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My dad died last night. It's been about 12 hours now, only about 5 since we got the news. He was a trucker and heading back to Wisconsin from California, when his truck went off the road at 7400 ft, near Lake Tahoe. At this point, there is no news about what could have happened...weather, health. He was in pretty good shape for a 77 year old trucker. As tough as they come, as a matter of fact. You know the expression,"mouth like a trucker"? Well, that probably started with my dad. :-) But he'd give anyone the shirt off his back if they needed it. A few years ago he put his truck over the edge because he hit some black ice and would have crushed the car in front of him. I guess I'd like to think at this point that something like that happened this time. I just don't know, it could be his heart just finally broke. He's been pretty miserable since my Mom died in May. He'd even been considering retiring, we were just talking about it on Thanksgiving. So now we just wait for the autopsy to be completed and get him back home for the funeral...sigh....thanks for letting me get some thoughts down on paper..er..whatever.

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Ohhhh, Grace. I'm so sorry.

I still miss my dad sooooo much. Although it was hard watching him die slowly from cancer, I still have those special times when I could ask him one more question.

I'll be praying for you regularly as you work through this grieving time in your life.



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Grace, I'm so very sorry for your loss. Your post took me back to the day my Dad died, and I know what an empty feeling it is to know you won't see him again. But, you will feel his presence, and guidence when times are tough. Your Dad sounds like an honorable, kind, man...the kind that is missed so much. It was probably on Donner's Pass....very trecherous at this time of year. I'm praying for your acceptance of the loss of your Dad. You never get over it, but you do get on with life...in time. {{{Grace}}}



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