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30 a day in 13 Challenge!


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In the 13 in 13 thread, many of us mentioned getting in better shape and improving our health. My challenge to myself and to anyone else who might be interested, is to get a minimum of 30 mins of exercise a day. Bike, walk, dance, swim, scrub tiles, whatever! Just move 30 minutes a day to better health! The benefits of regular exercise are amazing, just check out some of these links if you need proof:







Who's with me?


Jan 1 - walked 5 miles with dh

Jan 2 - rode exercise bike for 45 mins

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I count my miles for each week, they are not much, but I try. The pounds have slowly been coming off, maybe because I have not had an appetite. Unfortunately, I can not commit to your intriguing plan, too much going on this month... (chemo, radiation & taxes).


I will be watching to see how you all are doing. Oh, I can guarantee I will get at least 3 hours of constant exercise on Saturday's, does that count? :happy0203:

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I'm definitely in on this one! I got an exercise bike over the holidays and so far have been keeping up with riding 2 miles each day....takes me 30 minutes.

Jan 1: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 2: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 3: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 4: 2 miles on exercise bike

Edited by dogmom4
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1/1/13 - walked 5 miles with dh

1/2/13 - rode exercise bike for 45 mins

1/3/13 - 30 minutes of a Leslie Sansone DVD (walk your way thin series)

1/4/13 - 30 mins on eb (exercise bike)

I would like to simply edit/add to the same post each day, but it doesn't seem to let me. Any thoughts?

Edited by Andrea
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1/1/13 - walked 5 miles with dh

1/2/13 - rode exercise bike for 45 mins

1/3/13 - 30 minutes of a Leslie Sansone DVD (walk your way thin series)

1/4/13 - 30 mins on eb (exercise bike)

1/5/13 - walked 50 minutes


Thanks Annarchy!

Edited by Andrea
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Jan 1: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 2: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 3: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 4: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 5: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 6: 2 miles on exercise bike

Edited by dogmom4
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Sounds like ya'll are getting on with it! Our lifestyle is too erratic to get on a schedule, but we definitely get ALOT of exercise (hiking, walking, snow shoeing/walking & dancing, kayaking & biking). As soon as we get the enclosed patio cleared out more, we want to put our treadmill out there. It's a cool place so working up a sweat won't be so bad. The TV out there went capoot, so we took the wii and it's goodies off and need to get them hooked up to a new tv...when we run onto one that's cheap. Want those options of exercise when we just cannot get out of the house.

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Yay for us! :cheer: We are going to be fit!


Philbe, feel free to join in! The goal isn't to count miles or even do any specific exercise, the goal is to simply move for a minimum of 30 minutes a day. The benefits of just 30 a day are amazing. For me, if I don't exercise (I have a sedentary job) my blood pressure goes up. I had surgery the end of November and wasn't able to exercise for 3 weeks, then I was caught up in Christmas and eating and drinking badly, and didn't exercise and my blood pressure was not good. Now, after just 6 days of regular exercise and eating healthy, my bp is completely normal! :hapydancsmil: I'm happy, not to mention that the exercise is helping with my nonstop hot flashes!



1/1/13 - walked 5 miles with dh

1/2/13 - rode exercise bike for 45 mins

1/3/13 - 30 minutes of a Leslie Sansone DVD (walk your way thin series)

1/4/13 - 30 mins on eb (exercise bike)

1/5/13 - walked 50 minutes

1/6/13 - 30 minutes with Leslie Sansone, 30 minutes on eb (I'm putting some minutes in the bank. I have a busy schedule next week!)


P.S. I also dropped a pound! WoooHoooo!

Edited by Andrea
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Everyone's doing so great!


I started later than I had planned ... the family drama got the best of me .. grrr. I went running back to my besties, Ben & Jerry. Sorry fellas, I have a feeling I am going to be seeing less of you two.


1/6/2013: 30 minutes jogging + several repetitions with some weights (3 lb ones)

1/7/2013: 1 hour and 30 minutes of jogging

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:cheer: Go Luma!



