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Fire in Minnesota

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Just to let you all know, we have been through a 7100+ acre fire. Our house was saved but, one of the neighbors lost their home.


I am putting in some pictures just to show some of the mess at our place.


The fire started Tuesday afternoon around 3:30, we have heard so many stories as to how it was started. I had been setting reading and relaxing when I heard an airplane go over then just a few minutes later I heard another one and it was so low. I looked out the west window to see the plane, then just a bit to the north there was lots of smoke. Oldpine thought we would be safe, but, DD and I started gathering things to take with us. One of my nephews and his wife came and we talked a few minutes, then they left, saying if we needed to, we could go to their home. We left our home about 6:30. We stayed with them for 2 nights.


When we came back on Wednesday morning after hearing we had a home to come to, we had no electricity. The light pole was black, really charred and the box was just hanging.


We called our REA and also and electrician as we had to have wires replaced from the pole to the house, this was all done on Thursday. Now we have a new pole and a new box.

We lost two storage buildings and a lot of things. We lost all of our Christmas Decorations as well as 2 Christmas trees. We had a couple boxes with books, and some clothes in totes and not sure of just everything we did have in the storage buildings. One of the totes had all of my homemade Christmas Ornaments from the past 13 years from all of you on Mrs. S. and another site. :sad-smiley-012::sad-smiley-012::sad-smiley-012: But, we have our home. God is so good.


There was a flare up sometime on Wednesday while we were gone, and sounds like a helicopter, as well as a fire truck were here to put it out, at least that is what we were told. We also had to call them out Thursday after we had come home. They were still checking for smoke on Saturday with the helicopters

We have had tornadoes to the north as well as to the south of us and now this fire, so, I think we have had enough things like this.

There were 55 buildings lost and 12 homes, according to the news.


We are all so very thankful that we still have a home. Again, God is so good. :)


If you want to read and or see some of the damage around us, go to:

Green Valley Fire claims 55 buildings, 25% contained


I do hope this will get you to the story, there is also another part, if you do a google with the first url, just under it you will see another site about the fire, click on it and it may take you to more.


We got the rain Saturday and Sunday evenings/nights that was needed on Tuesday and Wednesday.


We had our last snow on April 24th. It was really something, we had snow and within a week after it was all gone, the fire. It was just so dry. There was very little frost in the ground this spring and the snow melted and soaked into the ground fast. Even the lakes were late with ice on some of them yet just a week ago.


Here are just a few pictures that I took.

Dscf1853.jpg The back of our house. Dscf1856.jpg The sewer pipes Dscf1877.jpg South end of house and one of the storage buildings Dscf1794.jpg What is left of the storage building and things in it. Dscf1878.jpg our new power pole Dscf1862.jpg Our mail box across the road.


HUGS5-1.gif thththhavanicewknd1.gif


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I am so glad your house was saved, but at the same time so sad that you lost your Christmas things, On the bright side, you have room for lots more Christmas decorations!

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That was such a close call! I can't imagine the worry and then dealing with the aftermath. The pictures are powerful to see, I can't imagine being right there and seeing it in person, let alone having it be my own property. :hug3:


Praying for things to be back to as close to pre-fire as they can be, for you, and your neighborhood :hug3:

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Oh Snowmom! I relate to this all too well. I've seen places like this often. Know folks who have lost the outbuildings but saved the house. Year after year our arid, crispy forest is a danger to us. But it is unusual to have snow and then fire so quickly afterwards! We love/hate our late spring [April and May] blizzards. Need them, tho they are a pain with heavy, soggy snow.


So sorry for your losses but :darlenedance: that most of everything was saved. Sorry your view will be......blackened for a long time. :(


MtRider :amen: for the blessing. :pray: for the community....as everyone works their way out of shock. Be careful and don't be surprised if you function less than par for a month or so. (((snowmom)))

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So glad you and OP are safe. Things can be replaced, but you can't! Hugs and Prayers headed your way.

(I know it's not funny, but . . . looks like your bbq's got barbequed! ;) So glad you're both safe.)

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Thank you all for your comments.


SueC, you are right, now I do have room for more ornaments and will really need lots of people to join the exchange this fall. :):)


Lumabean, you are right, the mess is going to take time to clean up. As old as we are and with our health the way it is, the insurance agent suggested we have someone come and do it for us. So, we have talked to someone who said they would come. But, it is raining right now, maybe it will clear up soon so he can come and work.


Philbe, I know God was with us and He kept the fire from burning everything, as it is just to close and with His help the firemen were able to save the house and the shop. So, yes, angels were all around. :)


We have no idea who they were who came to our home, as there were firemen from over 40 different places, the National Guard and others who came to the area to help.


Mt_Rider, yes it has been such a different year. We did have so much snow this year and then we had hot temps for a while. We have sandy ground so when it dried up, it dried up. We usually have more rain in April, May and June, then the dry weather comes. According to my notes, we had a lot of snow yet on April 25th. In fact, I'm thinking there was a small snow bank just south of us yet about 2 or 3 days before the fire. I understand what you mean about not functioning, one just looks around and then wonders what do we do. :(


Andrea, you are right, the " bbq's got barbequed".


We are so very thankful, God is so good and to think one of the neighbors did lose their home. There were 12 homes lost in all.


If you haven't heard about the fire, here is the url. http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/story/22265836/minn-wildfire-25-percent-contained


When I preview, it comes up a different url than the one I put in, so guess they have taken that one off.



Here are a couple youtubes:



Now we are getting the rain we needed last week. It started raining over the weekend and so we have gotten over 3 inches since Friday.

It could have been so much worse, there are a lot of people really thankful for all the people who worked to save their homes.


Thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers and posts.






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