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Hmmm... Midnight-thirty here in CO.  Last thing I'm doing before bed.  I almost got to bed early....  :sHa_sarcasticlol:   Riiiight.  In truth I'm much better - almost off Maui time.  Just back to my normal late time. 


:pray:  for Jeepers safe and cool-enough trip to Indy and back.  Bday for GrS and The 4th.  :americanflag::hapydancsmil::bdaycake::cloud9:  


:pray:  for Becca Anne's trip as well.


:pray:  Safe holiday - no sickness from food left out too long or haywire fireworks! 


:pray:  for the people that H. Beryl is plowing over....sheeesh.  Cat 5 this early.  :(  


I finally had the energy back to walk dog and cook supper tonite.  :cheer:  Then I was wobbly.  :lol:  


MtRider ....now I"m going to bed!  Nite!

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Mt. Rider, you will get back to your form of normal before too long. 


Jeepers, have a safe trip and be careful out there. People drive crazy these days. 


Becca Anne, I must have missed something about you going on a trip.  Stay safe and be careful out there. 


I think Beryl is going to be a bad hurricane and is only the first one and early for the season. Praying all will be safe from this. 


Put the grill grates and grates to the stove in plastic bags and sprayed them down with oven cleaner. My DD swears by putting them in plastic bag and then spraying them and letting them sit for a couple of hours or so that the fumes will take everything off of them. I sure hope so because Mr. grease monkey cooked (GS) and grease is everywhere.  Still trying to get it all cleaned up. What a mess. 

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I went to the gastro doc today about the pain I was having a few weeks ago with my liver. He wants me to have an ultrasound and endoscopy.He wants to do the endoscopy because he thinks there is a possibility of having an ulcer. He also sent in an rx for nausea medication .

DH doesn't want to go to the doc about his ailments. He needs to be seen. Keep on praying,  ladies!


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Prayers for everyone's health concerns! :hug3:Seems like a lot of us are struggling with one thing or another lately.


Littlesister I'm headed to my hometown to go to my HS reunion (class below mine but it was a small HS and I want to see all of them and it's open to other years joining in). My friend who lives and teaches in Egypt will be there so I really want to catch up with her. I'm also going to see several other friends I haven't seen in years. So should be fun. Taking my mom along and she can visit with her friend as well (mom of my best friend who lives with me). So driving up Fri and home on Sun evening. I am off until Tues on vacation so going to enjoy some time to relax :wub:



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Becca Anne, have a great time and be careful going and coming back home. 


Will keep everyone in prayer that is traveling. These days things are crazy with some of these drivers. 


Seems we had a crazy driver on the monitor Merrimac bridge. They said he was weaving in and out of traffic and speeding. I don't know about all of it, but he wreaked and went over the bridge in the water and was killed. All anyone said was karma.  Might be karma to them but anytime anyone gets killed even if it's from stupid stuff, getting killed from those actions isn't going to help the family any.  


Got most of the kitchen cleaned up and all of the grease GS had splattered everywhere is now gone. My DD was right that grease melted right off the grates and made it so much easier to clean. So that is all done now. Need to get GS's crap off my counter so I can finish cleaning it. It's late so will do that tomorrow. Got a load of towels washed and dried but still need to get them out of dryer, folded and put away. Will get that done in the morning also. I have been going all day except for a couple of breaks. I'm tired and about ready for bed. DGD and GSIL will be here around 10am. They are bringing me a tv and going to take the old one down and set this one up for me. She said they have 2 they no longer use. So that will hold me for a while. And I am babysitting tomorrow so they can go to hardware store and get a few things done that is hard to do with a baby around. So, my next-door neighbor is coming over to play with the baby. Might do hotdogs or hamburgers or something for the two of us. GS is working so he won't be home. 

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Happy 4th  ...and spend some time praying for our country.  The divide is waaaay too wide and keeps getting worse.  The loudest voices are probably the furthest from a more moderate middle but .....it ain't helping this UNITED States.  :pray: we can stay united!  :americanflag:


I've had a good day!  :amen:   Walked the dog quite a ways AND up the driveway.....carrying a whole load of rhubarb stalks.  :yum3:  Not sure what we'll make but I pulled all the fat stalks.  Hope the rest will beef-up a bit.  But their season is coming to a close.  We've got a lot this year....steady rain.  ( I love El Nino years)  A whole lotta think stalks work too.  Might fire up the dehydrator.  In all the shifting of things, I've managed to make sure the vents to that machine are still clear....and the plug is visible too. 


