 tsp. chili powder


1 tsp. black pepper


3 tsp. onion powder



(Or use whatever flavoring you like)


This is best cooked in a one-gallon crock pot, which you should have, as it's the cheapest on energy, costs less than $25.00 at Wal-Mart and lasts forever.


First, grind one pound each of beans, corn, wheat and rye. For fineness, screen after each grinding to save grinding the fine over and over. Build a simple wood frame, a foot square by six inches deep. Glue or staple a piece of window screen, bought at any hardware store.


As you grind each pound you'll be left with maybe 15% husks which just won't grind and will stay in the sieve. The corn husks you discard as they have no value. But the husks of the beans, wheat and rye are good cooked in soups. The other husks, taken in liquid by the heaping teaspoonful, will act as a better laxative than any you can buy. On the other hand, the cooked meal, itself, is excellent roughage, and will clean out your intestinal tract of all the bad bacteria and disease-causing matter and you'll feel better and never get colon cancer. It's a real health food.


Mix the meal and measure out two cups and mix in the seasonings. Put 5½ cups of hot water in the crock pot and dribble in the meal, stirring with a fork, as the meal has a tendency to lump.


Cook for two hours, stirring every half hour with a fork, especially at the bottom. When done, remove the crock pot and wrap a towel around it so you don't burn yourself. Pour the contents into a greased bread baking pan. (Mine is 5½ inches wide by 9½ inches long by 2½ inches deep on the inside). This recipe makes a three-pound loaf.


Put a piece of plastic wrap over the top of the pan of hot meal or an unpleasant crust will form. Put the pan in a cool place overnight. By the next morning it will have become firm. Slide a knife around the ends and sides and turn the loaf out on a platter or such and cover it with plastic wrap. The process of preparing this food doesn't take more than five minutes. To use it, peel back the wrap and cut it into quarter-inch slices and fry it on both sides in a hot skillet. Serve with bacon and eggs or whatever you wish for any meal. You'll never go hungry and will save a lot of money on food.



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