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tick site itching


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Okay, had a tick and pulled it off successfully. It was intact, head and all, no parts were left behind. No red ring has shown up or anything like that as of yet. (it's only been 4-5 days since pulling it off) But, the site where it was it itching like crazy!!!! There is a small "lump" at the site too. Should I be concerned and is there anything I can do for the itching? I've tried hydrocortison cream and nothing. Help! :misc-smiley-231:

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Not sure... I haven't had any of those. But I went searching. Here you have suggestions ranging from everything from cucumber slices to Benadryl...





After this long, a trip to the doctor *might* be in order tomorrow. :shrug:

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Not to strike terror ....but the term Lyme disease is very, VERY serious. It is a disease that is subject to a LOT of contention between doctors. But I know two close friends who have the systemic, long-term version of this.


I'd get that site checked pronto. And research Lyme for yourself - both sides of the controversy. Don't accept a pat-on-the-head answer.


What you have might JUST be an annoying itch. I do not know what the initial symptoms of Lyme are.... :shrug: But I'd make very sure, if I were you.


MtRider :pc_coffee:

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I agree with MT_Rider. As a Lyme Disease sufferer I would suggest that you might want to check it out. Normally it is considered that a tick has to be embedded for 24 hours before the disease is contracted but that has proven to be untrue. The way you remove the tick is also important. If it was not removed with a tweezers at the head it is possible to actually inject the germ INTO your skin by squeezing the tick even if you did get the head out. Even then it's still possible to get LD.


Not everyone gets the circular bull's eye rash and though I haven't heard that itching is in itself a sign of the bacteria being there, I know my tick bite also itched for a long time before I came down with the fever/aches/headache/flu-like symptoms that are symptomatic of LD (though even that can be mild or severe).


I didn't know what Lyme was at the time and didn't go to the doctor until about three months after the bite though I remembered the tick, removing it, and the rash well. That was almost 20 years ago and it was thought Lyme was not in our area. I was the second person the health dept had found it in. Even then I was only treated for ten days with Doxycycline and it wasn't nearly enough as I already had arrythmias and other symptoms of the disease. I have had years of suffering with health issues and even though I have a high titers test the doctors cannot agree on if the health problems are caused by Lyme. It is extremely frustrating, debilitating, and disabling. I am still searching for help.


Please, do not hesitate to check with a doctor if this could possibly be Lyme.



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