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My four legged son Samson has an ear infection so i have been taking him to the vet for checkups & giving him meds at home. I went out Wednesday a week ago to give him his pills & there were some wet leaves on the steps. My left foot slipped and I crashed into the house with my left shoulder, twisting my left knee & my back at the same time. As I lay there trying to get use to the pain I was glad Samson did not come over to me as there was no way i could have kept 160 pound dog off of me.


I finally got up and gave him his pills and got back in the house. my shoulder swelled and so did my knee. My back went into spasms so I was on the couch for 3 days. My back is almost back to normal and the knee is much better. I have a scab on my shoulder still but it does not hurt like it did.


I took Samson back to the vet this morning for a checkup & he is a lot better but still has a way to go. We had very high winds last night & a section of my fence blew down. It did this once before & I thought I had it secure. I'm going to pick up 80 bolts & bolt each panel to the post top & bottom. This will have to wait until the wind dies down and I get some sleep since I didn't get any last night.


On another note I have a bushel of oranges coming that I am going to can. I have never done oranges before so i will post how they turn out.






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Make sure you take care of that shoulder and knee Wormie! Once they take a hit like that it seems they're just waiting for another "event" to torture you :-( As for the oranges...I've dehydrated them and we love to drop a round or two into a glass of ice water for some "citrus" water :-) I've also done lemons and limes. I just make sure to spray them with a lemon juice/water mixture to keep them nice and pretty when they're dried out. As for canning them, I've watched Linda's Pantry (youtube) can oranges and they look beautiful! I'll be trying it myself "one of these days" when I can catch oranges on sale. I just don't like to fire up my canners for less than 10 pints.

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Ouch, ouch, ouch! Dang, a hat trick. Hope you feel better real soon.

Hope doggie's ears clear up soon too. Fence falling down? Welcome to my world! Mine is just gonna have to lay there until spring. I can lift it back in place but the end broke off and there is nothing to hook it back up with.

Did you see the video about the easy way to peel citrus? You cut off both ends first then take a knife and slice the rind off. I've never canned them yet either. Good luck!

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Hmmm...that's the way I cut a cantelope. Never thought about doing citrus that way! Learn something all the time!


Oh by the way..."Imstillworkin" is one of my favorites! Sure wish she was making some videos. But...I guess she's having the time of her life with MHPGardner! :-)

Edited by The WE2's
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My back is about 98% better, left knee maybe 90% unless I move it the wrong way, & the shoulder hurts when it wants to. :) Samson seems a bit better but his food intake has increased about 200% due to the meds. I see a diet in his near future. God willing we will both come out of this better.






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