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Ever Feel Like a Fool?

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Today DH and I took an acquaintance to the ER. He passed out at the local bait store and the owner called and asked us to help him. We took him to the nearest ER (20 miles away) and stayed there until he was released since his parents weren't home. ( I called them continually the whole time while I was waiting) Anyway, after 3 hours at the ER he was released and his parents still weren't home so we took him home. Another 15 miles further out from our home. When we dropped him off he never said thanks or offered us any gas money or anything. (Which of course we wouldn't have accepted but he didn't know that) I began to wonder if we had been suckers or what? We basically spent the whole day and nearly 100 miles of driving for someone who didn't seem to appreciate it at all. I guess I would do it again but instead of feeling good about helping someone in need I feel kind of used. I also know that he will definitely not advance from acquaintance to friend after this little episode.

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There are times in life we do these things ultimately for *us*.


Meaning that, even though he seemed ungrateful, YOU still were the better human being for doing a good deed.


Maybe his passing out scared him & he wasn't *thinking*, maybe he was ashamed & embarrassed & didn't have money, maybe he's just a *ditz*.


*I* think you did a wonderful thing.

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Momo.....I know exactly how you feel.....been burned quite a few times trying to help people....doesn't stop me because so many more do appreciate the assistance and guidance we provide...the few that don't are helpless and don't know how to say thanks, ignorant and uncaring, or just plain nasty people looking to take advantage of good people like us......we need to continue doing what we know is right in our heart!

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I have to agree with Lois.


I know I have taken a neighbor to town with me and not gotten a dime for it either. She has thanked me though.


I have to go only about 2 miles out of my way to pick her up, so not that far. The thing was, she would not ask in a good way, she would just ask if I was going to town and when I said yes, she would say, 'I'll go with you'. If she would have said, 'may I go with you', or 'would you be able to take me'. But, no, most of the time it was 'I'll go with you'.


We do things like this because that is the way we are.



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I agree, I call it the code of the farmer. Quickly becoming a lost art. I was taught and strongly believe you help someone out if they need helping and you can help. In the past when others have offered to pay me for my help, I have always refused to take any money. I just tell them when someone else needs help, if you stop and help them, you have paid me.


A few years ago I was privledged to help a couple of ladies that was stranded along side the road. Their car broke down and they was on their way home from the hospitol. They was not from the area and knew no one. It was a few days before Christmas and we was having a cold snowy day.


They told me they were stranded for over 1/2 hour and I was the first one to stop and check on them. So sad to think that people are either uncaring or afraid to help a stranger. I took them into town to a store where they could call home and have someone pick them up. I got a church to tow their car to a gas station for them until they could come back with help a few days later and get it. I stayed with them for 5 hours until I saw their family arrive and knew they had a ride home and all was ok with them.


They took my name and address and later sent me a Christmas card thanking me and telling me they paid their debt to me. Another family was stranded along side the road and they stopped to help them. The one lady's husband was a machanic. Got the broken car fixed and sent them on their way telling them when they helped another who needed help they paid their debt to them.


It is a good way to encourage others to bring back the code of helping one another.


For those who are ungreatful, or fail to say thank you..... I just think about what ever I do, I do unto Jesus.



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Things like that have happened to me, too, Momo. It's frustrating for me when I try to do something good for someone, and they seem unappreciative. I have to remind myself I try to do good deeds because it's what we're to do - not because I expect thanks/gratitude.....but sometimes that sure is hard to remember! I was taught to say please and thank you, and it just blows my mind that so many didn't learn that lesson!

The other thing that really bugs me, is when you do a good deed for someone, and others think you have some selfish motive! Now THAT really irritates me!

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