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Medicinal recipes using Vinegar-


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I got this info from a self help book


Vinegar - Medicinal Uses


NOTE - Nothing here is to be taken as medical advice. Always ask your doctor before attempting to diagnose yourself or deciding upon medication to alleviate any symptoms.



A reader says; My best use for vinegar is to use 1 tablespoon vinegar to an 8 ounce glass of warm water for a sore throat. Gargle every hour and swallow after gargling, with two mouthfuls. I got this from a Vermont Folk Medicine book by D.C.Jarvis many years ago. If started at the first hint of a sore throat, it always works, usually within a night's sleep. I don't mind the taste, but some children might.

Use for a throat soother. Take equal amounts of honey and cider vinegar, stir or shake until dissolved. Take a tablespoon at a time to cut mucuous in the throat.

This reader writes: My grandmother swears by vinegar as an antiseptic for abrasions,to reduce itch from poison ivy or mosquito bites,and even to help rehydrate sunburned skin.

This reader says - I hate to wear gloves when gardening (except, of course when working with roses, blackberries or thistles) and once in a while I get a nick or scratch. Since I shoveled most of it INTO my garden, I know what my hands are in, and I'm 120 yards downhill from the bathroom sink and the disinfectant! My trusty spray bottle of full strength white vinegar to the rescue. Stings for a second or two until the endorphins kick in, but I don't have to stop what I'm doing and make a special trip back up hill. I've NEVER had an infection in a scratch since I discovered this trick.

Another reader wrote: I am allergic to crabs. However, I love them. I have found that when I dip my crabmeat in vinegar, I don't get an allergic reaction. This may not work for everyone, but it works for me.

1 tsp cider vinegar with one tsp honey taken three times daily helps with arthritis. It dissolves the crystal deposits of uric acid that form between joints (and also in muscles as with muscular rheumatism). Also dissolves osteophytes (bony spurs) over long periods.

Vinegar in drinking water is very effective in eliminating the low-grade fevers that are present in Chronic Fatigue sufferers. It also helps eliminate the 'thrush' coating in the mouth which is sometimes caused by antibiotic use. Mix four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to a gallon of drinking water. Drink up to one gallon each day.

From another reader: After years of suffering from athlete's foot, consulting doctors, and spending hundreds of dollars on so called cures (some presciption, some over the counter), I read in one of the magazines in which I subscibe to try soaking in vinegar. Something was said about it changing skin ph so that the fungus could not grow. I soaked three evenings in a row. Now, no more fungus and that has been several months ago.

Medicine for toe nail fungus can be very costly, but you can use one part vinegar to one part warm water and soak your feet.

Another reader writes: My daughter had toe nail fungus, causing the nail to grow up instead of out, like it should. I started putting a few drops of white vinegar on it several times a day. To my amazement, her nail is almost normal again! Try this one, for those who have the above problem, it really works!

Use 2 cups of cider vinegar in the tub to soak sore muscles and add potassium to muscles.

And this one: A nurse told me molds grow in humidifiers used in sick rooms. After a couple of days' use, she rinsed out a humidifier, then refilled it, adding maybe 1/4 cup vinegar. She would run this for a couple of minutes in the bathroom, with the door closed and the window open, to kill the molds. Then she'd rinse it, run it again with just clear water, rinse that, and declare it fit for service again. She was also adamant about not just pouring more water in to refill, but rinsed the reservoir out each time to retard growth of nasty stuff she didn't want spraying all around the sick room.

Quite often muscle cramps, or 'charlie horse', are caused by too low a level of potassium. I take a tsp. of vinegar when suffering from a muscle cramp to quickly bring my potassium level back up and relieve the cramp.

When making soup stock (as all good frugal-ites do), squirt in a tablespoon of white vinegar, to help leach (extract) all the calcium from the bones being used. There's no vinegar taste, and most of us can certainly use the additional calcium.

It's never failed me yet: Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one cup of honey and store this mixture in an air-tight container. Anytime you have trouble drifting off, take two teaspoons of this mixture and you'll drift off in less than a half hour. And you won't be groggy in the morning like over-the-counter sleep aids.

A teaspoon of vinegar relieves hiccups more effectively than anything else, including lemon juice or sugar...

Another reader writes: I've found that gargling with cider vinegar will stop the most horrible case of hiccups!

I find mixing 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon honey in 8 oz of warm water and drinking before I go to bed has helped eliminate those awful night leg cramps

When the weather changes and the sinus start running I get that nagging cough, I simply take 2 tablespoons of any kind of vinegar and that nasty cough stops.

