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20 Simple Juice Recipes

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20 Simple Juice Recipes


Carrot/Apple Juice

6 carrots

2 apples


Liver Mover


2-3 carrots

½ beet


Bromeiain Special


pineapple (skin & all)

unscrew top and throw away


Orange or Grapefruit


3 oranges (peeled)

or 1 grapefruit (peeled)


Evening Regulator


2 apples

1 pear


Digestive Special


handful of spinach

6 carrots


Holiday Cocktail


2 apples

1 large bunch of grapes

1 slice lemon with peel


Body Cleanser


4 carrots

½ cucumber

1 beet




handful of parsley

3 carrots

2 celery stalks

2 cloves of garlic



Cantaloupe Juice


cut into strips and juice

(rind and all)



The Waldorf

1 stalk celery

2 apples


Sunshine Cocktail


2 apples

4-6 strawberries



Energy Shake


handful of parsley

6 carrots



Watermelon Juice


cut into strips and juice

(rind and all)



Potassium Broth


1 handful of spinach

1 handful of parsley

2 stalks of celery

4-6 carrots



AAA Juice


6 carrots

1 apple

2 stalks of celery

½ handful of wheatgrass

½ handful of parsley

½ beet


Passion Cocktail


4 strawberries

1 large chuck pineapple

1 bunch black grapes



Morning Tonic


1 apple

1 grapefruit (peeled)



Digestive Cocktail


¼ lemon with peel

½ grapefruit (peeled)

2 oranges



Alkaline Special


¼ head cabbage (red or green)

3 stalks of celery








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