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Watcha doing today?

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Jeepers, you are doing great. And yes, it is tiring but will all be worth it to be near your family and not have to keep making that trip back and forth to see them. 


I know all too well about clutter. I'm not moving but still decluttering. Just way too much stuff to have to pick up to clean around and under and too much to keep organized. For some reason I am no longer in a prepping mode but the things that are here are just mess that kept accumulating over years. This was both mine and DH's second marriage and he already had a huge mess of clutter that he didn't want to get rid of unless it was broken and couldn't be fixed. Then I had all my stuff along with my child's stuff. So, 2 kids and a stepson of DH's that was in early 20's at the time with all his mess. I have cleaning stuff that DH used but I don't know what it was all for and I need to start going through all that maybe this fall when it cools down. You are way ahead of me on getting rid of it, but you had a bit of help from frozen pipes and moving. I am hoping that on GS's next day off the weather will be good and he can help me outside. We got another hard rain a while ago and now the sun is coming out. 


The baby is asleep right now and hoping she will at least take a 2-hour nap. Less cranky that way. She's cutting more teeth and not happy about it. She is pulling up now and all over the place. So not long before walking starts. I'm thinking she will start figuring it out in a month or so. DGD said she is really tired with this pregnancy. Not as sick as with the first one. Her DH is sick today. Thinks it's food poison from something he ordered that was delivered and he didn't know it had to be refrigerated and he drank it. Some sort of protein shake, I think. She said she is going home to take an uninterrupted nap. Baby has been up and down during the night wanting to play instead of going to sleep. Babies are so fun in lots of ways. So instead of the plans they had for her DH's birthday, she is taking a nap, and her DH is cleaning house. So, I will just keep the baby for the whole day so she can rest. She is still nursing this baby and being pregnant with the second one may be why she is so tired and no energy. This too will pass. She's in the very early stages of pregnancy, so is to be expected. I will just have to put what I need to do on a side burner to help her get past the first month or two. By then she should be ok. 

Does seem like I am putting a lot on the side lines these days. But it is what it is. 

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@Mt_Rider, Beryl didn't give us much rain and no wind, so that's a good thing.  But yes, it's hot!


Bo and I walked, then walked dogs.
Picked up parking lot at Church.
Going to cook up a bunch of bell peppers and onions for future use.
Did some VA related computer work.
I have some tincture to strain today.
Not sure what else. Was going to make gummies, but my recipe calls for lecithin granules. Ordered some online.

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Littlesister, true about the broken pipes and house demo. All the more reason to warn folks about keeping organized and put away, so things will be easier to grab. Wouldn't have mattered too much in my case because the ceilings came down. Plus I was gone while water was pouring down. But if I had been here, and if things were more organized, I probably could have carried stuff out into the garage. Which eventually had to be restacked so the guys could work out there. Never mind. My disaster was hopeless. I remember one plumber told me he found 10 leakes in the pipes in the ceiling. Then they had to tear out walls to find more. I think I have PTSD and flashbacks from it all. 


But I did have to get rid of way too many good items that became waterlogged and moldy because they were just sitting around under water. My one story house doesn't have water pipes in the ceiling. Crawl space might flood but there is nothing but the well pump down there. 


I'm not even close to being ahead of you on this journey. When this house is done I'll have another one waiting on me. At least it will be cleaner and no more sawdust. And no one breathing down my neck to hurry and get moved.  :sigh:

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:hug3:  for Jeepers.  You're doing it!  There WILL be an end to your Ohio work.  Indy awaits but the pressure will be off.  :pray: for a quick sale and good price for Ohio house.  


If someone doesn't have the news on today --- check it or look at my post down in Edge......... 


MtRider   :pray:  for our country!!!!

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Jeepers, you might have the Indy house waiting for you to fix up and go through all the things you have taken over there but it will be so much easier on you as you won't be making those trips back and forth from Ohio to Indy and back.  You can stay put and work on everything on your own time and pace. 


