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@themartianchick, is there a secret to planting and growing mango trees?  I know they grow in FL, but can't get one going in MS.


Have had a busy couple of days.
Yesterday was stock up for the month day at Aldi, Walmart, etc.
SS ofc. so my friend could apply for replacement card. She has an appt. to get State ID card on Tues. with us while we renew DL's.


Already walked this morning.
Walked dogs.
Picked up parking lot at Church.
Next, will pay bills.
Straighten up front porch.
Plant beets.

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Jeepers, you are getting there. It is a hassle but will get done. Just don't get overheated out there.  

Necie, sounds like you found some good deals at the yard sales.  


Miki, you seem to stay busy also. 


This morning got beef and pork cut up and ready for canner.  Doing meat in tiny baby food size jars is no fun. But the baby will have her own little stash of food. No worries about store bought baby food recalls. 

Dog sitting for my neighbor today also. I have her outside now and will take her back in, in about a half hour. 

GS is still sleeping, hope he's not off work again today. Something there is going on. It's like he has gone part time or something. Hasn't been working those 5-day straight days anymore.  Just walked in and woke him up, he is working today and is oversleeping. Don't know what time he went to bed this morning. But I think it was after 5am. He should have been in bed long before then.  We had gotten to talking about things the other day and he has been living here now for almost 3 years. No wonder I am going bonkers. Cleaning up behind a 22-year-old and doing the things I need to get done is tiring to say the least.

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6 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

@themartianchick, is there a secret to planting and growing mango trees?  I know they grow in FL, but can't get one going in MS.



My Dad was raised in Florida and he also indicated that he didn't know how to make them grow. I ran across an article that outlined the steps. Let the big seedpod dry for several days and then cut it open with scissors, Inside, you will find a large bean-like seed, peel any of the papery, dark coating off of it and then soak the seed in a small amount of water, Within a few days, it will sprout and can then be planted in soil. I change the water every day and it seems to get dark and cloudy before the water change. It takes about 5+ years before a mango will bear fruit. There are several mango varieties, so I have been buying different ones at the local grocery stores.

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@Necie. Amen on the organizing. I'm only getting the one house done good enough to move. Then I'll have to do it all over again when it gets to Indiana. At least it will all be clean and sorted through. I don't think I'll ever have one clean organized house in my lifetime.


Good idea buying used equipment for your GS. I bought really cheap soccer goals for my GS too. He is so into soccer but they change their mind so fast. Especially when they are in school and listening to the other kids. Last year it was Pokémon this year it's soccer. I know way more about those soccer players than I ever needed to know. 🥅 🥅


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DD sent GS a pair of tennis shoes, a couple pair of shorts and a pair of sliders type shoes. He definitely needed them. So, with what I bought him and what she got him he should be set for the summer. 

Got the canning out of the way and cleaned kitchen after.  We are in a heat wave with temps tomorrow in high 90's with heat index between 105 and 109. That's hot. DD is babysitting the baby this weekend along with DGD's dog.  She is keeping her overnight.  They bought the baby to her on Friday.  GD and DGSIL went to S. Carolina for his friend's wedding. They will be back here sometime tomorrow. DD sent me pictures. The baby loves the pool. And she has started crawling a little but crawling. 

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At the farm with DS1. Weed killer worked and DD is coming over tomorrow, so we’ll see how much we can get done. DGD(13) was with us last weekend. I’d picked her up on Friday and we stayed in the cabin. Then came to the farm Saturday, home Sunday evening. Lazy day at home on Monday— the day I went through tackle boxes. Then she went to flea market with me on Tue/Wed. We had a doozy of a storm come through Tuesday morning and kept ourselves shut in the building pretty much from 9 until just after noon. It was a pretty cruddy week for sales. Took her home after market on Wednesday. A 13 yr old can really wear ya out!! 

New news... DS2 and DDIL are getting MARRIED!!! :hapydancsmil::cloud9: So she’ll officially be DDIL, even though she already is since she’s been like a daughter to me for over 10 yrs since she is one of DD’s best friends (DDIL and DS2 have been together for 2 yrs). They’d went on vacation last weekend and DS2 proposed. TOTAL SHOCKER!! They’re planning for a small wedding next summer up by Lake Superior somewhere. Camping and a wedding! Should be a BLAST!! :cele: 


:hug3:and :kissy:


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Hi everyone.  It's been hot here but safe with the A/C unit.  Thankful for the rain a couple evenings ago.  Need more.  July is our "monsoon season".  Almost there.  Hearing of wildfires....  Scares me.  Feel so sorry for those in that.  BTDT too much! 


