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Good bye 2020


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I did!  I saw it leave.:hapydancsmil: It's gone!!!!!!  :cele:  I even saw the new year come in with bright lights flashing. :balloons::lois: ...( It's true, the neighbors set off the most wonderful fireworks at midnight) 


This is what I posted on FB for my new years greetings.  I believe it's appropriate here as well: 


Instead of fireworks and blings to catch your attention I've chosen as my New Years greeting to share a wonderful saying attributed to Brad Paisley.
My wish for all my family and friends is for each of you to have a book like this. We all have it within us to write this book. Perhaps you could call it The 2021 Book of Positives. It doesn't have to be a huge book. Each page only needs to be big enough to hold the words that tell of the good things that happened that day and if you can't find any then make one happen. The page needs to be big enough to hold the gratitude you feel if even for the small things. It needs to hold the joy you experienced and it needs to hold the love you have, both received and given for both are healing. Just imagine if we'd started a 2020 Book of Positives. Bad things would have still happened but we would have been able to reread the positives we have trouble remembering.
I join Mt._Rider in :pray: for you all to have a blessed 2021.  :grouphug:
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They say hindsight's 20/20

Then I'm nearly going blind...

Apologies to Randy Travis. God bless him. I miss his voice. 


I hope we don't look back and see 2020 as a prelude to the future. Yeah, I'm a bundle of joy.


I was up at midnight and the neighbor let off some spectacular fireworks. I didn't even mind this year. I was glad to celebrate the end of this year too. 



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I had all I could handle of 2020 so I was in bed asleep by 9:30. In my defense I went grocery shopping after work and I had rather scrub toilets than shop. 


Happy New Year everyone. Praying 2021 treats us much better than 2020.

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LOL Mother.  Today, ...before I read your post just now, I began writing again.  Not the positives like you suggested....tho I think I'll remember to focus on those in my usual daily journal.  :thumbs:  But I began writing on one of my stories.  I'd just dug one out [from YEARS ago, of course ]  and reread what I have so far.  Because I'd just begun creating more characters in my head that would fit nicely into that old [unfinished, of course ] story.  Yes, they're fitting nicely. 


AND I can merrily type away for hours with my "new friends" .... :lol:   .......  Psssst, don't tell them but they will be experiencing soon, the beginning of something that makes 2020 look like the proverbial 'cake walk'.  :rolleyes:   Ah, but they'll make it, y'know.  


MtRider   :pc_coffee:

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4 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

According to what I hear......ahem,  a person actually has to FINISH the book before it will be published, right? 


MtRider :whistling: 


You can always say it's a cliffhanger and volume 2 is soon to follow.  Call it a series.  :grinning-smiley-044:

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20 hours ago, Jeepers said:


I hope we don't look back and see 2020 as a prelude to the future. Yeah, I'm a bundle of joy.


I've heard a number of people say things like, "2020 is over and things can only get better in 2021."  Don't they know things can always get worse???  I shudder thinking how much worse it could get.  :behindsofa: 


Yeah, like you Jeepers, I'm a bundle of joy. :unsure:


Happy New Year everyone!

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Oh gosh, this thread has take a lot of twists and turns LOL.  Now, I want you all to listen to me....:tapfoot:  This year IS going to be better because we are going to MAKE it better.  :kissy:  I know it's possible we'll be facing some tough times again this year but we've all learned a lot along the way.  We know that being prepared might be a bit more difficult now but we also know how important it is to make sure we stay that way if possible.  We CAN do this.  I won't say together as I'm thoroughly sick of hearing that when we are so isolated and NOT together but we can do this. We just have to find creative ways to get through it.  


Speaking of creative!. 

13 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

According to what I hear......ahem,  a person actually has to FINISH the book before it will be published, right? 


MtRider :whistling: 


You all have to speak for yourselves. Over the last ten years or so I've managed to finish six or eight novels. Come on, catch up here. :coffeescreen: Seriously, I have done a lot of writing.  I just haven't been moved to try to publish anything yet.  It's too much fun writing, the editing not so much LOL.  (Ambergris, are you hiding your talent from us???? ) 


Anyway, This probably is a discussion for the book forums, where I'm headed now.  Come on down and join us there. I'm pretty sure we'll find Dee hanging out there if we encourage her.  :grouphug: 

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I have a granddaughter that has written many poems, we have been trying to get her to publish those as they are really good. But she won't do it either. 

