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What do you think about dreams?

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For the last week or two I have been having these really vivid dreams where we are having to "bug out" or something major happens to the States. One of them (the last one) is still very clear in my mind...we were at my in-laws, who live very close to the city of Minneapolis. From their picture window (for real) you can see a park, but in my dream you could not only see the park, but the city as well, as if they were on a hill. We were just sitting there, talking about the war and how it affected us. Then there was a large BOOM (like lightning)that scared the daylights out of me. I jockingly said that maybe it was a bomb. My FIL said it was, and that there had been one before that, but that I hadn't heard it as well. And then all of the sudden the lights went out. My FIL went around making sure the house was locked up, and then came back to the living room. By the time he came back, DH and I realized we were there for a long stay, and that my inlaws weren't as prepared as we were at home. From the picture window, we could see cars parked on their lawn and in the park, ready to see the bombs that were going to drop on Minneapolis. It was an earie feeling. Why did they want to see distruction? Why weren't they worried about their's and their families safety? This was not a show, not TV, this was for real (in my dream)! And then I woke up, worried that the "what if" had come, and wondering if we were prepared enough or not.

What do you think? I'm probably just stressed about this whole war thing. I haven't been getting much sleep lately because DD is getting a moler. She's been waking up screaming (I assume from the pain), which of course means we don't sleep as well either, so that might have to do with the vivid dreams too.

Let me know what ya'll think!

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Your dream is very interesting. Everyone around us feels stressed out by this war and the loss of life. That could be playing with your subconscious. I believe there is something to dreams. I think because we are spiritual and prayerful beings we are affected by everything that happens around us.

Keep your eyes on all that is good and don't be frightened of the things that are happening around us but be aware and be prepared if the day comes when we must take care of ourselves and our loved ones and know we will be ready.

Pray and meditate for peaceful and positive thoughts while you slumber before you go to bed. I am a firm believer in Angels Our Spirit Guides and I know they are always watching over us.


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Mine have been disturbing lately......when I can sleep. I have a recurring dream, with a few variations.


Last March, we got the German Shepherd after a man who claimed to be selling carpet cleaning services, tried to force his way into our home. I'm alone in the neighborhood during the week. My dreams are all variations of three men at the door, and they realize that I realize that I'm in trouble at the same time. They grab for the door, but I slide the dead bolt on the screen door home, just in time, and slam the door and lock it too. they are trying to come in, and as I run to my room to get my gun, I have to go back for Missy, who is still protecting the front door. I finally get her in the bedroom, lock the door, and an loading my gun when I wake up....usually in a cold sweat.


I don't think this has to do with the war, but rather feels like a premonition. During the best times, I'm a light sleeper, and lately I can't sleep at all without help.


Other things are not going well right now (not between me and Caveman), and I am in a state of wanting to flee. I hope this passes soon. I really HATE this kind of confrontation.

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Oh, man... You guys make *my* recurring dreams seem *STOOPID*!


Happygirl, it sure sounds like you're stressed out about the war & terrorism, as many are. Be sure you're taking care of yourself physically, and then when DD gets the molar in & sleeps better, you should be able to relax a bit.


If you're worried about DH's family not being prepared, maybe you can try storing more rice & beans & water, just in case.


I know you are concerned about money, too, so maybe it's partly a dream about possibilities *there*, too - coming disaster, etc.


If you can sort it out without obsessing on it, you will get more comfortable with the feelings coming into it.



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I for one think a lot about dreams, there has been to many times in my life that has given me reason to pay attion to them. There are dreams to release stress, dreams for enjoyment, dreams to warn etc...

Happygirl are you worried about your in-laws being prepared, and not taking what is happening serious enough. To me you sound like one who care very deeply for ALL of her family and you are worried about them. If so relax in knowing that you have and are doing all that you can. And trust in the Lord to do the rest. Sweet dreams to you


Mare.. if you really feel this is a premonition. Then do all that you can to avoid it. Let me ask has there been things happening in your area of concern such as b&e, or any of that stuff. I would suggest you just do all that you can and like before trust in the Lord to do the rest(sounds like i am repeating). Something that might help you to sleep and rest e-z'er is to streach before bed, do a little yoga, say a prayer. there's this saying that is neat "If you worry Pray, if you pray why worry" I pray for you to that what ever it is that is making you want to flee will pass and let you alone.


Cat ... i agree with Reci stop the cheesecake and pickles before bed. Really though yours is more in a personal area. And sound like you have it together even if you don't think so yourself. To help you sleep do i really have to repeat myself Cat believe in yourself.

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Happygirl I hope the bad dreams stay away! They can at times be pretty realistic.


Most of the time I can tell what my dreams are trying to tell me. Sometimes they even come true! I drempt I gave birth when I was very young, and it was exactly like the real thing except for the pain. 9 months later my baby brother was born! So in that case I felt it was a premonition.


When I am feeling overwhelmed I have a recurring dream of a tornado, and having to go down to the basement. In my dream the tornado always misses the house, but it is very huge and scary every time. Haven't had that one in a long time thankfully.


I think dreams do tell us quite a bit about what is going on in our unconscious mind, and if you get in the habit of writing them down it can be very interesting to read them later.


My favorite dream of all time is the one I had when I was pregnant with Cassie. I dreamed I had a litter of black and white puppies LOL!

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