1/1/13 - walked 5 miles with dh

1/2/13 - rode exercise bike for 45 mins

1/3/13 - 30 minutes of a Leslie Sansone DVD (walk your way thin series)

1/4/13 - 30 mins on eb (exercise bike)

1/5/13 - walked 50 minutes

1/6/13 - 30 minutes with Leslie Sansone, 30 minutes on eb

1/7/13 - 35 mins eb

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Yay on the weight loss Andrea! I'm feeling very motivated by seeing you doing something everyday. Today was hard! I went back to work after two weeks off...after 6 hours in the classroom I was pooped! My feet and back hurt and I laid down on the couch and slept for an hour. Yikes! I sure didn't want to get on that bike today. But, I like posting here each day. I actually watched the Biggest Loser while I rode. That was motivating....


Jan 1: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 2: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 3: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 4: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 5: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 6: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 7: 2 miles on exercise bike + hours chasing after children

Edited by dogmom4
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Congrats, Dogmom, seeing the scale number go dow is motivation :)


1/6/2013: 30 minutes jogging + several repetitions with some weights (3 lb ones)

1/7/2013: 1 hour and 30 minutes of jogging

1/8/2012: 30 minute walk + 30 minutes of an assortment of stretching, light weights, aerobic type attempts

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:cheer: YAY for DOGMOM! :cheer:



1/1/13 - walked 5 miles with dh

1/2/13 - rode exercise bike for 45 mins

1/3/13 - 30 minutes of a Leslie Sansone DVD (walk your way thin series)

1/4/13 - 30 mins on eb (exercise bike)

1/5/13 - walked 50 minutes

1/6/13 - 30 minutes with Leslie Sansone, 30 minutes on eb

1/7/13 - 35 mins eb

1/8/13 - 35 mins eb


Dogmom - on your exercise bike, have you tried doing arm exercises and/or pedaling backwards to mix things up a bit? I also use a music stand to hold my kindle or book while I'm on the bike. I prefer to walk or do the Leslie Sansone workouts but I have to listen to my knee. Due to an injury two years ago, my knee tells me what exercise it can or cannot handle that day! Congrats again on the weight loss!

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Jan 1: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 2: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 3: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 4: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 5: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 6: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 7: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 8: 2 miles on exercise bike



Andrea, I have been doing arm movements with my arms to get my heart rate up and going as fast as I can for the last half mile. Never thought to go backwards though. The reason I got an exercise bike is because of bad knees and the pain in my ankle from the break the summer before last. My doctor says lose weight and I won't have so much joint pain....unfortunately walking long distances even causes pain...so the bike is how I plan to get the weight off.

Edited by dogmom4
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1/6/2013: 30 minutes jogging + several repetitions with some weights (3 lb ones)

1/7/2013: 1 hour and 30 minutes of jogging

1/8/2013: 30 minute walk + 30 minutes of an assortment of stretching, light weights, aerobic type attempts

1/9/2013: 30 minutes a mix of walk, and scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom floor and walls (I worked up a sweat, so counted it ;) )

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dogmom - that's the reason I have an exercise bike too. It's not my favorite form of exercise unless of course, I'm in the middle of a book I can't put down! But it really does exercise the joints without the pounding of walking.


Luma - scrubbing floors totally counts, especially if you worked up a sweat!

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1/1/13 - walked 5 miles with dh

1/2/13 - rode exercise bike for 45 mins

1/3/13 - 30 minutes of a Leslie Sansone DVD (walk your way thin series)

1/4/13 - 30 mins on eb (exercise bike)

1/5/13 - walked 50 minutes

1/6/13 - 30 minutes with Leslie Sansone, 30 minutes on eb

1/7/13 - 35 mins eb

1/8/13 - 35 mins eb

1/9/13 - 50 mins walking along the canal

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Jan 1: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 2: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 3: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 4: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 5: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 6: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 7: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 8: 2 miles on exercise bike

Jan 9: 2 miles on exercise bike

Edited by dogmom4
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