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Saturdays Dinner At The Reci House

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While the Mr. builds a new ceiling in the living area I will be working on my once a month cooking all day today so this is what I will be making for dinners for the month and we choose what we want to eat from the all day fixin's:


Meat I am cooking for dinners for the month:


1 14 lb Turkey

1 8 lb beef roast

3 meatloaves

80 meat balls

4 lbs of sloppy joe mix

2 lbs of chili dog sauce

2 roasted chickens

6 fried chicken breasts

6 stuffed pork chops

Leftover ham meals .



With the Beef Roast I will be baking onions, carrots and potatoes with the roast enough for 2 full size meals with beef left over for hot roast beef sandwiches and barbequed beef, plus some tv dinners from the beef.


After the turkeys done I will make up individual trays of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and veggie and stick them in the freezer. I have everyone I know who buys tv dinners to save me their trays. I wash them out and make up microwave meals with them.


I freeze the turkey carcass for soup later on as well as strip all the meat off the bones for sandwiches and other turkey dishes that I make.


I make a double size pan of sausage and applesauce stuffing which freezes well.



With the roast chickens I bake them, strip the bones, save the chicken breasts to put in tv dinner meals and bag the rest of the meat for meals like chicken and biscuits and chicken and rice dishes.


I make up dinners from the pork chops and stuffing with mashed potatoes, veggie


The Fried chicken goes in a large package after I flash freeze it.

The meatballs are also flash freezed and bagged in one or two large freezer bags. Its easier to freeze them first then bag them because you can take out what you need for a meal and the meat isn't frozen together...


meatloaves get separated for individual meals


Sloppy joe mix gets put in 6 containers

And the chili dog sauce gets put in six also to be frozen and taken out when I want to use it.


I also make about 10 hamburgers to freeze which are made with beef and ground turkey.


I cube and bag the leftover ham so when I want to make dishes from it I just pull it out of the freezer.



I will also be making 100 oatmeal raisin cookies

100 chocolate chip/with walnut cookies and

100 peanut butter cookies for the month.


I made 6 loaves of whole wheat and grain bread last evening as well as 2 pks of keiser rolls and hotdog rolls from scratch.


I made 2 apple pies and 2 of Cats chocolate pies last night and a sheet of brownies..everything from scratch.

I got a box of bananas from the grocery that are over ripe so I will be making banana nut bread today also.


So thats what is for dinner at reci's tonight... its take your pick night.

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Guest Guest

Our pastor's wife makes up individual meals as gifts for her grandmothers, who are alone now.


She bakes individual meatloaves in muffin tins, and freezes mashed potatoes in the muffin tins, too. It makes a nice-sized serving.


I have a book on once-a month cooking, but haven't been able to do it yet.


Thanks for letting us peek into your kitchen again!

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HOLIE MOLIE......you do ALL THAT in just ONE DAY????????????

Nooooo way!

You must have several ovens and huge pans and a Big freezer....and a big kitchen....to have all that space....or you must start when the rooster crows and go until you drop!

How can you prepare all the ingredients....and then cook it all????

You must have sooooooo many dishes and pans to wash!!!

I really can't imagine how you do all that....just cleaning up after making a turkey dinner and all the fixins is a big job....but you don't stop there....then you prepare for freezing......and do all the rest......man o man! You must live on coke and coffee! Amazing!!!!!!

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Guest Guest

I am totaly impressed by your ability to do so much in such a short amount of time. I think you must be very organized to do such a amazing feat. I worked one summer in a hotel banquet kitchen and that showed me a lot. And I've done a little bit of catering, but to do all that cooking in even a day or so must make you feel very satisfied. I can see the benifits of doing cooking like this. It would free up a lot of time during the rest of the month. And it would make shopping easyier. But I dont think I could move for a week after a marathon cooking day like that. So my family will just have to suffer with my quickie meals, and an accasional really good one. :-) Just don't tell my family that its possible to have a system like yours. I could never do it. Kimrst

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Yes - seriously impressed here in Dorset, Reci! Take my hat off to you. I want to do this too, so will start at the end of the month and let you know how it goes. I want to get into this as at the end of the month the clocks go forward to British Summertime, so I get and extra hour outside in the evenings, so to be able to pull something from the freezer in the morning will be wonderful. Also saves a lot on fuel, as the Rayburn, which is solid fuel, needs to be turned up each time I need to cook. May need another freezer, though!


I thought about making up biscuit (cookie) dough and freezing it, so I could have fesh biscuits without having to start from the beginning. The children would like that one!

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