Jeepers....can you sit with your back to the fan and work on cleaning with the wipes in front of you?  Less breeze to dry out your wipes?  Unless you need the breeze in your face to keep from overheating.  You are making progress!!!!  :cheer: 


15 hours ago, Necie said:

Sometimes it seems that life is one big battle of organization. I think if I ever get everything organized and life perfectly set up... I’d die of boredom! 😂 


:laughkick:    I love it!  One Big Battle of Organization!  Too true!


Glad to hear your dear dad is getting better slowly, Martian.  :pray:  Now you have to just keep him from getting overly enthusiastic....  :rolleyes:  


Some of you must be getting into the very HOT of summer.  Thankfully I live here where really hot is short-lived each day.  Evening cools down and nights are still getting into the 50's.  I'm having some success in getting to bed before Maui time (4am).  Was midnight last night which is pretty good for me.  I'll have to hurry tonite to make it.  Still have Hawaiian to do and I never know how long one simple lesson will take! 


MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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AND then I got to page 139 and find more entries. Thot I was at the end already. 


Congrats on the wedding, Necie!  You've mentioned how much you like this girl!  :thumbs:  Glad the shoulder is healing well - despite moving the doctor's orders up a few weeks!  LOL


Little Sister.. I think it's grand that you can provide real food for the GrGD.  Important to keep them away from the bad stuff for as long as possible....like teen years? 


OK....time for Hawaiian before I'm too sleepy

MtRider  :pc_coffee:



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@Necie Congrats to your son and your DIL. :hapydancsmil:


I got most of the gifts for GS delivered. I just need to wrap it all up and get an Amazon gift card. I bought a soccer ball from Amazon and it arrived flat. I guess I'm supposed to buy a pump and pump it up. Probably gonna need one anyway. But I hope it was supposed to arrive that way and doesn't have a leak in it. Sheeesh. My doctor finally sent my fecal test kit. Yeah me. :rolleyes:


I was lazy yesterday so I have to really kick it in to high gear today in the garage. As soon as I sweep off the top of the shelving unit, I'll be done using the ladder. I bought one of those small dust pan and whisk broom type sets for cheap so I can sort of contain the mouse "stuff" without flipping it all around with a long handled broom. Hope I don't get the hantavirus. I did wear a mask but all I had was the thin surgical kind. Crimony. 


I'll still have stuff on the shelves but it's stuff I want to keep. And it will be clean and sorted so the movers can see what needs to be taken. I'm not looking forward to paying for this move across two states. Even on the cheap with Two Men And A Truck. $$$$.  :(


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16 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

Some of you must be getting into the very HOT of summer.  Thankfully I live here where really hot is short-lived each day. 


It gets just a "tad" bit HOT here in the summer.

(Pretty sure the Thurs, Fri, Sat stats are sarcastic)






Why are summers so darn hot in Redding?

Marc Beauchamp

Redding routinely experiences the hottest summer temperatures anywhere in California north of the Mojave Desert. Daily maximums in Redding often top out a few degrees higher than other notoriously broiling Central Valley cities like Fresno and Bakersfield, even though these places are farther south with higher sun angles.



Daily maximum temperatures above 90 degrees are the rule in Redding from about early June well into October. Triple digit afternoons are common from about late June through at least mid-September. In a typical summer temps will hit 100 degrees or higher at least a couple dozen times. 



The Redding area is also infamous for enduring many consecutive days with triple-digit heat. Strings of 10 to 14 days are fairly common. The longest streak on record for Redding is 26 days in July and August, 1978.



Why such heat? Blame the scenery.

The mountains that give Redding its rugged backdrop also wall it off from any tempering ocean influence. Breezes fanning out from the Sacramento/San Joaquin delta will dramatically cool Sacramento, Stockton and other inland cities. These winds have typically lost most of their coolant by the time they've traveled 160 miles up the valley to Shasta County.



The Redding area is more prone to this so-called adiabatic warming than any other in Northern California. Winds in Redding are blowing down slope from most directions, thanks to the city's location at the head of a mountain horseshoe.*

(*Coastal Range to the west, Sierra Nevada's to the east, Siskyou Mountains to the north where the other mountains "merge.")





Are you ready to move here yet??? :knary:   :whistling: :blink: :24:





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Last nght we got to watch the fireworks display that dh and friend put on every year. Fantastic! His friend has been doing it since before we moved here. There is a potluck, too. They are some of the best shows I've ever seen. They spend about $2000 and split the cost. They buy them in the winter at 40% off. They don't take donations. It is basically a gift to the neighborhood. There is still some left over so my dh will be lighting some off at our house on the 4th.

We won't be having the traditional hot dogs and burgers on the 4th. Our youngest son requested ham. So, our meal will be like an Easter meal. Not sure what sides yet. I may bake a cake for the dessert. I got the ham around Easter and it is thawing in the fridge now. 

