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Martinchick, that was my thought about keeping them, but it was just too much. Between my DH and I, we had a ton of metformin. It was taken up too much room for me to keep and it is just me. I don't take that any longer but did keep a few bottles for back up just in case. All this is part of the downsizing process. I still have a bunch of other things for just in case that I could pass on to someone that needs it. But right now, I have to have a much better location for all of it. Can only keep so much of anything. 


Got all the trash together and out to street. I really hope they will pick up the TV. That thing is heavy. I put a few other things from the yard that is either cracked up or I just haven't used in a few years on street for pickup as well. Working on a second box for Goodwill. When I get up to about 4 boxes, I will take it all to Goodwill. 

Getting time to start dinner pretty soon also. It will be a quick and simple dinner tonight. Not as hot as the past few days but still hot outside. 

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I've been keeping my old meds too. I keep meaning to toss my old blood pressure meds but then I dont. Amlodipine makes me pass out. A lot. I can't take them daily now but in an emergency situation I could probably take them every 2-3 days. Something tells me to hold on to them. I'm on Metformin and I've had a little bit of a hard time getting it. It seems to always be on back order. I'm going to have to give my doctor a nudge soon because I only have 8 left and I have missed a couple of doses this month. :unsure:


I just remembered one of my cousins is on amlodipine and if :smiley_shitfan:. I'd gladly give it to her. Good thinking TMC. 

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@Jeepers and @Becca_Anne, glad your trips went well and safe. Jeepers, your grandson is a cutie!! 🥰

@Mother and @blessedhomemaker71, continued prayers for healing and good health. 🧎  @euphrasyne, how is your wrist doing? 🙏 

Sounds like @Littlesister and @snapshotmiki are busy, busy. 😀



Monday I did absolutely NOTHING. 😂 Sat in my chair and played grandkids’ games on my phone. ALL DAY. Never got dressed. Ate chips and dip for dinner. lol 


Tue/Wed was flea market. It rained. A LOT!! Thank you H. Beryl. <_< We did surprisingly well, despite the rain. About 1/4 of the vendors didn’t show up or left early Tuesday. Over half of them didn’t even show up Wednesday.  Rain and wind is just aggravating at market. We have a lot of stuff that we set up in front of our building every morning, and when it rains we can’t do that, so it’s all stuck in the building in the aisles. We keep *announcing*.. “If you need help getting to something, please ask.”... but... people. :buttercup: We end up with more clattering and clanging and broken stuff on rainy days. Nerve wracking.


DS2 went back to work yesterday. They put him on a cushy job with his regular pay. He’s happy as a lark!! I think that his doc was a little leery, and even his work probably thinks it’s a little soon. I think they gave him an easy job so he doesn’t re-injure his shoulder/ribs and have to take more time off. 😉


DS1 and his dad went up north yesterday. Not sure when they’ll be back. When I asked DX, all he said was: “Whenever we get sick of camping and fishing.” Ummmm... so NEVER??? 😂


Gotta run to town today. Mom might go with me. Waiting for her to call when she gets done at the bank this morning. 


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19 hours ago, Midnightmom said:

Anyone need some  'Myr bet riq? ' It did absolutely nothing for my overactive bladder issues, but at $800/bottle :blink: I just couldn't toss it without asking. :D

I've got some of this, too! Thank goodness it was paid for by insurance.

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Got nothing done in house today.  Up at 6 am and can't believe nothing got done in the house. It rained most of last night and was much needed. Been a light sprinkle all day today. So, nothing done outside, and GS was off today. GS was not on his mattress in the house this morning asleep, so I looked outside, and he was passed out, mouth hanging wide open sound asleep at the wheel of his car. His Gameboy still in hand. It was funny and I should have taken a picture. I went to Harris Teeter to pick up an RX and then picked up a few sale items while there. Got a bit more than I really needed but they had a really good sale on some things I use a lot of. Buy one get one free or buy two and get two free. I don't pass those sales up. So, more trash bags, and some other things as well. 

