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What are you canning today? Part 8

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Freezer/frig canning...at least that's what I call it anyway: two quart jars of fully cooked pork tenderloin halves. I cut the loin in half and put it in my cast iron chicken fryer with some sesame oil in bottom to sear it a bit. Then covered it and cooked for about 4 hours. Yum, yum! Then I put each half into a wide mouth Ball canning jar and put on used lids and then rings. Let them cool (and yes...they did ping) and into my freezer they went. It will be awefully nice to just grab a jar, let it thaw and we've got a nice base for a meal. After MrWE2 left from lunch I diced up some of the red/yellow/orange sweet peppers (the little ones) and put them into a pint sized jar with lid, and into the frig they went. Sometimes I just don't have enough of a product to fire up the canner, and sometimes I know we'll eat it in less that a week or so...so...this is how I save them rather than putting them into baggies etc. I already have a jar of the purple onions and it's nice to grab it and some of these peppers for our eggs in the morning. I'm not sure if anybody's ever done this before, but I can use my hairdryer and soften my used lids and put them on a jar & ring it real quick, and they seal a jar really good for my freezer and refrigerator foods...that we'll be eating shortly. Just sharing some of the things we do around here to save our foods and make the most of our dollars. Just despise throwing out anything! Even our leftovers are now going into a half gallon GLASS jar with gasket lid...in the frig...for Abby'girls dog food supplement. She's loving her dietary additions...and yes, we're careful what we put in there :-)

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14 quarts of beef stew pinging and cooling. The kitchen smells wonderful. Hubby ate the last of the stew that didn't fill a jar and approved of the batch. I love my weighted gauge canner! While the canner was rocking away, I cleaned up the kitchen. Until Darlene brought up weighted gauge canners, here, years ago, I didn't know such a thing existed. I pressure canned a lot and would be tethered to that dial for hours on end. Now, I listen and carry on. So, thanks, Darlene! I can really multi-task now.

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I've only had a weighted gauge. Last canner I got a couple of years ago had both the dial and gauge. When the pressure has built up, I check the gauge to make sure it's right and then just let the weight do the rest at keeping up. I set the timer, grab a book and a sweet tea at the kitchen table and listen to the SHHHHHHH. And smile. It's great isn't it!

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Yes, it is! I feel guilty for not using my little buddy, Dial Gauge Boy. He is a very old canner from my MIL. We ate years of delicious preserved bounty from him.

I was looking at some You Tube videos of canning and saw the exact model as Dial Gauge Boy and the gal had converted hers to a weighted gauge. I will have to do this.

The other problem with Dial Gauge Boy is, he takes forever to decompress. The new model cools down more quickly. Can't beat that!

I, too, catch up on my reading during canning season!

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Just removed five pints of bbq beans from my canner. Looked a bit dry (no sauce?) so I popped open a jar...they're taste nice, soft and scrumptuous! Just no extra sauce. Guessing they'll make wonderful re-fried beans too!

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I received 200lbs of apples yesterday morning.


So far I have 35 qts of applesauce and 21 of pie filling, and a batch of apple butter cooking down in my crockpot overnight... probably 6 or so pints, so I'll do at least one more batch of that.


I'm only halfway through the apples. :blink:

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Well it was to be acorn 'meats'. To make acorn meal. But almost all were wormed. I recognise the acorn weavil larva, and the acorn moth larva, but these are not. Stink bug? Cracked about four bushels. Sheesh.



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I received 200lbs of apples yesterday morning.


So far I have 35 qts of applesauce and 21 of pie filling, and a batch of apple butter cooking down in my crockpot overnight... probably 6 or so pints, so I'll do at least one more batch of that.


I'm only halfway through the apples. :blink:


Don't forget to make yourself some spiced apple rings (use red hot candies)...they're a treat :-)

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I had only one sealing ring/gasket to share between TWO canners. :( That is now remedied......I bought another gasket at Ace Hardware yesterday, so productivity should increase (when I can afford to buy stuff to put up that is.) :hapydancsmil::canning:



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Don't forget to make yourself some spiced apple rings (use red hot candies)...they're a treat :-)




Oooohh.... do tell. That sounds like a treat I need to know about! :D



I'm sure you'll find lots of recipes online and around here too. For mine, I use half pint jars or wide mouth pints. Using my apple peeler/corer (but you can do them by hand) I place the "rings" inside the jars leaving about 1" head space. In a separate pot I mix a quart (?) of apple juice (depends on how many jars you're going to make), a cup of candied red hots and bring it to a slow boil and turn down the heat and simmer until the candies are completely melted. You "syrup" should be VERY red, and taste it to make sure it's spicy. Then pour the "syrup" over your apple rings...again, leaving an inch of head space. Debubble...very carefully so you don't mash up your apples. Then process them in your pressure canner like you would apple pie filling. We love them as a side to any supper.

