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I have inherited my granny's love of making and eating home made soup, especially in autumn and winter - cheap, nutritious, easy and the children will eat it. Mr Lowie never really ate soup until he met me (but I suppose he didn't do a lot of things until he met me!) as his mother did not do a lot of cooking. He now eats it by the bucketful! One of my favourites is Italian bean soup - really thick with veg and beans in - lovely on a cold day after you've been out in the garden! Any more soup fans here?

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Hey lowlander, I feel the same way about soup. My husband and older son aren't too crazy about it. They are both big eaters and claim they can't get full! Even with sandwiches added.

Yesterday, I made a big pot of homemade potato soup. It was delicious! We like to add grated cheeses and bacon bits to the top. Chopped green onion is always a tasty plus if we have it. My 16 yo ds made the comment that I didn't let the weather cool off very long before making soup. hehehe I didn't tell him that I've got chili planned for Saturday! hehehehe

Soup is a healthy and cheap meal. I love soup too!

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I love making and eating soup! I make so much at one time, that I have to share it with others. I take quart jars of hot soup to my friends who don't cook or who are under the weather. Home made soup warms the soul


Today I made navy bean soup with a nice juicy ham bone. Mmmmm!


Lowie, Do you have a recipe for italian bean soup?

It sounds wonderfully yummy!

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Hello Ginger! Needless to say, no exact recipe - I saw a picture in a magazine that was titled "Italian Bean Soup" and just made something that looked like it! My cooking tends to be like that - if I were a trendy show-off I would call myself "an intuitive cook", which is one of the "in" phrases of the moment!

But - this is how I make it; the veg and type of bean varies according to what I have and what needs to be used up, so it really is a moveable feast.


Heat some butter in a large pan; add say 3 finely chopped onions and a couple of cloves of garlic, chopped. Cook gently until soft, but not coloured. Add in vegetables, chopped to approximately the same size pieces - carrot, parsnip, turnip, leek, courgette, squash, peppers, anything that you have - the more the merrier. Add in the beans; if dried beans are used, then I soak them the previous night and cook until almost done before adding to the pot - the cooking liquid from the beans can be used as stock for the soup. When all the veg is in, add tomatoes - fresh or tinned tomatoes, again chopped. Next the stock goes in - bean liquid, veg stock (or chicken etc), or just plain water. A good dollop of tomato puree (paste), salt and pepper, small dollop of some type of mustard. Put on lid and simmer until all vegetables are tender. Towards the end of cooking, add in a good amount of chopped green cabbage - if it's left over and already cooked, it won't take long to cook, but if added raw, extra cooking time is needed for this. The finished soup should more resemble a stew -type dish. Bacon bits could be added if you like.

A big bowlful of this is great on a winter's day after being out in the garden - it seems to heat you right through to the bone, and really fills you up - a meal in a bowl. It also freezes well.


Hope that is OK, sorry there's no exact recipe, but it's quite handy to toss everything in and use it up. As long as it has tomatoes and beans in it, you can call it Italian Bean Soup I should think!

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Man .......that sure sounds awesome !


I love soups to....got my hambone in the freezer ready to make some more pea soup........and seeing you made me droole for a hearty satisfying tastey treat.....i'm gonna make some corn chowder today......the weather is perfect!


Lois.....can you give us your recipe for dumplins??


Too bad we couldn't have a soup/chowda swap.

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This is a topic that touches the heart... I am a soup person and weould prefer a nice bowl of veggie-bean soup with a salad and a big hunk of unsliced bread with a pat of butter on the side.

My soup pot has been active since the end of August ( although I think Cappys getting tired of soup)

I have been chowing down on vegetable-bean and barley soup which is so think its almost like a stew.

I found out that they serve this type of fare at The Moosewood Cafe in Ithaca NY which is famous for its veggie fare and its cookbooks which have received world wide acclaim. Cappy took me there for my birthday a couple weeks ago and I ate till the pot was empty.

Have you heard of the Moosewood Lowie?

I am definately a soup person.

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