Then when I got home GS was up and helped me unload the car. I still needed to go to Food Lion as Harris Teeter didn't have a couple of items I needed. So, GS went with me to Food Lion. Then came home and he insisted I go with him to his doctor on other side of Suffolk to pick up his RX. He said I needed to get out of the house. Wow. But anyway, I went with him got the RX and came back and then he wanted me to go with him to get his hair cut. Seriously. So, in the parking lot I grabbed his hand and led him up to the hair cuttery. When acting like a two-year-old you get treated like a two-year-old. Then he wanted me to sit down and watch a Star Wars movie with him. He's not usually like this. So, I just played along and got nothing done. 

Now I will have to make up for lost time tomorrow as I have a slew of boxes to break down and put in recycle can and some plastic tubs to put away as well. Then to deep clean kitchen and den as now I find out I am babysitting tomorrow. And I wonder why it has taken me almost 3 years to put my house back together.  The curb side did pick up the TV. So glad that is done with. Don't have to take to Best Buy nor go across the other side of town to get rid of it. 

I am really tired this evening. Not used to just getting out and go, go, go like that. Seems the older I get the less I want to get out and go places.  

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@Littlesister Glad they took your TV. One less thing to mess with. I know what you mean about being interrupted.  Since son is off work and GS is out of school, my phone stays hot. I hate to to tell them I'm busy. I want to spend as much time with both of them as I can. But if they want me to get over there then I can't be on the phone texting and talking. I feel mean for even saying it but dang. 


@Midnightmom  I don't need any of that stuff although, here lately when I gotta go...I gotta go now.  So, hold on to it.  :grinning-smiley-044:



Kinda neat that we might be able to help each other out in a dire emergency situation. BUT, we are just exchanging ideas and none of us would ever even consider giving each other meds! A no-no. We are just thinking out loud as women usually do. 


On the other hand, I have plenty of antibiotics and I will not let any of you die for lack of...well you know. :)


I worked in the garage again most of the afternoon. It is so disgusting out there. I know I'm making progress but I really don't see it. I think it's mostly because I have to drag things out into the garage area to go through stuff and to clean it all off. So I'm seeing a lot of stuff still sitting around. I get so tired but to rest I take some of it to the dumpster. It's about a half an hour away so it is a change of scenery. I took 7 trash bags away today. I'm going back out there tonight to get some things I found to put in the Jeep for the Salvation Army tomorrow. It needs cleaned up first though. If I can get a good clearance tonight. I'll "call the man" tomorrow. 


Just got a text video from my guys.  LOL. Then a cousin. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow. 

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Jeepers, did you discover what was moving around in the garage?     Too bad it is not winter.  Then you could rule out a scary something that is not moving about in cold weather.   :behindsofa:


We need rain.  I was hoping we would get rain, but yesterday was just very, very windy.





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I didn't see anything out there yet but I still have to make my way down to that end of the garage. The shelving unit thing is done. I put stuff back on it but it's stuff up off of the floor that I want moved. Next will be a bunch of yard tools and hand tools for the yard. I have about 8 various sizes of milk/cream cans covered in filth and I have a log splitter and a walk behind plow out there too. Lawn chairs that I'm going to hose down and gift to the next person. Whether they want them or not. Also a school desk that was in the school where I went to kindergarten. I may or may not have sat on it. I found two buckets of Pennsylvania Amish dirt out there. :unsure: Some more canning jars that I hope are empty. An old wooden churn and a newer wooden wagon.  Sigh. That's just what I can see without digging in. All treasures. :rolleyes:  Then all the stuff from the hotel like crafts and junk drawer type stuff...covered in saw dust. Just shoot me now.  LOL


Our Beryl was supposed to land here today but it didn't. I think it happened yesterday, a day early. We got a little rain, some wind and cooler temps. 

