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need some inspiration to keep going

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I lost my husband nearly a year ago to cancer. In the time after the diagnosis, he was screwed out of thousands by a friend that he had leased his trucks to. My husband owned three Peterbilts. He died knowing he had been betrayed by what we thought to be a good friend. I am now stuggling to make ends meet. I have spoken to dozens of attorneys over this matter. They all want so much down for retainers..some will not even take the case because they are afraid the man will bankrupt if taken to court. I try to to dwell on negative things, but it is difficult. I am being sued on one of the truck debts that I have not been able to pay. I make a decent income for myself. I did not see this coming. I have always worked hard. I have been careful with my money, but now I am having a terrible time with the second mortgage I took out to keep my husband's trucks going. He lost everything before he died. I knew he was dying, so did his friend. If I lose my home, I don't know where I will go. I am looking for a second job, but in times like these jobs are difficult to find. In the meantime, the so called friend still has his boats, camper, motorcycle, numerous vehicles, ect. Where is the justice?? I feel like I am being punished for something. I know heaven is the ultimate reward, but I don't understand why there has to be so much misery on earth. Some days I just absolutely do not want to go on, but I will. I have a daughter and numerous pets to care for. Please pray for us. I need some strength. Seeing Elizabeth Smart make it home safe and sound gave me a little hope in our fellow "man". Please pray for us. thanks

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(((((Sunnie))))) Welcome to Mrs. Survival!!! I am so sorry for everything that you are going through...I will be praying for you! My DH is also looking for a job. It is hard, specially with the war coming...and here we are facing a lot of job cuts. But the Lord is good and we continue to trust in Him...and we'll trust with you as well!

Again, welcome! Glad you have joined us!

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Sunnie a definate welcome to Mrs. S and my prayers are with you.

You need to take a deep breath, find a law library in your area and explain the problems you are having to the law librarians and they can help you. This is a free service not only for the legal profession but also to the public. They may even be able to steer you to an attorney who doesn't need a retainer or one who would make arrangements for payment after your case is settled. In the meantime take a break, browse the site and make yourself at home . Thankyou for sharing yourself with us. Its nice to have you here.

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So good to have you here...WELCOME!!


I'm so very sorry about the loss of your dear husband and all the troubles since! I know there is indeed light at the end of the tunnel and those of us at Mrs. Survival have been known to hold a few hands such as yours as you travel these dark days. Things will get better


You are in my thoughts and prayers!



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I read this and my heart goes out to you. I am so sorry people have treated you and your loved one like that. I do know from expierence that God avenges his own and even thought they sit there with all their material posesions, when it comes to the end of their life they won't be able to take it with them but they will take with them all their bad deeds unless they repent and are forgiven.


My prayers are with you. I will be praying that things get better for you and you can come to a place of peace and put this behind you when it is finally settled and can move on twards the future.


Hold strong to your morals, despite all that has been done to you and your family, in the end that will be all you will be able to take with you.



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Oooooh Sunnie.....in such tough times....faith....hope and trust are so very hard to come by......but then you realize ....those are the only things that help you make it through......Hang in there Sunnie...one step at a time.

You are in my prayers.



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Sunnie, so sorry for your loss, and for all the things you are going through. I will be praying for you too.


I'd try what Reci said, and see about a free lawyer, there should be someone around your area that would help you.


Please keep us up dated on your situation.



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Welcme to our home sonny, I wish you much help with this problem. This "friend" has to live with himself in the end and I'm sure he will one day be sorry for the injustice he has committed against your family. Please post anytime you want, in this place you will find love, guidance, fellowship, and encouragement. T.

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Oh, sunnie, you have been through so much in such a short time! I'm so very sorry.


There has to be some kind of solution... keep us posted, or reach us individually by PM (private messaging - go to "My Home" at the top of the messages).


Sometimes you'll run across someone who has been there & can give helpful advice.


In the meantime, try to hold it together. Are you sleeping? Eating good food? You need to be at your sharpest...


You are in my prayers. Please feel free to vent here anytime.



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