I need to do laundry tomorrow and hopefully get to the store tomorrow for milk and tp.

I have a gastro doc appointment this week to talk about the liver pain I was having a few weeks ago and about my fatty liver disease.

Dh and I are in our 50s and just falling apart. I could give you a laundry list of all my ailments from head to toe.

Could you pray for my dh? He really needs to see the doctor. He has degenerative joint disease, a painful hip, acid reflux/ vomiting often, trouble breathing and eczema. I am most concerned about his vomiting and trouble breathing.  It isn't normal.

Oldest son has been working as a union plumbing apprentice and seems to enjoy. He is happy that he gets to be home with his family more. The kids were really missing him. He has 3 under 4yo.











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Blessedhomemaker, Keeping both of you in prayer.   I had issues like your DH is having with that your DH has a hiatal hernia. And possibly need to have his throat stretched as well. That is what I have and had those symptoms. They do have things to help that and having the throat stretched helped a lot. 


Midnightmom, be careful of the hot weather.  We are also having that issue. But thunderstorms today and still lighting out. But hoping this will give me some cooler days. 


Jeepers, sounds like you are making great progress.  


I worked on the house today.  Gave kitchen a good cleaning as GS makes big messes and doesn't clean up very well. So deep cleaning kitchen is an almost daily thing when I know I will be canning. I kick him out of it the day before I can and then during the time I am canning. Seems to be the only way I can get things done around here.  Won't even go there on his bathroom. I might be taking a day to deep clean that as well. He does clean it but not like he should. 

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15 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Blessedhomemaker, Keeping both of you in prayer.   I had issues like your DH is having with that your DH has a hiatal hernia. And possibly need to have his throat stretched as well. That is what I have and had those symptoms. They do have things to help that and having the throat stretched helped a lot. 


I have a Shatzki's Ring. (If they scope his throat they may discover he has one too.) It has had to be stretched 3 times over the last 40 years. Too bad the d@mn thing won't break and stop giving me trouble! Most of the time I don't have issues swallowing, but, if I'm stressed or in a hurry to eat it seems like my throat closes down and it actually hurts until I relax so it can relax too. I am convinced this is where the expression "something stuck in your craw" came from!







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Praying that you can get your DH to go to doc about breathing issues @blessedhomemaker71.  Not something to mess around with.

Congratulations on the upcoming wedding @Necie!  Sounds like a fun and maybe relaxing time!

Thank you for the info about the mango @themartianchick!  I will be trying that.


Yesterday was Church and set up my vitamins for the month. I try and stay off the laptop on Sundays.


This morning, Bo and I walked.
DH and I went to Thrift home care for more 25 ft. hose for oxygen line. Bought 6. We can't keep cat from chewing them up.
Dollar General for DH treats.
Tractor Supply to pick up generator.
now home and have 2nd load of laundry going.
Still need to set up DH's pills for the month.
Collect documents to renew DL's tomorrow morning.

You all have a good week That should be enough for a Monday.

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Canning again today. Pulled some skinless chicken I had in freezer out for making the baby food. Already have the beef and pork.  Also canned some potatoes today. I bought a bigger bag than I should have and didn't want them to go bad before I could use them all. 


Midnightmom, I don't have the Schatzki ring but do have a hiatal hernia.  It has popped out a couple of times and they had to stretch my throat to make it go back in place. It is in the upper area of esophagus.  Not a good feeling when it decides to act up. 



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GS cooked dinner tonight and now he is cleaning the kitchen.  Not going to complain that he didn't clean off counters or stove. I will just take care of that when I get back from the doctor in the morning.  

Got the last of the meat and potatoes out of canner and all sealed with one being iffy. It seems to have finally sealed but when tapping on the lid it doesn't sound right. So will put that one in fridge just in case. Though the lid seems to be holding tight. It doesn't come off, but it was sitting on counter cooling down and still did not seal and then after it had cooled for a while it still wasn't sealed and now, I don't trust that one. Better safe than sorry. 


GS cooked steak, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn.  It was all good. I try to encourage him since he wants to be a cook in Coast Guard. So far, he has done well, but a lot of work after the fact for me. 

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I finally got the shelving unit cleaned off in the garage. It doesn't exactly look like it because I stored stuff back on it that I want to keep. But it's all cleaned (I hate meeces to pieces) and boxed up for the movers to deal with. I'll start cleaning the end of that side of the garage tomorrow. Its almost as bad but I don't think the mice have been as bad down there. lots of dust and sawdust though. I took 6 more bags of trash away and another load to Salvation Army. I had more time and energy to clean more but kept getting calls and texts. All good and worth it but but still delayed me. All I want now is a long bath and a piece of lemon meringue pie. Can do. Then off to bed early with the Kindle. 