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We are still having rain and I am loving the cooler temps.  Jeepers, it sounds like you are making great progress on the garage. I still need to get back out there to mine but has been too hot. Maybe the weather will hold for next week and the Gkids will not need me for a week. Yesterday was my GD's DH's birthday, and she wants to take him out to do something for his birthday. I can understand that, and she doesn't like taking the baby out too much. She is something else when it comes to her child.  Did I say she is expecting another baby in March? I really hope her DH doesn't get transferred before the baby comes. I want to be there when it is born. Though I am sure if she is, I will be keeping the toddler. She is now crawling and getting mad because she doesn't want to crawl, she wants to walk. She will get there. She just turned 9months old the other day, so won't be too long. My neighbor gave me 3 baby gates and a child's table and chair for her. Though the table and chairs are the movie cars. But it was free, so I took it. 

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Necie I like your Monday I need a few days like that just doing nothing in my PJs :cloud9:

Just keep plugging away at it Jeepers you'll get through it. I am glad you're taking breaks and getting out of the heat.

Littlesister I am sure it's annoying when you're trying to get things done but at least your GS wants to spend time with you. I'm reminding myself with my mom when she is hanging around downstairs with me she's just trying to connect she doesn't mean to take up my time. And who knows how long with her I have left so I better make the most of it. Perhaps your GS is thinking the same especially as he is working towards his independence :hug3:


Today I went to St Louis with my youngest son to finally follow up with the pediatric cardiologist. He has the same cardiac condition I do and the Dr wants to get a 24 hr Holter monitor so he's wearing that overnight and we mail it back. He can follow up in a year unless the test shows something new. So I'm glad to finally have gotten him in to establish care with them it only took 2 yrs to get that appointment. They also cleared him for his ear surgery he's having in October. My mom went to the eye surgeon yesterday and we will be scheduling her cataract surgeries. Found out at that apt she also has a condition which will cause her to develop glaucoma and its a genetic cause so I'll have to be sure to get regular eye exams to monitor me for this as well now. She's just so scared of the surgery as her mom had a fall after having cataract surgery and went blind so this is going to be rough. This week we also placed my stepdad on hospice as he apparently now qualifies (I do not think he will pass anytime soon despite this). The memory care unit asked me to do so for the extra support and if the hospice agency can provide that I'm happy he'll have the company and the extra care. I'm getting a bit overloaded with all the caregiving though. It is a lot of things to keep track of!

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Becca-Anne, you seem to be going through a lot these days. Seems a long time for your youngest son to get the care he needs.  :pray: for your mom's cataract surgery and for your son that all will come out great.  I had cataract surgery about 5 years ago with no issues. Hopefully it will be that way for your mom. Glaucoma is another issue. I hope she doesn't get it. I had one aunt that had that. The medication she was on for a rare blood condition is what caused it. So not hereditary. She was the only one in family that had it.  

Sorry to hear about your stepdad going into hospice. I know people that have been or in that now and went two years or more before passing. Had one friend in hospice for over a year and they took him off of it. He lived another 5 years after that. It's all in God's timing. And it will help you with taking care of him. It will give you the breaks that you need. 

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Wow Becca-Anne. You have a lot going on too. It does get daunting. My son had cataract surgery on both eyes and it really helped him.  :hug3:


My grandma had glaucoma. She used eye drops that helped it from progressing. When she was in her 90's she went blind. However she also had dementia so she didn't even realize she was blind because she was living in her own little world living in the past, with 'people' doing things with her. Kind of sweet actually. 

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4 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Then when I got home GS was up and helped me unload the car. I still needed to go to Food Lion as Harris Teeter didn't have a couple of items I needed. So, GS went with me to Food Lion. Then came home and he insisted I go with him to his doctor on other side of Suffolk to pick up his RX. He said I needed to get out of the house. Wow. But anyway, I went with him got the RX and came back and then he wanted me to go with him to get his hair cut. Seriously. So, in the parking lot I grabbed his hand and led him up to the hair cuttery. When acting like a two-year-old you get treated like a two-year-old. 

Out of curiosity, whose car (and gas) got used on these little excursions??? :hidingsmile: :scratchhead:

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Wow....if I miss a day I've got 2 pages to catch up!  :gathering:  Just think if we all got together like we did a few times at Darlene's...  That was great fun....even experienced an earthquake.  :imoksmiley:  Just a  little one.


