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Avoiding kitchen heat...

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We have an ancient air conditioning system that DH tries to keep going each summer. Since I get sick if I get too hot, I am really grateful for his efforts.


So I really try not to heat up the kitchen while it's on, to save electricity and allow it to work more efficiently.


I try to use the crockpot for some things I might otherwise bake, or I cook for short periods on the stovetop. We eat more cold foods. DH likes to grill more often, too.


How do you cook in the summertime? Do you change your cooking habits?


I've often wished for a "summer kitchen" like cooks used to have!

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About 3 years ago, DH built me an outdoor bar b que with an oven. Last year he built a small shed in the lawn with a steel roof out over the bar-b-que so it is in the shade and out of the rain if we want to cook down there.

I also have a canning kitchen area in the cellar.

So I have my choice. Guess the one in the cellar could qualify as a summer kitchen. (It has a walk out door, level with the lower part of the lawn.)

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Sounds interesting! I'd probably have "critters" taking up residence inside. Did you ever have that problem?


Lois, did your DH use plans or just create the outdoor grill/oven? DH used to talk about making one, but I don't see one yet!!

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It was a hot summer day and I just didn't want to cook inside anymore. My DH (the D doesn't always stand for dear!) came home and I said "husband? I would live an outside kitchen". My DH took me by the hand and walked me outside. He looked around some, picked up the hose and handed it to me. He pointed at the BBQ and said "There is your stove!" he then pointed to the hose and said "and there is your running water!" My Dh went back inside and left me standing there with the BBQ and a hose!





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I printed out the plans at this site http://www.jrwhipple.com/sr/ (scroll down the left side to outdoor oven) and he did a variation of it. He used a 30 gallon metal barrel inside a 55 gal. barrel. also put it on cement blocks and built a platform for a cement slab for the bar b que. fire brick line the top and sides of the slab.


Westbrook the hose and portable grill are DH's outdoor kitchen. LOL

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COOL!!! Thanks, Lois! I never saw this site before.


Did DH use a cast iron slab or grill grates on his?


Westbrook, I'm surprised your DH reached the house without getting SOAKED!!!



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lol @ westie...


I like watching the Food Channel sometimes...they have a regular chef that does recipes that are strictly on the grill...


Here's a link to check out some ideas:




I love grilling and fortunately live in a climate where I can do it year round...I think it's healther cooking in alot of ways anyway.



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The grate sets on the fire brick that are stood on their side on the sides of the bar b que, so we have both.

We cooked down our sap for maple syrup out there, too.

I have a thermometer in the oven that will reg up to 700 degrees, while doing the maple syrup it was on the peg so it gets plenty hot. We regulate it with fewer coals and opening the door a little.

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I'm sorry, Lois; I'm having a hard time figuring out just where your grate is located. I would want both, too.


700 degrees, huh?



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I guess it is about time I showed you a little bit of my world. Here is a picture of one of my outside kitchens. We don't use it much anymore. Comes with an oven, grill and a stove top made of steel. The stones were gathered from the canyons here locally. It was built by my Husband's Grandparents around 1945. There used to be a sink and a stone counter top that need to be replaced as the years were not kind to them and we removed them.






I hoped you enjoyed your visit to my Lower Garden.



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yes it is a little trek to the 'outside kitchen' which is why is isn't used anymore, but could be if necessary. I have long since given into to using my propane BBQ. Hum... a still.... thinking... what a great idea!



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I agree with Lois, Westy! I would live down there too. It reminds me of a path in the woods in the fall quaint and lovely. Just imagine how the spirits of the pioneer women and how they cooked on the trails as they traveled out west using cow chips for fuel. I have many books and diaries written by women pioneers and their lives were so hard. I can't imagine living they way they did.

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  • 1 year later...
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a seperate kitchen from the house was not unheard of in times gone by. Each year I refine my summer canning kitchen. I use a covered back porch, set up a sink, propane burner, and table. Next year I would like to add a stove with an oven so I can bake out there! oh and screen so I can cook out there at night without worrying about mosquitos!





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I have pics from both of your sites saved on my 'puter. Every time my kids run across them, they ask, "What is THAT?", and I just tell them they are my future plans for an outdoor cooking area!!


I can dream, can't I???

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I will be posting some no bake recipes in a separate thread later today-I'm hunting them out as I sit down this morning. It gets so hot so fast in the kitchen here-I made rice krispie treats today and I'm icky and sweaty LOL...but dang those things taste good before they're fully cooled-just VERY messy, hehe.


Mommy of 5

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