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Deal of the day - FREE Barley Straw!

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Finally have the time to spread out some straw on Garden Paths and here and there under vegetables so off I went to feed store to see what they had (without seed). I could get all I want from Amish but it is full of seed and seeing I am using it to cut down on weeds - not the best deal this year.

Anyhoo when I got there they said they were out of barley Straw and not planning on getting any soon. Then as I was leaving they asked if I wanted some NOT baled up but loose from in the trailer they store it in? YES but how much ($) ? Well the guy said IF you help clean it out (the trailer) you can take all you want for FREE!

So I went home , got Lori, and back we went with hay folks and big black bags! Filled six 80 gallon bags full of half busted open bales and lots of loose straw and headed home. Took less than 1/2 hour to clean it out so now when they get more it will all fit in.

Not a bad Bartering Deal seeing they are now getting $5.00 a bale and we got way over 6 bales worth!


Now IF it stops raining we can get out to gardens and spread it around.



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Congrats! Quite a deal.


Our area has the winter wheat straw harvest. There's straw on the roads and busted bales here and there in the fields. I waanntt...... my garden nneeedddssss.... LOL.


But, I will not be able to this year.

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