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Caution for 4th ...always

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:americanflag:  Happy 4th everyone.  DH is working so I'm stuck at home instead of with my mom at our tiny town festival. :(  But I'm cruising around the sites and discovered some cautions to keep in mind any time we're out and about....especially when things seem to be heating up in some insane ways around our country.  So these aren't just for the 4th of July...




Some 4th of July safety tips

Of course, I don’t believe the threat of terrorism and riots means we need to stop living our lives and should hide out in our bunkers. Life is meant to be enjoyed and experienced. However, when it seems like the threat level could be higher than usual, we might need to adjust our plans.

Here are a few tips to keep the ones you love safe this Independence Day.

  • Avoid large crowds. Or as a terrorist would call it, “target-rich environments.” This may not be the best year to go to huge fireworks displays and Independence Day extravaganzas in larger cities.  Instead of going to the huge metropolitan events, see what’s going on in the small towns.
  • Hang out near the edges. If you feel you must join a large crowd, hang around the periphery. The last thing you want to do is get trapped in the middle of a crowd that could panic. This leads to the risk of being trapped or trampled as you try to make your escape. (See stories from the audience at the Vegas shooting.)
  • Know where the exits are. Again, if you are in a crowd at a concert or other event, make sure you know where the exits are and always have a plan to make a hasty retreat.
  • Be aware. Watch for behaviors or things that are out of place. Do you see some dude in a parka when it’s 105 degrees outside? Is there something strange going on? Is that noise fireworks, gunshots, or explosives? Keep your eyes open.
  • Pay attention.  Don’t be one of those people who are completely oblivious to their surroundings. You don’t want to be glued to your phone or intoxicated when you are in a place that could potentially be risky.
  • Consider having a get-together at home. Maybe this is the year to have a party at home for the people you love, complete with a barbecue, sparklers, and maybe your own fireworks show.
  • Find another place to watch fireworks. My daughter and I found a parking lot that is uphill (by several miles) from the park with the public fireworks. We plan to take snacks and go watch from the top of the mountain.

Being a prepper doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun or that you have to forsake all things popular culture. It just means you need to be vigilant while doing so.




The rest of the article can be found at:



MtRider  :americanflag:

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We were talking about this on our way home from our small town fireworks show. 


Right after - like less than 2 minutes after - the show ended, every cop in town lit up and went flying down the road just past where we were sitting. That'll make you wonder what's going on! 


Hubby said he had heard there had been at least 3 terrorist plots that had been foiled for this year's 4th of July celebrations. I don't know what the others might be, I'm guessing the one Jeepers listed was one of them though. (He's LEO, so he often gets a little more info than what the msm hears.)


It's sobering and thought provoking, to say the least. 



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