The baby was all over the place today. She took her morning nap. And was just about ready for her afternoon nap when GS came home from work early. He walked in limping bad. Hurt his ankle pulling stock from back room on a huge dolly. I think they call them something else, but they are very heavy.  I propped his leg up and put ice on the ankle. It was just starting to swell. But swelling has gone down, and I put an ace bandage on it a while ago. He seems to be walking better tonight. So more than likely just a bad bruise or slight sprain. By the time I finished taken care of GS, the baby was wanting to be picked up. So, I picked her up and sat with her on the couch watching cartoons and she fell asleep. But GS was being loud and a drama queen over his ankle and woke her up. So just a 5-minute nap. She did fall asleep for another 5 minutes or so on the way home. So, hoping she will sleep all night tonight so GD can get some sleep. Her DH is feeling better this afternoon but still not fully over whatever he has. 

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Super hot and humid here today. I had quilt guild so spent most of the day with my friend. Now doing laundry and watching tv. Not a lot going on but planning on harvesting my potatoes tomorrow if I can get out early enough

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Can't seem to get myself together today. Slow start this morning. Not sure yet what I will try to get into later. Hopefully finish going through the last of the boxes. I am thinking about getting a second opinion on my knee. Those gel injections made it worse instead of better. I am thinking it might be a meniscus tear. I was told this a few years ago and that it might heal on its own as it wasn't too bad. Since this gel injection thing is fairly new, I am wondering if these doctors are just promoting it and getting kickbacks for using it. Yes, I worked for a doctor and know how that works.  But in the meantime, I can't make it around the block to go walking. Going to a store I may or may not make it through and out before my knee decides it's had enough and gives out.  I am supposed to get 3 more injections in 6 months if my knee is not better. Since it got worse, I am not going to get any more of them. It's a chance I am not willing to take since the first 3 has had a chance now to do its thing and the knee only got worse. So will be looking into that second opinion soon. 


GS's ankle seems to be better. The ice pack kept the swelling down and I rapped it with an ace bandage last night. It gave him better support and he's not limping as bad. Said he is going back to work today. I think it is either a bad bruise but is not showing that yet or a minor sprain. He hit it hard he said so hard to say. But at least he didn't break it. He will just have to be more careful pulling those huge containers of boxes into the store from back room. 

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Yesterday (Saturday), went to Farmer’s Market to help mom pack/load up. I think she’s about done with farmer’s market. It’s a lot of work for very little money. She likes to go more for getting out and visiting, but the people there seem to be particularly snotty lately. More than usual. I could think of a lot of other things to do to get out and be social that aren’t as difficult. I told her that any week that she doesn’t want to go, or if she just doesn’t want to do it at all anymore, that it’s fine with me. She’s not going for the next 3 weeks, so she may decide to just be done with it. 
After market, I went yard-saling. Found a couple things for market. But the big thing seemed to be RUGS!! I got 5 at 3 different sales. 😳 A while back I was thinking to get area rugs and put them in the lofts at the cabin. Fit them together to *carpet* the whole areas... kinda like a crazy quilt. lol 

Today, I went to mom’s to work on getting our flea market inventory in her barn organized. It’a a disaster. And we are polar opposites with organizing. And my sister has been hauling some of her stuff in there and is the same as mom with just tossing $hit everywhere. I have been extremely frustrated trying to figure out what is what, what is where, and what is who’s every time we need to find certain items for market. So I spent 3 hrs sweating, trying to make isles and hauled 2 golf cart loads out to her trailer. 
DS1 got home from camping yesterday, so he helped me unload the rugs into the cabin. And he brought me home some smoked whitefish. :feedme: 🥰

Stopped at DS2’s and picked up the hams and bacon from the hog I got from him. He’d just picked them up yesterday. We also decided that I’d pick up all 3 grandkids tomorrow night and they’re going to market with me this week and I’ll drop them back off Wednesday... maybe. :happy0203:


Tomorrow, I gotta make 3 batches of lotion and wrap 45 bars of soap for a wholesale order. Need to wrap the soap early (upstairs) before it gets hot. Making lotion (basement) will be nice, as it’s always cool down there. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be absolutely miserable. 🥵 


:hug3:and :kissy:


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It was hot but I got my potatoes harvested. Probably missed a bunch, will do a more thorough dig of the area once the weather cools off later this week and pretty happy with my spuds they are nice sized even if I didn't get a ton. Considering I didn't really do much to help them along it's a good haul. Going to replant that spot with squash and hope the next batch does better than the first which all have done so poorly and I only got one squash and one zucchini off the plants which I think is very weird, so trying again maybe I'll avoid the squash bugs this round. 

