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What do you collect?

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I was wondering what different things people collect. I used to collect plates. Everywhere I went I bought a plate. I have plates from 36 different states, a plate from Calgary, Canada, a plate of Prince Charles and Lady Di’s engagement, plates from the islands we visited on our cruise, plates from the 7 countries our exchange students were from and others. Now I’m tired of them and they’re all stored in boxes. I wonder if my kids will ever have any interest in them.


Every year I bought the kids a Christmas ornament from Hallmark. DD has a collection of dolls. Same as with the plates, we bought them every time we went somewhere special. DS has basketball cards and Hot Wheels. Of course, if I’m lucky, in time those will go to their homes.


Now I’m collecting fairies. I’m very particular about the fairies for 3 reasons. I don’t want a gazillion to wonder what to do with, they have to be sturdy enough to be outside in the gardens and I only want ones with pretty happy faces. I don’t like ugly ones.


So, what does everyone else collect?


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I collect coffee mugs, t-shirts-posttcards and rocks and seashells from everyplace we visited along with a collection of mini lighthouses and anything lighthouse and sea related.

I have tons of angel figurines and anything angel that I have collected for years.

I also collect fossils ( no not Cappy ) and anything having to do with palentology and also herpetology. I love Skinks

I just started a new hobby a while ago of collecting porcelin dolls- all sizes. When I was a child because there were so many in my family we always got one doll for Christmas and every year my middle sister always broke the doll so in my old age I am reverting back to childhood and collecting dollies of any kind really. I also continued collecting Teddy Bears which my DD had been collecting right up until the time of her passing. The Teddy Bears and Angels need their own rooms.

I have two huge doll houses that Cappy gave me but has yet to put them together. I also collect cheapy americana items but have a few old antiques too. There is more but this list is just a few of the things that have been collected from over the years. All Treasures... Hey Dee I would love that Charles and Diana Plate. ....I collect alot of Royal stuff and I forgot to mention alot of old history items. I have the actual local newspapers from when Queen Elizabeth was crowned Queen and have other papers that go back farther. I have to preserve and frame them.

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What a fun thread this will be!


what do I collect?


Dust under the bed, cob webs in every corner, oh, wait... you didn't mean that did you?


I collect old aprons and patterns, perferably 1940's. I love cookbooks and have about four hundred plus. I also have a collection of Hall's Jewel Tea dishes, the Autumn Leaf pattern. I collect hat boxes and hats from the 40's-50's. I also have clocks all over the house.


and tomorrow, maybe something else will tickle my fancy.



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Hey Westy....we have the same collection of dust bunnies and cobwebs.....isn't it great how easily we can add to our collection? WHat do you think of belly button lint?



I collect Pink depression glass...cut glass....hand carved wooden hobo's from Stockholm Sweden.......and if you call one thing a collection....i have a nice old working stand up radio/record player.....1958 Grundig and Majestic.....it's a beauty.

My all time favorite is a chocolate set........it's very old...Royal Nippon ..it's gold over white.....with beautiful rose/pink/gold color cabbage roses......

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Alot of stuff (junk)


I'm lucky I finally have a basement and an attic.


Number one is sentimental items. These I can never part with. My great grandma's slop jar, my son's baby teeth etc.


I collect different types of glassware including depression glass and pyrex ware.


DH collects model Ford 8N tractors and 1950 Mercury cars. Plus the real 8N tractors and some buggies. The kind horses pull.


I also collect books and old family photos.


I am best at collecting dust and pounds though!



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I collect cookie cutters, have over 500 diffrent ones. I also collect how to books, especally on homesteading and animal rearing. I used to collect and want to continue but money has stopped me, The series of Chicken Soup For The Soul books.


Like Westbrook, I collect animals, especally dogs, the more I try to get rid of, the more I seam to drag home. Just can't resist them cute little puppies. Forcing myself to say no. LOL

Westbrook's collection of animals is goats not dogs though. Surprised she didn't list that one. LOL


DH swears I just collect, junk that is.


DD collects toy horses.



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Funny how many of us collect dust! Well, I won't say I personally get that dusty, but my house sure does. Maybe because of all the animals I've collected! I'm another one who can't say no to those big, sad eyes. I guess my number one thing to accumulate is books. It kind of goes with being a teacher and a student. (Teachers never really get finished taking classes.) I also am getting quite a collection of tools. Since I'm fixing up a wreck of a house and plan to build my own someday, plant collection, too.

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Okay this is a fun post.... I too collect dust bunnies..tee hee but no belly button lint... blebbie?

Momo what made me laugh the most is at first I was thinking welll...... I don't really collect anything, except dust and money ha

but when you said son's teeth I had to laugh.. Ihave eveyone of the teeth that my kids have lost... they think it is nuts and morbid and just plain outright awful.. they are all in a necklace box... even the ones that were crowns... I have them all and willnot part with them.. not that anyone would want them... Then of course came the question, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THEM?????????? I thought the tooth fairy took those...lol....

I have a lot of frogs, not live breathing frogs, of course... but figurines that people have given me... ugly frogs, funny frogs... dirty frogs., glass frogs, ceramic frogs, garden frogs... you name it I got it.. still trying to hide them all.....

I used to collect tins... dust collectors.. off to salvation army, the whole lot of them....pennies...lots and lots and lots and lots.... probably hundreds of dollars... will roll one day and treat myself... Just found an old collection of American money.... worth way more than Canadian.. found it just this morning while I was getting dressed, almost $100 forgot all about it... Soooooo I am going to take it on the weekend and buy a camera... don't have one to take pictures of my daughter's graduation.


Okay.... I'll shut up now.

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Ahhh. Brigid...another girl who recognizes the significance of old teeth! DH collects them too. He keeps his in a jar in the bathroom. LOL! I am soooo glad he never looks at the computer or I would be in deep doggy doo right now.

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This is a great topic! It's fun reading what everyone is interested in. I enjoy glassware and dishes....water pitchers and sets of dishes, in particular. None of them are anything spectacular or expensive, but just things I like. DH started giving me Snowbaby musical waterglobes years ago, and that grew into a small collection of Snowbabies, also.

DD has a collection of what she called 'open ups' when she was very young - 'open ups' being the little knick-knacky things that are hinged and open up to show a little scene. DS has a large comic book collection, which I keep promising to inventory/organize for him. DH loves tools and gadgets.

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