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My new clock - adult humour (picture!)


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This is (hopefully) a picture of the new clock we have bought for our hallway. The figure is a pre-Roman (although some say 18thc) fertility symbol, and is a huge figure cut into the chalk hillside of a village about 8 miles away from where I live. The village is called Cerne Abbas, and the figure is known as the Cerne Abbas Giant (b. says ".....and here, you can see why!) - she is 12..............!). If you type that name into Google I'm sure you will find some more info so you know I am not making this up. There is an annual ceremony still held today where couples hoping to conceive go along and the woman sits on the appropriate part of the giant's anatomy. I kid you not, I have seen them there for the ritual.

This is not a wind-up, but a real piece of very ancient Dorset folklore. Hope you enjoy the picture!



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Oh my!!!....when Lowie first described her B-day gift, I thought it was going to be like a cuckoo clock and something would come out on the hour, LOL!!


Its still a conversation piece just the way it is. And if our Lowie concieves very soon, we'll know she sat on it

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There seems to be a little confusion here! It is not the clock that you sit on - the figure is a giant figure (not sure of exact size, maybe 100ft or so, and he is certainly visible for miles around) actually carved into the chalk hillside. Women who wish to conceive actually go and sit on the giant himself at the appropriate part of the hillside. Every few years a team of volunteers goes and cleans him up to keep his edges white!

If I sat on the clock, there wouldn't be much clock left.............

Hope this clears it up!

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I had to show some decorum and make it 6 o'clock in the photo - would hate to offend anyone! Joan - the real thing is a huge figure cut into the hillside, about 100ft or so ling. This guy just pictured him on a clock face for a laugh. I think you can also get the giant on t-shirts, etc as well as postcards. To help you get pregnant, you have to actually go out and sit on the appropriate part of the real figure on the hillside. The clock is just a bit of fun, although I think the guy who makes them is the one laughing all the way to the bank, judging by what he charges! Mr Lowie paid, though, so that's alright. I want to hang the clock in our hallway so everyone who comes in can see it. It will go beside my little sampler that says: Dull women have immaculate houses.

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We live only about 8 miles from the "real thing" and see him regularly; I saw hime a few times before we moved up to this part of the county, but as I had absolutely no trouble whatsoever in conceiving, I didn't need to sit on him. Mr Lowie now thinks that two children are just the right amount, so I am definitely not allowed even in the same field as that giant! I would like another four children, but don't suppose that will happen now. Mr Lowie tries to placate me by saying I can get a couple of goats, but it's not quite the same, somehow.........................

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Yes, I like goats and am trying to find a place to fit them in our garden somewhere, but hopefully it will be nxt spring. I would rather have more children, though. They are better at washing up and putting out the dustbin......................

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