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A reminder...

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I've really been feeling a need to write something about this, but it's hard. There are so many people, my friends, who come here and we learn to trust each other.

Unfortunately, we need to be careful even here. *Anyone* can access the site and read (though to respond they have to register).

I have one intelligent friend who was badly hurt by someone who took on the persona of a woman online, gaining her trust and friendship. (Not on this site, BTW!) Later she learned it was a man *pretending*. Had she ever agreed to meet this "woman" friend somewhere away, unprotected... well, it was scary to her. And should be.

People can be anyone THEY choose online. We don't know if that picture they sent *is* them. We don't know if those kids *are* theirs. Are they married? Are they living across the country, or in the next town?

Be careful what you keep in your profiles in message boards. If your last name shows up in your e-mail address, then you give your first name, maybe mention your husband's name once... anyone can look you up. (There's even a name for looking people up on "Google"... googling or being googlized.)

Double-check your e-mail addresses, even send one to yourself to see what shows on your "header". Create a free account that you can keep away from your "home" address, and only give that addy to others.

Be very careful about what you post, and don't give details about your life. If you sometimes leave your kids alone, or always eat somewhere on Tuesdays, or drive a purple VW, or your DH is gone on a business trip, or you live on a street near a certain store... these can be clues that could lead someone to you.

Be careful about what you believe from others. Is that person really "safe", or might there be a more dangerous side you might never see? If someone is always in financial need - really way-out *emergencies*, and you send money, are you being a friend, or being conned? And should you allow anyone to see your real address?

I know, I've trusted people, too. There is a part of me who is the eternal believer in the basic goodness of people.

But I have learned that my instincts are usually to be trusted, and have been grateful to have escaped real danger several times because of it.

Please... walk carefully on this internet highway. Use this medium wisely, and protect your family and yourself.

love ya...



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Thanks for that Cat; I don't think this sort of thing can be repeated too often. I am always wary when using the net; people can be anyone they want to, while you really don't know who or what they really are. I am constanly reminding my children about this, but Ido exercise a great degree of control over when they are on the net; the computer is here in the sitting room, only I know the password, they tell me when they are going on the net, etc. Thanks again.



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Thanks Cat, for the reminder, I tend to for get at times that we (see) only what we are meant to see.......

I just went into my profile and now only my state is shown........

We do have a serial killer that has killed 4 women, it's been proven by DNA tests. More than likeiy he has killed more than the women found... He seems to work out of Baton Rouge, La. although one woman was killed over sixty miles away.... The police still don't know how he picks his victims..

I have made it my business to be extra careful and my husband is retired so I am never alone..

Ladies be careful!!!!


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Thank you Cat for the reminder, we all need to be reminded often.

I changed from using our main address to a yahoo address for the public. Thought that would be safer. There are several places you can get free e-mail at. Yahoo, Hotmail are just two of them.

Thanks again, and yes, one can't be to careful.

Love ya all,



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I agree, what a great reminder for such a sad thing! Went in and also changed a few things...love ya'll! smile.gif


Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, and His love endures forever!

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