Did a load of laundry. All put away.  Took dog and we went to the village to fill my old truck with gas.  I was just going to start it - been sitting since that last huge snowstorm we had..April?  It started after a couple tries.  Also took shower/wash hair.  Called Mom.  DH was working today cuz he switch and isn't helping client tomorrow.  So we're both off.  I'm actually surprised that I could do all that.  :bounce:  Must be acclimated to this high country! 


MtRider  ...supper is done :feedme: 

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Have fun @Becca_Anne!  And relax a little.


Yesterday was an Aldi run, Post ofc. for passport app and lunch with my friend.

Today, Bo and I will walk in a few minutes.
Walk dogs.
Change AC filter.
Clean out pantry.

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Happy Fourth of July everyone.  Lots of travel and cook outs. For those that are traveling, stay safe. 

Babysitting early today. Baby is down for her nap as well as GS. Yes, he hasn't woken up yet to get ready for work. 

Neighbor is coming over a bit later and we might cook hotdogs or something. Not sure what yet. But I have plenty here to figure it out.  Maybe my canned barbeque or something. 

Not doing a whole lot today. Just enjoying the baby and playing with her. She is now crawling and all over the place. So much fun and so cute. 

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Almost forgot.


Mt. Rider I am so glad you are having better days now. I hope all that continues.   


And yes, pray for our country. It is one huge mess and very much divided. 

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Babysat this morning and then later went to GD's house for dinner. On the way back home, the car decided to act up. It started slowing down like it had no power then would start going again. Did that twice. Then when I got home the brake lights would not turn off. Talked with SIL and he said it could be the brakes or bad wire.  Told me to disconnect the battery. But I don't have metric tools to do that. So, one of my neighbors came over and decided to pull the fuse to the brake lights. That worked so at least I won't have a dead battery in the morning. 


But with all that going on.  I am going to be a great grandma again. DGD is going to have another baby. This one is due around March 2nd. She told me while I was at her house this evening.  The fireworks are going off all around me. Some places cancelled due to bad weather coming in. It is trying to rain now, and I also heard thunder as well.  The timing on this baby will be 14 months between the first one and second one. Nothing like a newborn and a toddler. It will be fun though. 


Hope everyone is having a wonderful 4th of July and safe travels for all that are travelling. 

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At the farm. :happy0203: My uncle got the camper moved for me and DS1 and I worked on getting it leveled up enough for me to sleep in it. Bit more to do, but it’s good enough for tonight. 
Market was pretty miserable this week. Seems to be a trend. Hot, hot, hot,... and then rain. I think it’s rained every week so far. It just kills sales. Not that sales are great anyhow. :buttercup: Economy, inflation, election year. People just aren’t spending. 

Pic of camper’s new location. 



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Waiting for GS to get up to follow me to the mechanics. I need him to follow me in case the car stalls and won't restart. I already called them and told them about it and that I am waiting for GS to follow me there. She said it might be Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before they can start work on it. But I will be fine with that. At least it is there to be worked on. I figured while it is there, they can do the inspection, rotate tires, change the oil and check the filters. I just won't have a car for about a week. They are not open on weekends, but I think on Sat. they do catchup work on cars when they get backed up. 


Working around the house till GS gets up to follow me to mechanics. I will need a ride back home again also. So, he is my ride as well as following me there just in case of a stall out. 

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That's a nice travel trailer @Necie!


Bo and I walked earlier.
Helped DH replace an interior door handle.
Cleaned bathrooms, dusted house and washed rugs.
Swept floors.
Pretty much done for the day except to give myself a pedicure this evening.

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Shheeeesh!  :knary:   ..... :frozen:   ....... :knary:     :blink:      We don't usually have temperature variance THIS wide in July.  We got down to 40* last nite after getting up to 90* yesterday.  The 90* is normal....and much cooler in the night is normal but not 40*!  it's noon and we just shut the door cuz I'm freezing.  Still just 60* in the shade but the sun is slowing creeping over the ridge and we'll be creeping up in temperature in an hour or so.  NOT that I'm complaining.  I LIKE cooler weather!  But it is noteworthy on July 6th.  :lol:  


MtRider   :grinning-smiley-044:

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It got up to 98* here with a heat index of 110. That is hot. I will hate to see my next electric bill with this heat. Air conditioning has been running a lot. All of this heat wave will be on the next bill. 

Been doing the regular cleaning today. Bathrooms, kitchen floor, reloading the dishwasher, washed out the outside trashcan after they emptied it today and a few other small things. 

The airbags or whatever you call them finally came this afternoon. So now I can get the blankets and such packed in them and get the air out of the bags and have so much more room in closets. Those bags are great but they only seem to last for so many uses before needing to be replaced. But they do save a lot of space. 