Littlesister, I'm with you. Better safe than sorry. I'd eat it now. 

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11 hours ago, snapshotmiki said:

Tractor Supply to pick up generator.

 Miki - that will be a good thing with Beryl smashing things already in the Caribbean.   Hope it won't be a terrible hurricane season for you.


4 hours ago, Jeepers said:

(I hate meeces to pieces)

Right there with ya, sistah!  Sounds like you are really powering thru.....but ever more to do.  :pray:  That you'll soon be done with this house and get over with the family. 


:pray:  for Blessed's DH.  Sounds like he needs a total health workup!  :pray:  


We got good rain last nite.  Not a lot of drama with thunder/lightning.  All soaked in.  We're lush green but it doesn't take too long to be fire-season DRY.  El Nino is gone so we don't have the regular rains as much.


MtRider going to bed!



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Weather says 99 degrees today. Yikes!

Will walk in a few minutes.
Taking DH and my friend to DMV for renewals at 11 am.
Just a little misc chores this afternoon.

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Stay safe in that heat Miki


I'm going to Indy in the morning. Since the Jeep is still without air, I'm leaving early to beat the heat. I'd go later at night but my nighttime driving isn't as good as it used to be. I'll probably be back Monday. Depending on the weather. I need to keep the shrubs watered in this heat.


I still have presents to get wrapped. I didn't go over board. I just waited til the last minute and had other things to do. Then get the Jeep loaded up. At least I have everything I need over there now so I don't have to pack a suitcase any more. Basically just the Kindles. They both need updated from sons WiFi. 


I'll probably spend most of my time at sons house so I won't get much done at that house. That's okay with me! 


I hope the week I return I can get the movers and realtor scheduled. I think I need about 1 day in the house and about 3 days in the garage. Then I'll be D. O. N. E. 


The guy cutting our grass said he could give me an estimate on clearing out the property over there. It is really really bad and over grown. It's going to cost me another fortune but what can I do. I actually have a tree growing up out of a crack in the deck.  This house had better sell well! :unsure:


I got a notice in the mail from a MS lawyer. They need me to sign a release form so my half sister can sell our dad's property. Ya know, I have no ties to that side of the family. I only saw my dad once when I was in my mid 30's and he never paid my mom one penny of child support. Yet he adopted his wife's two kids and a grandson. When I read his obit online, they left me and my son out of it. I could be a stinker and hold up the sale but I'm not going to. They sent me all kinds of paperwork with pictures describing the property. She will be lucky to sell it. Nuff said. He left me $2,000.00 though which surprised me. That will go towards the Indy yard clean up. A drop in that bucket but I'll take it. 


It's back to that dirty stinking dusty saw dust mouse infested garage the rest of the day for me. :yuk:

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Jeepers have a safe trip! Glad you are getting to the point you can see an end in sight. Soon you won't have to make that drive anymore hopefully! :hapydancsmil:

Littlesister sounds like a great meal and extra good that he's learning to cook

Miki hope you didn't get overheated on your walk! I has been nice enough here the past 2 days that I haven't had to turn the AC on until late afternoon so I'm grateful.

Mt Rider hope the fires stay away you don't need any of that nonsense. :hug3:

I have been harvesting cucumbers from the garden and they are delish! Getting ready to go on a short trip myself to my hometown next weekend for just Fri-Sun but it will be nice to have a long weekend. I'm also taking Monday off so it will be a lovely break.

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Went to doctor this morning. Appointment was at 9:30. But the doctor was at the hospital, so I ended up waiting in the exam room till he got to the office. It was after 11:00 before I got out. Though all was good. But only lost 5lbs. I was disappointed at that but my body with the metabolism issues makes it very hard to lose weight. I was hoping he would put me on something that actually worked but nope, still taking farxiga and that is not helping anything. I started researching about pancreatic cleans. And they do have them so going to check into the best ones to take. I already do the liver cleans but with diabetics it's the pancreas that needs to be cleansed. Figured its worth a try. The sugar levels were good but not where I wanted them to be. The cortisone injections did mess that up some but still were better than 4 months ago. 

My storage bags came in today so going to start working on that in the morning. I bought 4 of them so that should be enough for what I need to do. Blankets and things like that mostly so I can condense those down to make room for other things. 

Got the kitchen cleaned up after getting back from doctor. What a mess. Grease everywhere. But what can I say he is learning.  

I am babysitting on Thursday so not much time to get anything around here done. But that is the story of my life. Kids seem to come first around here. But at least she doesn't start crying now when she sees her uncle. Definitely was the hoodie. He's now getting out of the habit of wearing them all the time. Summer included. 

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