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That time of year again ..............

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for making jam and preserves ofcourse!! I made rhubard and ginger and blackcurrant recently, and have been given a bag of runner beans which I will make into chutney I think. I made 10lbs of orange marmalade, sold some and stored the rest. We get through quite a lot of marmalade. I will do some tomato sauce for the freezer, and have found a nice recipe for courgette (zuchinni) cake, so I can use my surplus for that and put them in the freezer. I have been proimised a load of cooking apples too my a lady who has recently moved into the village but lives on her won, so doesn't need them all. I will barter them for some hand-knitted dishcloths which I know she likes!

The blackberries are ripening well; the lady whose garden is beside the village hall invited B to hop over the fence and pick from her garden - big juicy cultivated ones, lovely! I will cook them with apple and probably bottle them for winter puddings. Can't have too many brambles! The elderberries are almost ripe too - more jam chutney etc coming up. I had to put up a notice in the post office asking people for their spare jam jars!!

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