I have a history of having problems with boils and bear the scars of them. They are quite painful and at times have had to have them lanced. A few people in my family told me about vinegar tea. One tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, one tablespoon honey mixed in a cup of hot water at least twice a day has dissolved more than one of my boils. Not only the vinegar tea but also, the recommended daily amount of water. Stay away from sodas and chocolate, as they seem to aggravate the infected area even more. If the boil does come to a head where it is going to open contuine to drink the vinegar tea and the water. Use hot packs on the boil for 15-20 minutes three times a day. Doing this has more than once saved an unwanted visit to the doctor. What is also important is not to squeeze a boil. I hope this will help someone out there.

Soak (rinsed and dried) egg shells in vinegar until they dissolve. Dilute with water, and drink your (very easy to assimilate) calcium supplement. Oyster shells can also be dissolved in vinegar until dissolved, then drunk, for a calcium supplement. [Pearls may be dissolved also, but this is not very frugal ;-) ]

When taking calcium-magnesium tablets/or powder, wash it down with something acidic (like vinegar diluted in water), so that it will dissolve the cal-mag, so that your body can assimilate it.

Any time you take vinegar internally, be sure to rinse your mouth with plain water. Acid remaining on teeth will eventually (over time), dissolve your teeth, as it does with calcium deposits around the sink. [i never thought of my teeth as calcium deposits, but, hmmm, I guess they are...like my bones...]

We use 1/2 tsp white distilled vinegar to 1 tbsp rubbing alcohol to prevent swimmers ear.

Strange as it sounds, vinegar soothes the itching and burning of hemorrhoids. Just take a cotton ball and dab the affected area with full strength apple cider vinegar! Caution: some people find the full strength solution stings. If this happens to you, just dilute the vinegar half and half with water.

Sunburn Remedy:

At bedtime, cover sunburns with a towel soaked in water and vinegar and try to persuade the victim to sleep this way. Younger ones, of course, will have a struggle with this, especially because of the smell!

Put vinegar in a spray bottle and spray on sunburn. It soothes for quite a length of time. Just like store bought stuff.

A reader wrote this: I used this on my son when his legs were sunburned. I used half and half which was half water and half vinegar. I saturated tea towels in it and layed them on his legs and he said it didn't smell too good but it sure took out the burning. You must do this several times but it works and then it gives you a nice tan.

Vinegar will take the sting out of a sunburn - just soak a paper towel and apply to burn. Smells bad but, hey, if you're in pain, who cares?

To relieve swelling and fluid from too much sun, mix a paste of baking soda and apple cider vinegar and apply. This reader says it will draw out the fluid.

I met a girl who was told by her doctor to sit in the sun (she had some sort of skin problem). She was to use diluted red wine vinegar to keep from burning. She was out in the sun everyday of the summer and had a nice tan.(You have to understand that she lived in Phila., PA and I was visiting from FL).

When I went on a trip to the Keys to spend a lot of time on the water, I used a spray bottle filled with undiluted red wine vinegar. I had my friend spray my back occassionally while spraying the front more frequently. My back did get somewhat burned, but from head to toes the front of me was nicely tanned. (I did look really red from the vinegar, but after showering...ta da...tan) I'm not sure, but using the red wine vinegar has seemed to help me tan faster.


Vinegar is extremely effective on yeast infections. When I get an infection, I pour about 1 cup of white vinegar in my douche bottle and finish filling with warm water. I douche twice daily and in about 2 days my infection is gone. The vinegar smell leaves in about an hour.

Another reader writes: I have found that the vinegar bath also cures yeast infections, not only mine but also my infant daughter. My midwife suggested the vinegar bath while I was pregnant and it cured it and hasn't come back since. Twice daily and in about two days it's gone.

I nurse my daughter who has extremely sensitive skin. It seems that everytime I turn around, I have eaten something that breaks her out. I started giving her vinegar baths. I run her bath water and pour about a cup of apple cider vinegar in. It has been weeks now and her skin is smoother than it has ever been.

Put 1/2 cup into a pan to soak your feet in before a pedicure. It softens your skin.

I have seen many posts about using vinegar on a sunburn. When I burn myself when cooking I splash some white vinegar on a bit of paper towel and put it on the burn. It stops hurting immediately and if you keep it on, you will not develop a blister.

We use vinegar on wasp/yellowjacket stings. Just soak a cotton ball in cider vinegar and hold to the sore spot (can tape it on with bandage tape). Within a few minutes the pain stops. It would work on bee stings too, only you'd probably need to get the stinger out.

