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Soft drinks..........

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I found this and thought it would be a great topic for discussion....


What's your generic name for carbonated soft drinks? Some researchers conducted an unscientific survey, and found regional differences (the results of which can be seen here, on this map.) Seems that people in Blue America tend to call it "soda," while Red Americans favor "pop" (the Midwest) or, as in the South, "Coke," a term covering all soft drinks. (Sample dialogue from my childhood: "Git me a Coke while you're going to the kitchen." "Awright, you want a Sebmup or a Co-cola, or some othah kind of coldrink?") Southerners, by the way, do not drink Pepsi, which was invented by communists. Some of us - like my Texas-born bride - insist on drinking the vile Dr. Pepper. I try not to look.



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Before I quit drinking it, it was either Fresca or Diet Pepsi, and thats what I called it. Now it's iced tea.


This post reminded me of Hush Puppies......haven't thought of those in a LONG time. Anyone make em?

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Around here it's pop.

Now for Mare's hush puppies, I make them from the remains of the egg and milk mixture + the flour for my coating for fried chicken, I mix the two and add onion flakes, garlic, parsley flakes, baking powder and corn meal and drop into the hot fat.... umm good.

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I wouldn't think of speaking for anyone else, but being in the deep south , as in New Orleans...When I ask for a coke, I mean coke the name brand, if I ask for pepsi, I mean pepsi, in other words ,If you want a certain soft drink, you ask for it....

If you have different kinds of soft drink in the frig, that's when you ask what soft drink they prefer...

Last, but not least not everyone talks like that in the south, most of us are in the 21st century....

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Where I found the post, it had been posted a year ago. I tryed my best but I could not find any way of viewing the map, guess it was a broken ling or something. I'd have liked to see the map myself.



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Reci, your ? as to What is an icy coke?


I think most Walmarts, 7-11's and convenient stores have an item we get occasionally that resembles your question. It comes in 2 flavors Frozen coke or cherry icy. Its very good and refreshing.

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Well for us it's a Coke (I don't know why and I have moved around so much, don't know where it came from). But if we want a soda, we ask for a Coke.

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  • 2 years later...

We call them sodies.. But most of the time we are being stupid.. Other than that.... When I want dh to get me something from the store I call it by name.. Like Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, "Dew"........When we go out to eat I will ask if they have Pepsi or Coke products. Then I know which drink to ask for.. I'll take a double Dew on the rocks please!!! I am curious as to why this is on the Sunporch?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't have a particular favorite, but I don't care for Pepsi ( it's toooo sweeeet ).

I prefer Coca-Cola over Pepsi, but I also enjoy all the Mt. Dew flavors that are out there.

Don't care much for Dr. Pepper, finally got around to

finding & trying Dr. Pepper Cherry-Vanilla,

( it's ok, but wasn't too impressed ).

Hubby and I usually call colas & dews soda.


Oldest daughter is assistant manager & merchandiser for

Pepsi where we live, but she decorates her house with

Coca-Cola memorabillia.

Hey if Pepsi wasn't so cheap, and would sell cool stuff for

us to decorate our houses with, eveyone would see Pepsi

memorabillia throughout her house.



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Last, but not least not everyone talks like that in the south, most of us are in the 21st century....

Ha, Ha, yes we do talk like that, no we are not really in the 21 century like the rest of the country in lots of ways ( we like it that way too)

I grew up in Mi- it was pop - moved to Ft. Lauderdale- it was Soda -around here (Deep South)- it is Coke- no matter what you want- I try not to drink Cokes anymore though -Water is my choice bottled drink.
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