DGS took off today and is going to make it up and work on his next day off. I am glad he followed me to the mechanics.  GS said it looked like I was riding my breaks all the way there. I think it is electrical. But will find out on Monday. They are going to check everything out do the inspection and call me with all that is wrong and or needed as well. I know I needed new filters so those will be replaced also. Need to get the car up to speed and just bite the bullet and make sure everything on it is in good shape.  It is a 2013 Hyundai, but only has 47,000 miles on it. But at that age things still wear out after so many years. 

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WOW!! 47,000 is amazing!! My minivan is a 2013 and it has 170,000. I drive too much. :buttercup: 


Sooo... my mom has this friend. Amish lady (we’ll call her Al— for “Amish lady” 😆). Mom picks her up every Wednesday morning (mom drives right past her house) on the way to market to go to the antique auction and then takes her home. They are about the same age (mid-70s) and get along splendidly... as long as mom doesn’t let Al take advantage. <_<

Anyhow, a couple weeks ago, Al heard from one of the ladies at market that she was having a yard sale. So after market, mom and Al went. My mother should not be allowed to go to yard sales!! She always gets stuff that we don’t need... and pays too much for it. :tapfoot: Well, she bought me YARN!! :24: I do NOT need yarn. I have half my upstairs full of yarn. I will not even post pics of it anymore, cuz I posted on a FB group asking for any ideas or suggestions on organizing it (it was a disaster), and a couple of members called me a HOARDER!! :008Laughing:Said I should give away/donate all but 2 yrs worth... ummm, I have about 10 yrs worth and had been doing market over 10 years at the time— what am I supposed to do when 2 yrs worth runs out??... buy more??? Idiots!! 
Anyhow (again), mom bought yarn— 2 boxes full— $1/skein!! :faint3:I never pay over .25c a skein! Heck, I usually get most free that someone just wants out of their way! So this week... Al goes to auction. Guess what they have?? YARN! Al thinks that I need it since Mom just bought me some. Yup— she got it. About $1/skein again. :buttercup: I paid her for it and thanked her, but told Mom later to make sure to let Al know that I now have PLENTY of yarn. 
So, now I have 3 boxes sitting in my dining room that I need to sort and organize and haul upstairs and try to fit in with the rest of the HOARD. 

Still at the farm. Busy all day, but didn’t do anything in the gardens. DS1 got the push mowing done, then his dad picked him up to take him to the doctor for some poison ivy he got into. They’re leaving to go up north on Tuesday, so DX figured he better get him in and get it taken care of or DS1 would be miserable on vacation. He got 2 shots (steroid and benedryl), prednisone pills and some kind of cream. DS1 is gonna have to do weedwacking in the morning cuz he didn’t get it done after they got back. 
I got a bunch of metal siding pulled out of one section of the yard and into the barn. DS2 is using it to do the ends of the barn... which got put on hold due to busting up his shoulder and ribs. Then I got about half the yard raked of sticks and stuff. Looking much better. We’re having our “Family Sunday Funday at the Farm” in two weeks and I figured I’d better get busy since DS1 will be gone next week and I won’t have help. Mom, all my sisters, nieces/nephews, their spouses and kids come. A few will camp for the weekend. Swimming and fishing in the pond. And we have a huge dinner on Sunday. It’s nerve wracking getting ready for... but a BLAST when we all get together. :hapydancsmil:


pic of stupid expensive yarn that I didn’t need. lol 




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Been working on organizing. Got the space bags and got all my winter clothes off the closet shelf and put into the bags. I now have much more space.  I needed a break. Sweaty and tired now.  Will put all the shoes away in their place after break. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Thank you, DGS. But I question showing off for girlfriend or did someone really try to break into one of the sheds. No indication of anyone around.  GS and his out of state girlfriend need to put the cell phones down and stop this face time 24/7. It is getting ridiculous now. I think they just try to show off. He can leave me out of it.  Can't figure out if he's 2 years old or 22 years old. But my guess is a stupid 2-year-old. 

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Got a lot done today. It's down to the little stuff that is so much harder to sort and figure out what to do with it. But I am getting through it.  I know what you have been going through Jeepers.  I'm not moving but just too much stuff that has added up over the years. Another box set up for Goodwill and more to the trash.  Getting all my first aid stuff in one place now. Things are just scattered everywhere from all the remodel and construction that went on here.  It's taken me too long to worm through it all.