I have been dealing with a problem of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. If I sip water with apple cider vinegar during the day, those symptoms disappear. It works for me and would certainly be worth a try for those who experience this distressing problem.

My great grandmother swore by vinegar for almost everything. Two uses that I have tried and had great success with.

For a stiff neck , take a half vinegar half warm water solution and soak a rag in it, then wring the rag out and wrap it around your neck. Put a layer of plastic wrap (to keep your sheets dry) and finish up with a towel (be careful not to strangle yourself). Leave this on over night and in the morning you will not believe the difference.


For bruises and swelling follow the directions above, but use cold water. You can hold the "compress" in place with an ace bandage. leave on for at least an hour, but the longer you leave it the better the results. I have personally used this long after ice was effective for reducing the swelling and it works like a miracle.


I suffer from migraines and take Imitrex for them. When I dont have any on hand I use vinegar and it always helps me. May not be the cause for everyone though. I take a wash cloth and put water and vinegar on it and put it over my forehead. Seems to work great for me. If you suffer from migraines it is worth a try.

An old fashioned remedy for any headache was to soak brown paper with cider vinegar and apply it to the forehead. Possibly something about breathing the fumes helps in some cases, anyway.

Being a scuba diver for many years I swear by vinegar to remove the sting of a jellyfish.

Soak a cotton ball or piece of paper towel in vinegar, place it on the aching tooth... bite down - in moments the toothache is temporarily gone, giving you time to get to a dentist.

Many elderly people with high cholesterol have tried this drink with much success.



2 cups of grape juice

1 cup of apple juice

1/4 cup of white vinegar

Mix together and take 2 ounces before your largest meal everyday; only 2 ounces is needed for results.

Taking a little bit of vinegar with or just before meals isolates the fat in food and it passes through your system. I learned this a diet clinic. it works really great.

A couple of years ago I was suffering from a very stubborn infection in both of my ears. My ear doctor tried several antibiotics, but to no avail. Cultures of the infection showed strong resistance to most antibiotics, including Cipro. Eventually they had me on a regimen of intravenous injections (which I had to do myself 3 times a day), and a nurse would periodically come to my home and change the vein into which I would inject the antibiotic. This was all very nerve wracking.

That didn't seem to be making much progress, but my doctor learned of an ear specialist who apparently had a regimen that seemed effective in solving tough ear infections. Ironically, the night before I went to see this doctor, my dear old mother-in-law tried to convince me to try using a vinegar ear wash. Seems she had a book on "miracle" uses for vinegar. Can you guess what the Phoenix doctor's special regimen was? Vinegar and water! Use any vinegar, white is fine, and mix in equal amounts with water. Warm slightly so you don't screw up your equilibrium by putting cold water in your ear. Be sure not to make it too warm. Get an ear flush bulb and flush the affected ear 2 -3 times with the mixture twice a day.


In a few days my infection was history!


For those very painful "Charlie Horses" and muscle cramps, use half vinegar and half water, on a wet towel. Heat in microwave 20 seconds and place on pained area. It works great.

I am 49 years old and have suffered with very severe headaches since I was a young girl. I have tried many medications and remedies, but this simple and inexpensive thing can relieve the pain, sometimes within minutes. I usually lie down and rest, or try to nap, after doing this, but it's surprising how fast and effectively it works: Bring a small saucepan of water to a boil. Remove from heat and add 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar. Make a "tent" with a bathtowel over your head and breathe in the vapors, deeply and slowly. (If it makes you cough, cut back on the vinegar.) A few minutes of doing this will cure most headaches as well as pills or shots.

I have psoriasis and my skin is very dry. After I have showered, I spritz all over with a spray bottle filled with 3 parts cider vinegar and 1 part water and rinse again. There is no soap residue left on my skin and I don't feel itchy. I think it helps body odor, also.

I put a capful of vinegar in a glass of water when I am having indigestion problems. It gets rid of the gassy, bloating, diarrhea problems. It seems to help balance the acid needed for digestion.

Just one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water at meals can change your life completely. How? Apple cider vinegar contains acedic acid which stimulates the production of stomach acid. The more stomach acid the better as it breaks down your food into smaller molecules. The smaller the molecules the more efficiently your intestines and liver can absorb the nutrients it needs. In the old days the stomach would be producing acid all day long so it would be ready for meal time. But these days when the body is stressed the stomach stops producing acid so at meal time there's not enough acid to digest the food. This creates all kinds of problems; indigestion, gastic reflux, IBS, bad breath, diverticulus, fatty liver, lactose intolerance, allergies, fatique, you name it. But just a little bit of apple cider vinegar gets the stomach working again

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