Martian.... yeah, my mom is still doing pretty good in the assisted living tiny apartment.  She's downsized twice from their 3 story house here in CO.  The last fall didn't seem to do any damage.  It always seems to be in the bathroom - with no softer carpet landing.  And today....I got into a book and in the Eastern Time zone it got to late to call.  :rolleyes:  I have an alarm set for the good time to call her - but I was in the other room and had shut it off.....cuz I'll call her in a few minutes....  :buttercup: 


We registered 92* with the afternoon sun on the thermometer.  :blink:   At this altitude???  The next few days are supposed to be HOT!  This will include going "into town" tomorrow for annual doc appt.   And hopefully Sat for a MORNING ride.  ( I hate mornings!)   But the heat will be too dangerous so....  :sigh:   But truly, without the humidity y'all describe, it's not nearly as miserable out here.  I didn't even know it was that hot out on the porch.  I was in a NE facing room....nice and cool.  I just looked - 60* at 11:30pm.  That's why I like the mountains!  


MtRider  ...praying for the needs mentioned.... :offtobed:  


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Midnightmom, you hit the nail on the head with who's gas and car. That was the real reason he wanted me to go with him. He drove my car and it was my gas. No other reason for wanting me to go. 


Mt. Rider, I wish I lived in the mountains. I loved going through the mountains when I was staying summers at my grandparents' house. 


I have had my phone ringing off the hook this morning. First a lawyer calling me about my car accident that I never had. Told her she had the wrong person. She had my name, and someone named Mike. That is my X-Husband's first name, and he doesn't live in VA any longer. So, hope they got that straight. Then my next-door neighbor calls and said she is in Ohio visiting her sister and wants me to go wake up her grandson as he isn't answering the phone and is late for work. He also lives with her. He is 25 or 26 years old. Time for him to grow up and be responsible enough to get to work on time. She goes through this everyday with him. So, I go over to the house to wake him up. Then back home to work on house then here comes GS whom I thought was in house in bed. Nope he is just coming in from his car to go to bed. Glad he is working today. He made a huge mess in kitchen cooking again last night and made a huge mess. So been dealing with that this morning. Not sure I will let him cook if he can't clean it up. I will sure want to be a little butterfly on the boat watching him cook and clean up behind all of that. 

Guess I better get off of here and get ready to head to post office. Then back to dig into cleaning the house.  Later

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@Littlesister, prayers for you and GS!

@Becca_Anne, You are far busier than me and with extra stress, I think also.  I hope you get some rest.

@Necie, You are so busy!  Sometimes I get tired just imagining your day!


Busy, hot days!
Yesterday, after walking, took friend to Aldi and Walmart.
Paid some bills and other errands.
Delivered banana breads- ended up with 6 regular loaves and 4 mini loaves. Very good!


Bo and I already walked this morning.
Taking my friend with me to salvage grocery store and then to doc appt.
Will do some computer work, this afternoon. It's on being a better caregiver- through the VA.

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9 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Midnightmom, you hit the nail on the head with who's gas and car. That was the real reason he wanted me to go with him. He drove my car and it was my gas. No other reason for wanting me to go. 



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MNM, I have my GS's number. Not the first time he has wanted me to go with him in my car and my gas. He is now pushing himself to get his bills paid off. He owed more than $300 on his charge card and paid it off yesterday. So, I will just look the other way for the use of my car. The more things he does like this, the sooner he will get into the coast guard. I think he is starting to realize living with grandma the rest of his life is not what he has in mind for his future.  I think I have about done all I can for him as far as teaching him and getting him to grow up. He has come a long way and I think now it is time for boot camp to do what they need to do to get him the rest of the way there. All I can say is at least he is trying and thinking about his life now. 


