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Happy B-day Koa--Pic added!

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:bdaycake: Come to the BIRTHDAY PARTY





...along with sisters: Paint, Carol, Darcy, Sox, etc. Couple brothers we didn't meet cuz they'd gone to their homes already.



MtRider :happyBD:


Tried to post current pic but :scratchhead: I did it before and now I can't figure out how. Got one on the page but it wouldn't post it. Kept saying "You must enter a post". :banghead: Polly too big but don't know how to resize.



Edited by Mt_Rider
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LOL Lovinit!


Well she had two walks today with DH and one with me. Got to play in the water [edge of pond....graduation to all four feet in!], got to lick clean and then shred the cardboard ice cream bucket [mostly empty], got to play early morning in the goat yard....before they come out for the day. Got to have siesta all afternoon in living room [takes up nearly ALL the walking space in our living room]; chews bone, toys, shred pieces of old towels, etc.



Yep, good doggie day!

MtRider :wub: [just tried again for pic...... nope!]

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2013-7-10 073.jpg


Okaaaay.....thanks Annarchy. Tried to follow your instructions and....we'll see if it worked.


Koa standing next to my leg to give perspective on how big she is.


BTW....I was taking this pic of us so...I could only reach a bit in front of us. :rolleyes: I call it "Self Portrait of Knee and Princess"



MtRider :laughkick:

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I'm 5'2".....not tall but yeah, she's big! I like parading her up and down the road....see what lives here? :darth duck: Do NOT mess with our house and property! :D



She's recently developed a new habit that she thinks is CUTE! Not! ...well, sort of... but she can't continue!


She makes a funny growly noise while on her tummy on floor. Then somehow catapults herself at your ankle with a loud noise like a strangled bark. Just talkin' noises. Chews gently on bare foot. Aieee!


Translation: I'M SO BORED! PLAY WITH ME!



She's startled DH with this twice but he thinks she's cute. ...ahem!


She did it to me tonight and I nearly dropped my plate of food. MS does not do well with startling nervous system! So....with a strangled bark of my own [unintentional, I assure you], I leaped at her. Then I said NO! Grabbed collar and she had time out in bedroom. Do not start with me!



:24: I could barely keep from laughing until I shut the door though. It IS funny and she only does a gentle chewing on your ankle to get your attention but SHEEEEEEESH, it startled the HOOEY OUTTA ME!



Once released, she decided to push her point and did it to DH again. He said NO! She tried it again immediately and ......back to time out in the bedroom. Now if he will keep up the NO! ....I think we can stop this before the ELEPHANT bites harder - accidentally.


It's not like she doesn't get loads of attention from both of us. Ever seen a 100+ puppy chase the red laser dot? Wait for dusk and do it OUTSIDE. She LOVES playing red dot! I have a 'pin ball course' set up so she bounces, with both feet flying, on soda bottles while the red dot lights them up. Up and down the HILL of goat yard trying to pounce on the flashy dot. Just one of our games. But...puppies never get enough, do they?


[Note: do not play red dot with a very small, old, but enthusiastic cat AND 100+ dog at the same time...... No, we've always had separate arenas for that game!]



:laughkick: Whenever I yell out, stalwart CAT decides that the big, meanie puppy is hurting me and she comes out to batter the dog's back of legs with her paws. Hisssssing too!



It's a danged zoo around here.



MtRider -- DON'T startle me or I'll sic my CAT on ya! :rolleyes:

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