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Below zero, hospital and other events

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In APRIL....we've been below zero for two nights now. :frozen:


My dad came home from hospital finally today.....it's been a long, grueling week but he's recovering. But my mom, DH and I must recover too. :0327: I only came home once and poor DH was our driver and working and taking care of our critters all week. Wheeew! :imoksmiley:


I have to recover my house so today so I ........

washed 3 dozen eggs,

baked the ham I bought before this all happened,


cleaned bathroom,

hauled up last bale of hay for goats (on sled behind truck),

punched hole in horse water ice (plug on extension cord to heater just came off and NOW we get 0 degrees?),

drove DH "next door" to his "second" (really third right now) job and back,

kept contact with my mom -- who had a ride through Colorado's weird weather today to hospital to get my dad home,

played with cat/dog who had missed having my constant attention this week,

tried to remember which day this is :scratchhead:

misc bits of this and that,


2.5 hr nap!!!!!





And to top it all off, TPTB downloaded Windows 10 to my computer [no permission from me] and my email is nearly unworkable! :tapfoot: I've had trouble getting on any websites, including this one. :( Computer keeps locking up. :shakinghead:



But...with SEVERAL days rest [which began after the aforementioned chores] I should be able to speak and read English, walk in a straight line, pick up and set down things without dropping them, and perhaps, think clearly again. Oye...I am so tired!!!



Good to see y'all again!

MtRider ......'night! :offtobed:



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Sounds like quite a week! I am glad your dad is doing better! Sorry about the horse trough freezing up. Weather is just plain weird these days. Im gonna go trout fishing though later or in the next few days. Will take poncho in case it rains, lol..... it might again. In a week or so its supposed to be steadily warm here which will be nice. I hope things thaw out for you quickly MT Rider. Its been cold long enough for ya and you need some mild temps.


I was just inventorying my fishing tackle and baits and wondering what I could use to make a cheesy bait . Might bring a half slice of cheddar to see if they like it, lol.


Any trout and catfish fishing tips would be appreciated, it wont be bass season for a while and not sure if there are any in the rivers here right around me though they are in the lakes, which Id have to take a bus to to get to anyhow. Just streams and ponds and the boquet river for walking distance though. Its been a while since I really seriously was fishing alot and Ive forgotten stuff, not that actual practice doesnt remind you but eastern woodland fishing is a bit different than western fishing was, so tips would be appreciated if anyone thinks of some old wisdom or method they don't mind sharing because its to be eaten , not stuffed and hung on a wall.

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Have been taking it easy this week. My dad is getting better. They voyaged to the grocery store today. He's still being careful of what he eats.


I've struggled to walk back UP the steep incline that we call a driveway. Just barely making it some nights but it REALLY helps to put the dear dog's leash around my waist. At near 90# [8 and half months old] she can provide some pull as I walk slowly up. Not sure I'd be able to do evening feeding without her help. Lost our 2nd vehicle in Dec. :( But other than that and little bits of chores between resting, I'm mostly propped up in bed and reading.


It's been paying off. My brain is less whacked. :wacko: I'm making fewer mistakes that are just plain dumb. That's what happens when you get that wiped and it pays to be very VERY careful. BTDT ....many times. My stamina is increasing slowly. I can do more without :0327: That's encouraging. Hope to be back to normal soon. ['normal' being MY normal, of course.] ;)


DH got to finally rest some today. He's been going for 2+ weeks too. Tomorrow is a day off for him too and he'll need every minute of it. Then back to the world of his office and his tax business.....April 15th cometh!


Thanks y'all

MtRider :wave:

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I told my old navy buddy to pray I win the mega millions lottery..... so I can do my homestead. It seems the only way I would get that windfall soon enough, other than Plan B. I was talking to him about land in SE Ark..... mountains ( which are not big) and farmland. I figure farmland with a ridge in the background, lol....... it would at least be flatter land ! It would be better geographically than NE and more fertile soil and usually water once the drought corrects itself more. I have enough physical challenges, gardening and livestock management and such things like icy driveways and paths are plenty without serious inclines! I feel for ya, Mt. Rider!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm no expert, but Mary & I are trying to learn catfishing too. We are 2 blocks from a large river full of them, and a nice fishing lagoon. Lately we have learned that they bite on nightcrawlers. Just bait a hook, making sure the worm in wadded up, hiding the hook (if they see the hook they avoid it). Put on a sinker to take it to the bottom. Cast near a weed bank, they hide in there and let it sink to the bottom. Take up the slack, then lay the pole down. Be sure you put it at an angle, so you will see it move when they bite and try to drag it away.

When you see the line move, maybe the pole jerk, pick it up gently and take up any slack, then wait. Catfish like to play with their food, they won't swallow it until they nudge it around some. We lose those we try to snatch up too fast. When they take the bait, they will try to swim away with it (and your pole, if you don't pick it up...nearly lost a new one that way!). They are strong, steady tuggers. Give them some play, loosening up the drag a bit so they can pull line out, then when they slow down on the pulling, reel them in some. Back and forth, let them tug, then reel in when you get slack. Have a net ready, the ones we catch are either pan size, or 18 or more inches long. They are heavy, expect to crank a bit and make sure your hook is tied tight. They seem to swallow the hook, so you might need to cut it off (you get it back when you clean the fish). That is what we have learned so far, and the other more experienced fishermen tell us we are doing it right. Mary LOVES to catch cats due to their big size. She does not eat fish, but loves the catching part! The bullheads also hit on worms, so we usually do 2 poles each, one deep for catfish, and one shallow with a bobber, for pan fish. That way we usually get something, no matter what.

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