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Probably the closest I come to a chronic "boycott" of anything is Tupperware.

Years ago, they began charging $2.00 each order (of *any* size), saying they were going to eventually be mailing orders directly to the buyer, and so the charge was to cover that.

As far as I know, they are still charging and still making the seller deliver.

It disgusted me, and still does.

I don't buy Tupperware unless a friend tacks something onto her order for me (VERY rarely!).

Does that count?



*TEENAGERS*... God's way of helping parents clear the nest.

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I boycott lettuce,potatoes and fresh oranges prices. I refused to buy a head of iceburg when its almost 2 dollars for a small head, and this year potato prices were very high. I use to be able to buy a 10 lb bag of taters for under a dollar and now they have gone to almost 3.00 a five lb bag.

How bout you Lowy.

Whatever you do don't boycott the kilt manufacturers or you'll have a riot on your hands.. ( grin)




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I boycott Nestles products and do my utmost not to buy them, because of their aggressive marketing policy of baby milk (formula) in certain countries. I also try to avoid as much as possible goods made in China, or companies with interests in China because of the Tibet issue. There are also a number of large companies whose products I don't buy because of their poor records on employment, donations to political parties, support of corrupt and violent regimes, animal testing, etc.

We have a magazine in the UK called "Ethical Consumer which is very helpful, and I get that sometimes.

The hardest one to deal with these days is the chinese issue - so much stuff is made or processed in China that it is very very hard to avoid it.



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Yes, and China also uses both children and prisoners to do work that enriches only the seller.

Their mining operations are (most likely) only the tip of an iceberg of poor and/or dangerous working conditions for many.

I wondered where you were going with this. smile.gif

I try to be an educated consumer, but it is good only if the information is reliable. There are so many false things, especially passed around on the internet.

Time usually tells the tale.



*TEENAGERS*... God's way of helping parents clear the nest.

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The grocery store Winn-Dixie because of their discriminatory practice of giving special prices only to those willing to divulge personal information. And because of their invasion of privacy in screening film submitted for developing at a store near us.

Any other store that requires my personal information for special discounts.

I also avoid goods made in China but this is almost impossible so I can't boycott completely and still live normally.

GMO's to the extent they can be identified, which is also nearly impossible.



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Happygirl your saucy today!

& smile.gif

Do you like the bow in my hair Happy?


Lowy you bring up some good information. Glad you mentioned Nestles and China..I hear you on the China Thing.

Alot of our major corporations are moving out of our area, laying off workers with families and no other jobs to go to, and these businesses are moving their production factories to China and Mexico where they get cheap and child labor. Its a sin




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I boycot DuPont products as much as I possibley can... they used to have a chemical plant right here in Pompton Lakes and some of the rivers are still showing signs of pollution. I try to buy only american made products also, why should our unemployment be so outrageous because other companies are going over seas to make a massive $$$$$ profit while our families are being forced to live in poverty and on food stamps because its economicaly more profitable for the stock holders in a corporation to make more $$$ using child labot and pay below poverty level wages to families over seas?

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The Catch 22 with child labour and underpaid foreign workers who are exploited is that quite often that is the only possible source of income for them and their families; boycott the product or company, orders may fall, people laid off, no job at all, no food, no life etc. It's a very harsh cruel situation and one where there are no winners.



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teehee! Sorry about that! I couldn't resist...I am happily married (very happily wink.gif), so am not real interested in other men with or with out kilts...unless I could get my DH to use one...or not... wink.gif

On a more serious note...we boycotted Best Buy for a while...they supported a rock star who openly proclaimed that he was a satanist! But other than that, we also tried to boycott Nestle because of the reasons mentioned above...

I'm real interestead in what you are all are boycotting...I'll probably boycott some of the items that you do, if I can get some more proof...I try not to get swayed easily, but make my decisions based on real research.

Good topic, Lowlander!


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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