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I'm so discouraged...

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Hi everyone! I'm so discouraged today...DH had an interview yesterday for a job...and got hired! No this is not April fools. The reason I'm discouraged is because it looks like the job is really not for him. It's still his if he wants it, but we aren't sure it's the best for our family. Basically he'd be contracting himself out. He would go to people's homes and places of buisness to present a product. He doesn't have to sell it, just present it. Each presentation lasts for about 2 hrs. give or take 20min. They provide him with the names and appointments. They say that the "presenters" average 15 presentations a week (I suppose 3 a day, 5 days a week). You only get payed until you have done 54 presentations, but you get payed $1728 plus $300 for gas. It's a flexible squedule, but there are no benefits, which we really need him to have a job with health insurance. Also, no vacation time, retirement fund or anything like that. He was practically hired on the spot, but his dad really discouraged him from doing it. I'm a little upset about that too, because I feel as though my FIL (who really is a nice guy) doesn't think that my DH is worth $16 an hour. I do. I believe that my DH would be good at it, as long as he doesn't have to sell anything, just present it.

I'm starting to get nervous too...we are fast running out of money, and DH still doesn't have a job...even if he took this one, he wouldn't get payed until he has 54 sessions in!

Well, I guess I'm rambling off now...we are trusting the Lord and know that He will provide. I'll let you know when He does, because I know He will.

On another note, I get payed for my Spanish classes today, so that'll help. I usually use what I make for food, but I think this time I'll use stuff that I have "just in case" since I have a feeling that this might be our "just in case", and save the money I make to pay bills.

Ok, now I feel like I'm really rambling off...sorry. Thanks for listening...well, *reading!*

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Happy.....if the presenters average 15 a week....and he's not paid until he does 54......that means he's not getting paid for maybe 3 1/2 weeks....yikes!

Will he get paid if he does some and hates it....and quit's after a week or two?



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I agree with Reci. I have been in a similar line of work for 6+ years now and I can tell you for certain that a company is not going to give him that kind of pay for just advertising their product. Advertising is one of the biggest things I do in my job and it always comes with expectations. Always. I would ask a LOT of questions and read ALL the fine print.


The old but wise saying goes........... If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.


((((((((((((((((HG and family)))))))))))))))))


DH and I went 3 months on no income, did not ask or except any public assistance of any kind. Not even food pantries. I would recommend going to food pantries for help. That is what they are there for and I have seen so many use them to milk the system while eating out in restaurants 2-3 times a week. One family in particular had 5 kids and the whole family eat out in restaurants 2-3 times a week. Then they hit up all the local food pantries.


The only reason we did not hit up the food pantries is because here all you can get usually is junk food that is worse than going without in our opinion. We was given food for Christmas and have only ate about half of it so far. Gave the cereal away because we didn't like it and the people we gave it to was really struggling to survive too.


What I am saying is......... Keep doing what you have been doing and trusting God to bring you through this and more. He did it for us and he will do it for you too.


If you want some work, I can give you some names of some of the companies I work for. Mystery shopping is pretty easy, pays pretty good and the checks come in about 2 weeks after the data entry is completed. Plus if you keep your earnings under $600 a year for each individual company you work for, it is also tax free. You do not have to declare it as income.



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I truly understand what you are going through... And my heart goes out to you and your as well as my prayers. The best advice i can give you is when you pray take time out to listen for the answear. And dear Happy, never hang your head if you fine you need to ask for help. Just think, if you knew of some one in your situation, would you help? How would you feel if a friend of yours need some help and didn't say anything to you? If it hadn't been for some of our friends around, to help us out, our bellies would of scared off any one close enought to hear... take care and don't worry about rambling on from the short time that I have been on Mrs. S that is what we are all here for to be here for one another. Hugs to you

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((((Happy)))) Sorry you're going thru this. I have to agree; it sounds like a scam. No legitimate company would make you wait so long before you were paid.


Even taking a job at a fast food restaurant will provide you with some income, and probably free food too. That's something until you can find something else.


Yesterday when I was worrying, that song came into my head: "My faith is in You". God will lead us to where we need to be, if we will hear His voice.


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{{{{{Happygirl}}}}}} I'm sorry It sounds like a scam to me too. I'd look online and post his resume at Monster.com and the other online job sites. There should be something he can find there that will pay more than that. Can he get help through his former school's job placement office?

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Thank you all sooooo much for your support. It means so much to me! You guys are awesome! DH did NOT take the job. He called the very next morning and told them it wasn't for him. So he's stll looking. He is getting help from an oraganization to find a job, but as you know, there aren't many jobs out there right now. I feel a lot better today. He saw somebody yesteday and they said that they would reimburse him up to $150 for clothes for interviews and work. Praise the Lord!!! DH only has one outfit, so this should buy him several more. We are WalMart shoppers, so $150 will go pretty far.

I also got payed yesterday. Less than I had expected, since they won't be able to come one week, but I was pleased at my honest respose: *well, the Lord will provide another way*. And I know he will. I went in to turn in our lease yesterday too, and the manager said that if we decided that we wanted to stay longer, she would see what she could do to bring our rent price down. PTL!!! So He is providing. We are learning a lot. We are managing our money better, and the verse that talks about "if you are faithful in little that you will be faithful in much" (paraphrase) is really hitting home. So we continue to trust. We know that we will not go hungry, and that the Lord has every good and perfect gift in store for us. He knows His plans for us. Ok, now I'm preaching. It's just that I get on a role and then I feel like I can't stop! But I will...

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Glad things are looking up a bit for you all. Will continue to pray for you in all things.


You said: Ok, now I'm preaching. It's just that I get on a role and then I feel like I can't stop! But I will...


My question is......... Why stop? You don't see or hear any of us complaining do you? Maybe we like to hear (read) you talking. That is also a part of being part of a family. Isn't it? I mean if we only spoke when we had something important to say and was precise and to the point only, how would we ever get to know one another and share our unique personalities? How would we ever become a family and function as one?



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I am sorry I didn't get to this until now. With the grandsons here I didn't get on much.


I am glad your DH didn't take that other job. There has to be something out there for him. I know there use to be 'Job Shops' in Mpls. Has he been to one of them? They should be able to find work for him.


When I get down I think of the song, 'Never Alone', God is always with us, even when we feel all alone. I'll keep you and yours in my prayers.





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