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Not canning today...but I did mix up a batch of dough that's in the oven with the light on for some more bread :-) Oh...I bought a package of 8 cheapy shower caps at $Tree and they fit wonderfully over my bowl. Also picked up a linen/polyester table cloth that I'll make a pastry cloth out of.


Guess this is going to be a BIG ps...a person was leaving town for a week or so and gave me a nice big bag of Roma tomatoes...so, I have 8 half pints of picante/salsa sauce (just whipped it up in my Vita-Mix and filled my jars) in my water bath canner. My linen tablecloth worked wonderfully for making bread! (Yes, we trimmed off the ends for some jelly at lunch) Just shook it out and went into the washer for the next time! Also fixed an "Itty Bitty" cake with fall colored sprinkles for us to nibble on. Oh...and when we were at the Jacob Cave Meadowlands Friday, I picked up a nifty little kitchen gadget for 50 cents! Wanna see whatsa goin' on around the WE2's house? Thought I drop a pic in also of the vanilla pudding I made last week...it's gone :-(






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I will be pressure canning green beans tonight. Got them all ready this afternoon and will do the easy work tonight while washing up some kale for a salad. Everything grew like crazy in the past 2 weeks we were on vacation. :grinning-smiley-044:

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End of the Garden Pickles/Salad: cut up the produce as it comes in spurts and make pickles out of it. Todays batch had cucumbers, zucchini, celery, green peppers and one lone hot pepper that I sliced up and divided between 3 jars. Used a bread & butter pickle type syrup so I can eat it like salad when I start to miss the garden, round about Feb. Then I 'dry canned' (oxygen absorbers, not the oven kind) a bunch of white whole wheat and about 6 kinds of assorted beans for my longer term store-room.

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Made a small batch of mint scrub yesterday...enough for three small jelly jars and a bit left for me :-) I'm going to be giving them as gifts this Christmas. I'll need to add just another touch of coconut oil to them though, it's a bit dry for my liking.

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Just finished making up a half gallon of my bleach that I use in the kitchen. I've used the Evolve bleach tabs for years, both in my laundry and diluted for the kitchen etc. Such a huge savings! I've shared it here before "someplace" but thought I'd share it again. I keep putting a bottle back (each has 32 tablets = 32 loads of laundry) here and there. You know me...use one bottle, buy two to replace it :-) Anyway, just a cost saver and a storage saver tip for me. When I mix it for my kitchen (I have a previously used 2 quart Clorox bottle) I just drop a tab in, fill it 3/4 full of hot water, and let it sit until it stops fizzing. Then top it off, put the cap on and under the sink it goes. Wanna see?


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Still working my way through the apples. I'm a glutton for punishment so I agreed to take 50 more lbs on Tuesday. :grinning-smiley-044:


Today I have 14 pints of apple pie jam, 8 pints and 10 half-pints of maple apple jam, and 16 quarts of apple juice on my counter.


Only 2 boxes of apples left!! :hapydancsmil:

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Still working my way through the apples. I'm a glutton for punishment so I agreed to take 50 more lbs on Tuesday. :grinning-smiley-044:


Today I have 14 pints of apple pie jam, 8 pints and 10 half-pints of maple apple jam, and 16 quarts of apple juice on my counter.


Only 2 boxes of apples left!! :hapydancsmil:


You'll be very glad to have them on your shelves!

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Just finished up the crumbles this morning...got ten pints plus about a half bag to put in my freezer. Will make some pretty good chili! They're seasoned so won't have to do nothing but "dump"! LOL Wanna see?



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Found some frozen green beans on sale for such a ridiculously low price! Bought up some and just finished canning up several pints. We love them things and (so does Abby for her supper supplement) we'll truly enjoy this this winter. Also just finished canning some quarts of pinto beans. We're having a birthday bash for MrWE2 in November and I'll use them to make my roaster full of homemade chili for the gang. Still eating out of our freezers etc., so it's dwindling down but that's good. We'll eat all winter on the canned goods. I love not having to go outside when it's blistery and perhaps snowy...to shop for anything :-)


Oh..ps...I've canned frozen green beans before and didn't have any problems with them. Just gotta make sure you cook them the FULL amount of time. I also put a few tiny crumbles of onions in mine so I always take in allowance for additions to any of my foods...ie...I put strips of bacon in my pinto beans...90 minutes :-)

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