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Reci......How you feeling?


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Hope you are keeping sane...I know how frustrating recovery can be. Hope you are totally ok soon! Luv ya! smile.gif


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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No Goodies for me except pudding over the Christmas Holiday... sigh... I have been living on smushy chicken vegetable soup and mashed potatoes with lots of gravy too.

I still feel somewhat weak from the knees on down and very tired which is to be expected after surgery from what I hear. With the food its a touch and go thing. Whatever doesn't agree with me I knock off my list of things to eat and this is just starting off on soft foods.

Do you all know what I am dying for.

A good all beef hot dog with a ton of chili sauce on it.... I can dream can't I.




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Been on that soft smushie diet, gets very disgusting after awhile..... sorry.

Hope you get your strength back soon.



Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when

our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

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WEll Reci.......you can have your chili dog....just throw it in a blender and give it a whirl....seeeee.....soft food.

Take your time Reci....it'll be awhile before you regain your strength....in the meantime.....keep bossin Mr. Reci around....i'm thinkin he's doing a great job!

Say Hi to him for us.





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Glad to hear you're hanging in there, Reci. Let us know how that blended ChiliDog tastes wink.gif. grin.gif Hope you keep doing good!


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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Oh Reci, I remember when DD#2 had her tonsills out at age 15, ewwwww.. She lived on ice cream, poached eggs, cream of wheat and jello for 2 months. As an adult she will eat none of those things now! Hope you're feeling better soon, and I have a BIG NJ Texas Weiner for ya when ya can eat it, right down to the chili and onions! twi

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