Got the kitchen cleaned up and cleaned the den. Broke down a bunch of boxes and put the empty plastic boxes in attic for the time being. My DD wants them so holding on to the plastic ones for her. I will keep 2 or 3 of them but don't need all of them. I have 2 that are cracked on the bottom and going to try growing potatoes in those. Hope that works. 

I'm babysitting GGD tomorrow so got the playpen set at lowest setting for the baby. Can't have it up where it is easier for me getting her in and out of it as she can now pull herself up a bit and I don't need her falling over the rail. That little stinker is standing for about a minute without holding on. I think we will be in trouble once she starts walking. 


When I went to the store yesterday, it makes me really regret not planting a garden this year, but I think I just got overwhelmed with everything going on. But next year will be looking much better. Got a lot of repairs done this year, well working great, furnace was repaired, gutters replaced and a few other things as well. So, all of that will now be behind me and I can concentrate on getting the raised beds set up as soon as I have some cooler weather to get it done. Can't work out there in this heat and today is cooler but hard rain off and on all day today. 

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@themartianchick, I love your descriptions of your dad’s house/yard. :lois: It puts me in mind of a secret garden... with a hidden fortress. :happy0203: Trying to clean things up to find what’s supposed to be there and putting it back in order. I’m sure it’s not that *enchanting* in reality and a lot of work. 

Let’s see... went to town yesterday. Mom didn’t go with me— she ended up stuck at the bank for 2 hrs. Still working on settling dad’s estate. <_<

I went to Rural King... got 10 cases of water— 7 for home, 3 for the farm. Got DH shop towels, charcoal, and pepper spray (for on his bicycle—dogs!! 😡). Stopped at WM to exchange a battery/rechargeable weather radio—display didn’t work. Picked up some *bathroom* items to add to preps and more lp cylinders for Coleman stoves/lanterns. 
Today... went to the farm. Mom brought trailer of wood that DS1 and DS2 loaded on Monday, and I unloaded it while she cleaned up the house a bit. Then I loaded junk in my van for market next week. Then helped her straighten up the house some— trying to get things ready for our family fun weekend next week. We’re also thinking about having a sale there the next weekend (26th/27th). We didn’t have one there at all last year. Before that, we’d have a sale once a month. I checked the rain gauge in the big garden— 6”!!! :faint3:All thanks to H. Beryl. I haven’t had to water the gardens at all this year. 
Stopped at a couple yard sales on the way to the farm. Mostly market stuff. Did get me a few new kitchen utensils—wooden! :happy0203: .25c each.


:hug3:and :kissy:





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I 'splained my day over in How Hot Is it? thread.  Hotter than we are used to up here in the mts!!!  :knary:   BUT we do cool down at night.  Down to 60* last I checked.  


LittleSister....I do think your GS is doing a lot better.  And he might actually make it thru boot camp now.  He's heading in the right direction anyway - and that's thanks to you working with him and not giving up but ....not giving in either!!!  :thumbs: 


Miki ...are you as hot as the rest of us?  Beryl's path didn't affect you, did it? 


TX is a mess.  Wonder how Mommato3boys is doing on their property?  Fire and Flood down there.  :pray:   All that HEAT and no electric for A/C. 


Necie....6" is a good amount - no watering needed for a bit.  Good for all the trees and other plant life too.  Beryl was a quite powerful system to make it's way as far as it did. 


My mom and brother both had rain in their parts of NE Virginia/DC.  But Niece didn't get any on the farm for her dying grass.  She's got equines and needs the grass.  To buy hay in July would be tragic.....and not good on their digestive system to switch back and forth. 


OK...going to bed now.  Take care, all!

MtRider  :pc_coffee:

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11 hours ago, Littlesister said:

The more things he does like this, the sooner he will get into the coast guard.

When does he leave for the C.G.? It's the fastest way for him to learn responsibility and respect. :whistling:  My folks couldn't believe how fast their kids grew up after basic training.  :happy0203:  Who knows? He may like the structure so much, he could make a career out of it. Amazing what kids can do when pointed in the right direction that they can understand.  :wave:

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Mt. Rider, we got I think over 4 inches of rain here. I think in the area your brother and mom are had flooding issues but don't think it was bad.  My water barrels are overflowing. That's a good thing. 