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Am home. 😀


Worked in the garden at the farm this morning. Sprayed weeds in the potatoes. Cockleburrs. I HATE cockleburrs. My most least favorite weed EVER!! Then loaded up 4 boxes of junk to take to market this week. 
On the way to drop DS1 off, we stopped at a couple yard sales. He spent more than I did!! 😳 Clothes ($23), Cabelas coat ($25), and a NEW fishing pole ($50). I spent about $30. Mostly stuff for market. 
Got DS1 home, dropped off a few things at cabin, loaded up a couple more boxes of junk out of mom’s barn, and raided her lotions for farmer’s market to take for ones that I’ve sold at flea market. 
Stopped at local meat market and got Hawaiian pork burgers and brats for grilling tomorrow. Kids are coming down for fireworks. No grandkids. 😢 The littles’ dad picks them up at 6 tomorrow and, of course, the teen has MUCH better things to do than hang out with us old fogies. 
Worked on getting the upright freezer emptied when I got home. Managed to get any meat and cheese and such into the chest freezer. Will put the rest— mostly fruits/veggies and breads— into coolers in the morning and get it defrosted. It’s a MESS!! 🥴 


Hope everyone is having a good weekend. 💥 


:hug3:and :kissy:


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Got the stand up freezer emptied and it’s thawing. Fit everything that wouldn’t fit in the chest freezer into 2 coolers and a small tote. Busted off the major *ice flows* and tossed them into a big pot, along with a few things that had obviously not made it— kiwi, some hot peppers, a bag of goat milk... 

Relaxing on the patio for a bit. It’s only 72* out right now, but it’s MUGGY!! 💦 




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Still working on going through things today.  Might sit down and watch a movie in a bit. Cleaned kitchen and got canning things put away for now. Will do some more canning later in the week from the freezer. Need to get the coolers out of shed.  Necie thinks for that reminder. I need the coolers to unload what's at top of freezer to get to what is in the bottom of it.  It's a chest freezer and loaded up again. Also need to empty the freezers from both fridges as well and clean them out. Going to be another busy week. I should have taken it easier today but want to get this mess finished. 


It has been really hot here. High 90's and humid. We are about to get another storm, but this one also might go around us. we did get some rain last night and a little this afternoon. It has been thundering off and on now for the past 30 minutes or so but looks like things are clearing up. So, this one also is going around us. 



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It has been sunny and not too terribly hot here.  And....oddly, I can't think of any interesting or weird/odd/unusual thing that's happened lately.  :lol: 




Had good ride on Sat.  DH has been adjusting me the past few days.  My neck...which is unusual, I guess...has been stuck.  Can't turn it to the right.  My neck has "history" but since DH and chiropractic, I don't really have trouble anymore.  :scratchhead:   So we're not sure what's up with that.  Isn't full time pain - only when I try to turn it to the right.  


I hope your car can be repaired quickly and back to normal, Little Sister. 


Yarn.... Oh boy!  They've got your number, Necie.  :rolleyes:  But yours sounds like such a fun family with your weaving back and forth from one person's house to the kin down the road.  Have a good weekend!


:pray: for everyone driving home after this week and weekend......


MtRider  :pc_coffee:



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Yes, prayers for safe travels for everyone that is traveling. 


GS should be home shortly. He went in to work early so he could get off early. 


Mt. Rider glad your ride went well.  I know all too well about neck issues.  I have a plate and Godiva bone. I have a lot of trouble turning my neck right or left and can only put my head back just so far. I have some minor pain almost every day, but again it is affecting my right shoulder.  I have a neck massager with heat that helps a lot. DD got it for me for Christmas last year. That thing is a life saver. 

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Miki glad you got the handle replaced those small upgrades can really make life so much smoother. It's the little things!

Mt Rider hope your neck feels better soon!

Necie that's a lot of yarn! And glad you got that freezer job done feels good doesn't it!

Littlesister good luck cleaning out your freezer I did mine recently really nice to be able to find things in there again


Had a great time on my trip "home" and it was so lovely to reconnect with my schoolmates after so long. Some I hadn't seen since HS. The town itself has changed a lot since 2009 when I was last there for a visit. It felt like someone had taken all of the stores in town, tossed them in a box and shaken it and then randomly re-distributed them all over town :laughkick:So a bit surreal trying to orient myself but by Sunday I felt again like I knew where I was without using GPS. On the way home we got caught in a torrential downpour and had to pull over several times but then it cleared up and was smooth sailing the rest of the way. 



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I hope you neck feels better soon @Mt_Rider!  Did you maybe sleep wrong?

I'm glad that you had a great time with your reunion @Becca_Anne!  I have my 50th HS reunion, next year.


Yesterday morning I baked the macaroni and cheese and bread pudding. Took them to Church for dinner after.
Did a few menial chores later and watched tv with DH.


Bo and I already walked.
Walked dogs.
Deep cleaned my blender.
Gave dogs flea meds.
Changed out shower curtain.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
Going to a revival with a friend, this evening.

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