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What are you canning today? Part 8

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So, I haven't done a proper count yet-- that'll be done when I label everything this afternoon. But this past weekend I did something like . . .


7 pints triple berry jam

12 pint habenero/ apricot jam

4 pints (About?) Raspberry/ white wine jelly

4 pints rhubarb strawberry jam


Will be canning more tonight, some jam, some just canned, some pie filling, because I need to clear all this out of the freezer. . . so much rhubarb and strawberries. . . maight make some rhubarb-strawberry candy. . . yummy. . . :canning: !



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I don't know what I'm going to be canning but I WILL be canning something this weekend!! I just bought a bunch of lids and rings from Lowes (for 58 cents a box!) and will pick them up after work today. While I am there, I will also check to see what else they have left. It may not be much but if I can use it, then I will buy it!

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Zophiel!!!!!! Don't know how you find time to work!!!!!! That's a lot of time consumed!!!!



That was Saturday and Sunday afternoon! (Saturday morning was going to the garden, and Sunday morning was Church).


But, we really need the room in the freezers-- with the Holidays coming up, we tend to do a lot of prep work on dishes in advance, freeze them, and then finish on the holiday. This makes things a lot easier for the holidays, but it also means that I've got to do something with all the fruit we stored up over the summer in the freezer.


And, Roommie's mom sent us like. . .10+ lbs of rhubarb in the mail, which we froze, but I now have to do something with. Also a ton of strawberries. And raspberries, and peaches, and plumbs, and blueberries. . . And we have a lot of apples at the moment, so I know all of this can go together for a slew of good things.


And besides, we'll finish off those 7 pints of 3Berry in under 2 months, lol. And the habenero and wine jellies will be good as parts of gift baskets come Christmas time . . .


Good thing was, there was liquid pectin in the markdown area yesterday-- I'll be going back this afternoon to finish cleaning that out, if it's still there (along with the rice and oatmeal I spied). Soo~ooo, provided I have enough jars (mom brought home a nice load Saturday morning), I'll be putting up quite a good amount.


Which is good, if tiring. I was wiped last night, when I finished processing the last of the wine jelly (with moments to run to the door to hand out candy to the pirates, angels, and vampires that came calling. . .

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Saturday morning #2 son went to the local farmers market (as if these gardens aren't enuf!) and brought home a 25 pound box of Asian Pears, 2 big bunches of kale, 2 bunches of mustard greens, 3 bunches of red chard and a big bunch of cilantro and basil. And then stopped at Costco and got a 2.5pound bag of spinach! KIDS! Even when they are adults (?) they can be ........My garden kale and chard had already been harvested and eaten.


So, I started washing greens, chopping greens and blanching enuf greens to fill a Rubbermaid tub. Ended up with 12 pints of canned greens.


While I was getting green, He hauled out the apple contraption and the Squeezer and big crockpot to make Asian pear butter. It turned out very good, like apple butter. Then he decided he really wasn't happy with some salsa made a few days earlier and made another batch using some of the fresh basil and cilantro and the last of the peppers in the garden, mixed the 2 and canned it up. Much better.


I have no idea what I did Sunday... Monday morning it's 'Mom, why don't we make some chicken soup?' as he pulls the canners down off the shelf. So we chop potatoes and carrots and celery and he grills some boneless chicken thighs and breasts and we make 14 quarts of soup.


Today, Tuesday, he asks when's the last time I made Hamburger Soup? Uhhhhh, today I guess. I really think he likes using the weird tater peeling gloves he bought me awhile back, just rub,rub and those little walnut sized taters are peeled. So, now we have 14 quarts and 4 pints of hamburger soup.


I don't think we will go hungry this winter for sure. He has a job for tommorrow and Thursday so I can clean house and NOT can anything. Hubby will be home this weekend and get to sample our work from the past 2 weeks..........pigz

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  • 1 month later...

I canned 7 pints of Darlene's chicken soup over the weekend for Christmas gifts. Dh's brother, Dh's friend and my uncle are all single and live alone. I plan to give them each a couple of pints with a baggie of egg noogles. My two co-workers that I share an office with will get quarts, I did them quite a while ago.

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  • 3 weeks later...

DD came over this morning and we canned 25 pints of baby carrots and 8 quarts of ground beef. I am so happy when she wants to can with me.


Of course, the carrots and ground beef were both on sale.

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One thing that is really cool about our neighborhood is that they have citrus trees growing all over the public areas, so last night I went on a citrus collecting rampage. :) I now have a full laundry basket of assorted oranges, and I am going to get them in the canner today. Hooray! :D Once the grapefruit are ripe, I'll can up a bunch of that for my DH (I think grapefruit tastes like bile...ew!). All of it for free!

I really need to do some experimenting with canning my own soup. I get really sick of the watery Campbell's stuff...

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  • 4 weeks later...

We have more than one pressure canner and prep the day before a lot of times, too. I have 2 pc's and you can stack 2 layers of pints or 3 layers of half pints. I can get done so much faster with those 2 tall canners. Plus, get up early and stay up late. Have meals fixed ahead of time so no time stopping to cook.

That and it sure helps to have others helping !

As long as you are doing what you can, that is the main thing. You are at least doing something. I really am proud of you !

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well, so far this week...

26 pints of pinto beans

20 pints of red beans

20 points of navy beans

20 pints of lima beans

35 pints of black eyed peas

15 pints of black beans

15 pints of great northern beans


:canning::sassing: i think i am going a little crazy right now


i still have about 100 pounds of beans to go--i figure--why not?? i have the time and the jars--and it will keep them from getting old

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We have more than one pressure canner and prep the day before a lot of times, too. I have 2 pc's and you can stack 2 layers of pints or 3 layers of half pints. I can get done so much faster with those 2 tall canners. Plus, get up early and stay up late. Have meals fixed ahead of time so no time stopping to cook.

That and it sure helps to have others helping !

As long as you are doing what you can, that is the main thing. You are at least doing something. I really am proud of you !


Violet, those are GREAT tips and I am going to print them out and put them in my Blue Book!! :) I wish I had one of those tall canners...maybe someday... LOL Thank you for your encouragement. I appreciate it more than you know! :D *hugs*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. I thought I was doing lots of canning..until I stopped by and read about what you UBER-canners are doing. I'm new to posting on this forum. I hope I have this right Anyway, this is what I did this year


Beef/veggie broth - 4 pints

Butternut Squash - 8 pints

Chicken broth 7 pints

Cranberry juice 5 pints

cran/mixed-berry Juice 6 quarts 6 pints

Ground Beef 7 pints

Potato- 9 pints 12 quarts

Sweet potato 1 quart, 14 pints


1 pint Potato

1 pint butternut squash

1/2 pint carrots



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Welcome misskimie! Some of here do seem to put up a lot of canned foods but after a while of doing it, it's just another day in the kitchen for some of us. I do think that we all started out small and worked our way up to marathon sessions. It kinda gets under your skin after a bit. Plus there is nothing like knowing what you are eating and the different taste we get from our labors. I looked at your blog and it is very nice. Looking forward to more post from ya!






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