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Post your Easter Menu's Here! Lowie Please Post!

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Lowie since I am interested in cuisine across the pond would you be kind enough to post some Easter recipes here from Scotland and England. It would be most appreciated my dear!


Now on to Business:

My sister invited us for dinner but we decided to stay home for our main meal which will be:


Veggie Lasagna

Left over baked ham

Fruit salad

Baked beans


and for dessert

Strawberry Shortcake



Now later at my mothers we all get together.. 6 kids, and our spouses, 21 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren.

My brothers bring Italian Easter Pizza loaded with ham, cappicola, pepperoni and salami and alot of cheese and eggs that is a tradition for them to make.

There is ham, roast beef and other meats for meat trays that my sister in laws bring plus rolls from our cousins bakery,

Then I make 4 heaping Easter baskets with lots of chocolates and goodies for everyone to pick at and

My middle sister makes and decorates a huge sheet cake to bring.

My mother makes 500 home made ravioli and meatballs

My youngest sister and I also make a couple of trays of cookies and then the grown grandkids bring soda, coffee and tea.

I also make a couple of diabetic easter baskets for 2 of my diabetic nephews and the rest of the diabetics in the family. By the time the clan eats this feast everyone is ready to roll out the door of my mothers home instead of walking out.

Oh I forgot my brothers pick up a couple of sheet pizzas from my cousins bakery too.




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I hear Lowie is having Haggis molded into a bunny shape...hahhahaaaaaaaa


Oh boy Reci....i wanna come with YOU!


I'm having baked Ham.....mashed taters...my moms onion gravey.....corn...glazed carrots.....cresent rolls....what else? Dessert...lot's of dessert.


WE have an easter egg hunt for my nephews.....i stuff plastic eggs with hershey chocolate eggs/malted eggs/jellybeans/m&m's....skittles....lot's and lot's of different candy....and put Peeps and cadbury eggs in a zippy bag....with they're names on it...and give em each a bag and assign a color of eggs and off they go hunting.......fun to watch!

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