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icing recipe -- what might I be doing wrong?

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I've been trying out an icing recipe, my sister-in-law says it's a thick, creamy icing that sets up well -- and on her cakes it is. But, that's not the case for me, and I'm trying to see where I can be going wrong. I asked sil, but she just says if I follow the directions it will work, otherwise she has no idea.


the recipe is:

6 tablespoons flour

1 cup of milk

1 cup butter

1 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla


the directions read to:

whisk flour and milk until it's thick, then let cool

beat butter and sugar until fluffy, 10-15 minutes

add cooled flour/milk and vanilla, beat 1 minute.


Mine turns out sort of runny that doesn't really set up. Kind of like weepy cool-whip. I've tried reducing the amount of milk, and even cooking the flour/milk almost to it forming a ball.


I thought I'd ask for pointers before I keep up the trial/error, because butter is sort of pricey to keep goofing up with.

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1) It says to cool things, but never says how much to heat them up.


2) I've never seen an icing recipe with flour and granulated sugar in it...it would need to be hot enough to completely dissolve the sugar, and that's not in the directions.


Those are just my opinions. They may or may not be valid in this situation. :runcirclsmiley2:

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oops, that was my mistake, her recipe does mention heating -- I either forgot to type it or deleted in when I was trying to condense the post...

"in a pot over medium heat" whisk flour and milk until it's thick, then let cool. no times are mentioned regarding the heating though.


Maybe she's just so used to doing it that it's an 'understood' thing for her, because other than that part I either omitted or deleted by accident, that's the entire recipe.


I may give it another whirl this weekend, if it turns out weird again, I will just go with another one. I was intent on getting hers to work, because when she makes it, it's better than bakery icing.


The other thing to consider is, do y'all live in different areas?  Could humidity/temperature make a difference? 						 						


I'm in Pa, and she's in South Carolina. Their temps are a lot hotter and more humid than here, so maybe.

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FLUFFY FROSTING (bakery style)

1/4 c flour

3/4 c sholid shortening

1 tsp vanilla

1 c milk

1 1/4 c sugar

In saucepan, mix flour and milk. Cook over med heat stirring constantly. Heat to boiling, cook and stir constantly for 5-8 min or until extremely thick. Cool completely. In medium bowl, combine Crisco, sugar and vanilla. Add thickened mixture, beat on high speed about 5 min until smooth and creamy. Spread on cooled cake – frosts & fills two 8 or 9 inch layers.


Is it this one? I have always had good luck with it and I like it because it is not so overpoweringly sweet...

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FLUFFY FROSTING (bakery style)

1/4 c flour

3/4 c sholid shortening

1 tsp vanilla

1 c milk

1 1/4 c sugar

In saucepan, mix flour and milk. Cook over med heat stirring constantly. Heat to boiling, cook and stir constantly for 5-8 min or until extremely thick. Cool completely. In medium bowl, combine Crisco, sugar and vanilla. Add thickened mixture, beat on high speed about 5 min until smooth and creamy. Spread on cooled cake – frosts & fills two 8 or 9 inch layers.


Is it this one? I have always had good luck with it and I like it because it is not so overpoweringly sweet...



This is the one I use but I use the butter flavor shortening unless I want a pure white icing then I will use plain shortening.

Edited by mommato3boys
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