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New Update on Fran

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Good morning everyone, I just want you to know that I talked to Fran yesterday. She had just gotten home and was in a lot of pain yet. Of course they had sent some nice pain pills home with her.


Sounds like the surgery went fine and tomorrow she can take the bandage off.


She is able to read on line, but not doing any posting as she has to much trouble typing with just the one hand.


She said to tell you all 'Hi', for her and thank you for your thoughts and prayers.


Remember, she is all along as far as family goes, she has no one in the town where she is. The neighbors have been very kind to her.


She is unable to have any kind of insurance because of her medical conditions. She has not been in TN long enough to get on any kind of state insurance. So this is going to cost her a bundle.


Sorry I didn't get this in yesterday, but I didn't get on line after I talked to her.



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Oh boy.....that post was filled with good and bad news........SO Happy the surgery went well and Frannies arm is fixed....hopefully not in pain anymore.....but Yikes......no insurance.....oh if only i had money to give!! Prayers will have to suffice.

Hang in there Frannie.......sending BIG HUGS!

Thanks Snowmommie for the update....your a great friend!



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Thank you for the update Snowmom....

Frannie, you take care of yourself, We have planted most of the flower seeds you sent if they all come up I will have cut flowers for the house all summer. ((((Frannie))))

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Just a short post to let you know I just heard from Fran. You know 'Murphy's Law', well it is so true.


Fran didn't call from her home, she called from the hospital. She has pneumonia now and will be in the hospital for a few days. She is also getting blood transfusions as they said her blood was low.


She also told me her DD and SIL are on their way up from FL. to be with her. I asked her to let me know when she gets home as she didn't know the phone number of the hospital. I didn't think fast enough to get the name of the hospital either.


She sure has had her share of problems.



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I miss our Fran..she's so important to all of us.


I will keep her in my prayers.


Please tell her we love and miss her for me.



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Frannie.......I'm so sorry to hear that you have been ill, and in the hospital. I send my prayers and positive energy for your recovery.


Snowmom said you couldn't get any help with medical bills because you hadn't been in TN long enough! If it's Medicaid, they can't do that. There is a Federal law prohibiting ANY waiting period for American citizens, in any state. If it's a state funded program you're looking at, it could be different, unless they receive matching funds from the Feds. I'd sure like to talk to you about it.......maybe I can help.


In the meantime, please get well.



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What a month! Frannie sorry to hear about your problems but glad your home.


Mare wrote " Snowmom said you couldn't get any help with medical bills because you hadn't been in TN long enough! If it's Medicaid, they can't do that. There is a Federal law prohibiting ANY waiting period for American citizens, in any state. If it's a state funded program you're looking at, it could be different, unless they receive matching funds from the Feds. I'd sure like to talk to you about it.......maybe I can help."


Hospitals have programs for just this thing... If you have problems I can give you info on it!


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hope Fran is doing lots better.

i understand the medicale $$$. We where paying out over 1000.00 just in meds for dh.

Sure do hope you get the help with these bills and things. I get really upset with THOSES PEOPLE(?) when there are those in need. our DSIL got ourt of a er bill. he had to take our dd to er and ended up paying only 50.00 for the bill. He has wrote a booklet on how to do it all. If you want let me know and I can let you know how to get it a copy. it really works

















































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