Mother, I agree 100% that this year is going to be better. I for one am taking 2 months off just to sit back and do things I want to do, not everything I need to do. I am not going to worry about this pandemic nor anything else that happens unless it effects me directly. I am going to sew, read books, and do some canning geared more for the things DH will eat now.  He has a swallowing issue, so having to change things up a bit. Tomato soup, chicken broth, beef broth all no salt.  And anything else I can think of to can for him. Otherwise I am going to have a relaxing 2 months. No stores other than for picking up RX's and milk and eggs. Just relaxing doing things I want and like to do. It has been a very hard 12 to 14 months for us with DH's illness and now I am just going to relax and spend my time doing things with DH and things I want to do. After that I will see what happens.


And will be doing a lot of praying for a much better New Year for everyone. 

Happy New Year everyone.  May it be a blessed year for all.


Edited by Littlesister
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11 hours ago, Mother said:

I just haven't been moved to try to publish anything yet.  It's too much fun writing, the editing not so much LOL.


On the other hand, I can't finish.  I think I've had like 4 stories finished.  I've been writing on about 2 dozen.  But I LOVE to edit.  I can go over and over  [and still miss clear typos] to re-craft sentences.  :shrug:   I enjoy it!


Stayed up too late last nite ....cuz I had a story line running ahead of my typing.....  :coffeescreen:  Fun!


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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9 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

On the other hand, I can't finish.  I think I've had like 4 stories finished.  I've been writing on about 2 dozen.  But I LOVE to edit.  I can go over and over  [and still miss clear typos] to re-craft sentences.  :shrug:   I enjoy it!

I've always thought of my brain as a storage cabinet of information and when it gets too full it starts to jumble itself together until I do a bit of cleaning where I organize that somewhat boring info into entertaining novels leaving room for more tidbits of info to be tossed into the cabinet.  :laughkick:I don't think I mind the editing so much when I do it for myself but I feel I might mind the enforced editing if I tried to publish.  :grinning-smiley-044:


Jeepers, I realized early on in my years here at Mrs. S that we had a lot of creative members.  Members who have a wealth of knowledge and skills in so many different areas. Not just writing or painting or drawing but organizational skills, cooking knowledge, plant and animal care, historical knowledge, survival skills, child care, kindness and helpfulness, and the list goes on.   I've always been humbled by the talent, skills, and knowledge I found here and grateful for how freely everyone shares them.  Thanks everyone. :grouphug:   


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1 hour ago, Mother said:

Jeepers, I realized early on in my years here at Mrs. S that we had a lot of creative members.  Members who have a wealth of knowledge and skills in so many different areas. Not just writing or painting or drawing but organizational skills, cooking knowledge, plant and animal care, historical knowledge, survival skills, child care, kindness and helpfulness, and the list goes on.   I've always been humbled by the talent, skills, and knowledge I found here and grateful for how freely everyone shares them.  Thanks everyone. :grouphug:   




Westbrook .... we used to spend HOURS on the phone together. She seemed like the Library of Congress in her gray matter.  :hug3: I've got volumes of writings in the form of newsletters from the 15 years we were on the mission field. I think there's over 30 countries wrapped up in those history papers. :rolleyes:  I sure added to my knowledge bank in Africa and the former USSR.   :hapydancsmil:

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Oh yes, Westie.  Oh my. I'd like to see a whole area here just devoted to her info.  And knowledge bank of Africa and the former USSR?  That would also be a great volume to have.  :reading:

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Westie was indeed a treasure trove. And what a sense of humor! I remember sending a signed fabric block for a quilt. Sigh. 


What urged me to become a member was Nana. Her lists on how to prepare, especially food, are pinned and worth another look. She gave many ideas on how to build up your pantry on a budget over a year. Week by week or month by month. I spent hours copying her lists onto a Word document so I could print it and mark off items I bought. Since this is the beginning of a new year, it would be a good time to start. Especially a newbie on a budget. 

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10 minutes ago, Jeepers said:

Westie was indeed a treasure trove. And what a sense of humor! I remember sending a signed fabric block for a quilt. Sigh. 


What urged me to become a member was Nana. Her lists on how to prepare, especially food, are pinned and worth another look. She gave many ideas on how to build up your pantry on a budget over a year. Week by week or month by month. I spent hours copying her lists onto a Word document so I could print it and mark off items I bought. Since this is the beginning of a new year, it would be a good time to start. Especially a newbie on a budget. 



I'm not sure I know how to access those old files. I remember Nana's weeks/months of carefully typing out instructions on what/when to buy supplies. How do we access this history?  :0327:


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