Yes, GS has an online girlfriend and I think she is the reason he also wants to get his career going. She lives in NC, and they have never met in person. They stay on the phone 24/7. They seem to have a lot in common if that's possible. I think he met her on snap chat. My DD joined snap chat just so she could talk to her. I'm not doing that. I use GS's phone to talk with her. She seems to be a nice girl. He plans to go see her in about 5 or 6 weeks. She lives about an hour away from DD. I hope he will go see his parents while he is there. He is only going to be gone for 3 days. He said he was getting a hotel room, so he won't be staying at his parents' house and having to drive an hour to visit his girlfriend. I hope she can straighten him out some. But we will see when he gets back. He said he wanted to visit her before going in Coast Guard as once he told to report things will start moving very fast. 


Necie, you got a good amount of rain. Won't need to water garden for a long while. Glad things are moving along for you at the farm. 


I am babysitting today. She will be bringing the baby at around 10am. I think I will have her for the day. Wed. was DGSIL's birthday, and she wants to take him out to do things today for that. He was on duty Wednesday, and they couldn't go do anything on that day. Did a little light cleaning this morning and that is more than likely all I will get done today depending on what time she picks the baby up. 


Yes, Texas was torn up from Beryl. Mommato3boys, I hope you and family were all safe from that storm.  

Also, for those in CA there are wildfires that have gotten really bad, and evacuation is happening. Those living in CA please stay safe and get out of the path of those fires if you are in those areas. 

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Homesteader, we must have been typing at the same time.  GS has been back and forth with the recruiter for a while now. He still has to be checked for kidney stones since he had one last year. He passed it but the coast guard wants to be sure he won't have anymore. So still waiting on that. And he still has to retake the test again. Once those 2 things are done, they will call him in. His plan is to make a career out of it and maybe go back to school for computer gaming. That is what he really wants to do. So maybe after he retires from Coast Guard it will be something he can do in retirement for more income. Will see how well it all goes. 

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I am weary to the bone. I worked on the garage until early in the morning. I got a late start though. It is almost done. I think I have gone through everything now. It still looks like a mess because I have a lot of stuff pulled out into the middle of the floor. I've got it all into keep, donate and pitch piles. The most time consuming part has been having to wipe everything down because of rodents and sawdust. I'm on my 6th container of wipes. I just bought the cheap Wal-Mart 3 packs. And I've used numerous buckets of water. I was torn over some of my yard and garden tools. I kept keeping them all. Then I remembered that I told myself a couple of years ago that I really needed all new ones. Better ones. So I'm going to leave them behind. From the looks of the garage, I'm going to have about 6 more runs to the dumpster and two to the Salvation Army. 


I called the Two Men And A Truck movers yesterday but got an answering machine. If they don't call back Monday, I'll try a different branch. It's hard to get call backs these days. It's hard to get help period. They are the cheapest ones I know of. To be honest, I'm not worried about breakage. Most all of my important things are already over there. I'm not going to cry about anything left here if it gets damaged. Most important (to me) are my books and dinningroom table and chairs. I still have a ton of stuff to be moved but it will all fit in one of their trucks that I've seen. I will still have a jeep full on my final exit. Things I'm still using while living here. And more food from the freezer I plan to can here that I'll have to move myself. I still have quite a lot of stuff in the house that I hope the new people will want. 


The only good thing I can say about myself is that I'm not afraid to throw stuff away. Most hoarder (prepper) types need to hold onto everything. I have been able to let things go. Of course my garage in Indiana probably tells a different story.  :blush:


I am going to work hard over there to get everything organized and I'll probably do some more pitching. I'm never getting in this dire situation again. Use me as an example of how not to live. Start to declutter and organize now while you can do it at your leisure and not be forced into a hurry up situation. Especially if you know it will all fall on your shoulders. 


I plan to get the number of a realtor next week too.  Did I mention I'm tired?  

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