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Is anyone interested- please read


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Since members of our Mrs. S. Family have family members going overseas would anyone be interested in writing to these men and women who are protecting our country and perhaps send them a care package or two while they are away overseas.

We would have to get their addresses which I think would be a main address to send the mail to.

Our troops are always looking for letters and cards from home as many of them get homesick and look forward to greetings from their families, friends and even people who they don't know.

Even a card telling them you care can boost the spirits of our military who feel forgotten.

Debbielee and anyone else who has family going overseas, can we get together on line to get addresses so if Mrs. S members want to send a card or letter of encouragement we can post the addys.





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Logcabinmama if its ok with Darlene and the powers that be I would like to see if we could set up a forum for the names of our service men and women who are overseas or going overseas. Korea is equally as important as the middle east especially with the trouble brewing in that region of the world. I am going to have to check with the post office but for some reason I thought postage on packages is free... thats just a thought!

I am sure even the guys and gals would be glad to receive funny and thoughful cards and letters. It would brighten up their days and lonesome nights.

I set up a similar project when we were involved with Desert Storm. I had cousins who were stationed over in the middle east.

It would be great if we can show our support to all our AMERICAN family overseas who are putting their lives on the line to keep this country safe from harm.

I will post a message to Darlene and see if its possible to put an address forum for our overseas men and women here on the board.




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Wow.....leave it up to you RECI to be so thoughtful!

That sure would be something!

I'm sure any mail would be appreciated.

I'm speechless.....yup....me.



[This message has been edited by debbielee (edited January 17, 2003).]

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Reci, that's such a thoughtful thing to do. If you decide to set it up, I'll give you Nathaniel's address once he's shipped out. He'll probably be going to Korea. Thank you for thinking of our troops.


Pray for Peace


[This message has been edited by logcabinmama (edited January 17, 2003).]

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no relatives who are in the forces, but two men from our village have gone overseas in the past couple of weeks. I know them both, and their families quite well.

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