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We've entered our so-called 'monsoon season'.  Believe me, it's a relative term.  But it means potential for thunderstorms every (usually late) afternoon.  :hapydancsmil: As long as it lasts, very low wildfire danger.  AND not so hot for me!


At my annual doc appt, DH mentioned me going for more cognitive stuff again and Doc readily agreed.  Hey...I'm the subject of this discussion!  Doc told me: "It's called accountability" - cuz DH told her I hadn't done any of the pages that L had sent me off with last fall.  Yeah, well.....I do the HI language study faithfully now that all the drama/exertion of our elderlies lies in my brother's domain.  I do enjoy languages and it's supposed to be great for the brain cells.  However, how do I fit that actually difficult-for-me 'homework' in AND even do micro-clutter-clearing with limited energy?   :wacko:  


Bad walking tonite.  Not sure why.  I go very carefully DOWN our driveway to the road.  DG = decomposing granite is our "dirt".  It can roll out from under your shoe in a hurry esp. going down hill.  So I didn't notice but when dog and I hit the flat road.....my legs weren't working.  Both legs, thighs down to knees would not cooperate.  :gaah:  I could only take slow, mincing steps - like I do on the hill.  :scratchhead:   What???  Or should I say:  NOW what?   [ DH stays down with the car for this reason after he puts birds up for the night.  He came up on road to fetch us.  Dog had to zoom herself around the pasture then back in the car.  I think my back was pulling so I'll have DH adjust me tomorrow before he leaves.  Which means I have to be out of bed by that time......  {there's been a couple of 3-4am nights again.  :sigh:   }   But I'm on time tonite if I get off and begin the routine.  So....


MtRider  :offtobed:  'Nite everyone.

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I'm decluttering and cleaning out the house.  Yesterday, I cleaned out half the sewing room.  I moved a box of shoes and old car seat parts to the donate pile. I moved another box towards DD16's room.   Later today I will work with my bedroom and trash vs donate.  We have too much stuff in random places.  

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Becca-Anne, that is strange about your squash and zucchini. Usually people can't get rid of of all of their zucchini.


Mt.Rider I'm afraid to do cognitive practicing. I know I'd flunk. A lot. I'm due for my annual exam soon and I'm already dreading remembering the four words they will ask me to remember. Sorry your legs had a mind of their own. :sigh:


Euphrasyne, I think we are all discovering too much stuff in random places. 

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I spent garage time today until I just couldn't any more. I got into some heavy stuff and it was getting too hot. My back was giving out. I found 6 very very heavy pipes. They are about 5 feet long and are actually clamps used to hold wood together as it's being glued. Like in furniture making. I finally got them bundled up and tied them together with grocery bags and got them into the Jeep.


Then I  tackled a huge set of jumper cables. They are heavy duty ones. I think you could jump a semi with them. I got them in a box. They are so heavy I can barely move the box. They are sons so I'll keep them. I hate those things. I have been putting off dealing with them. 


I also managed getting something else big into the Jeep to dump. I don't know what it's called. It's a big plastic triangular shapped thing that you put long handled tools in to keep them upright and organized. I couldn't get it apart and I didn't want to clean it. I crammed it in the Jeep and got that load to the dumpster. That and loading a backseat full of stuff for the Salvation Army tomorrow is all I got done today. I think I'll have about 6 more loads to dump. But it's all sorted.  My Jeep is so dirty inside. It's really been a workhorse the past couple of years.  🚙


I figure the garage is close to 90% done now. I still have the other two sides of the garage to clean but they aren't bad. I never did find out what was scurrying around out there. It must have been as afraid of me as I was of it.


Ugh, I just remembered a piece of wood that came out of the old IU Assembly Hall Basketball Stadium. I have it tucked away in a corner. I haven't only been going through my treasures but also sons and D-ex's.  


I might be able to get it done tomorrow or the next day. If my back and I stay upright. In a way, I can't believe I've actually gone through all of that mess. And I'm happy with myself for all I've gotten rid of. And I didn't have to call the junk men $$$$


The attic. :sigh:

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Good job! @Jeepers  Hopefully you can see a glimmer of light at the end, now!

@Becca_Anne, sorry about your squash and zucchini.  I never get a lot of either one.


Yesterday was Church and that was all.


Bo and I walked earlier.
Walked dogs.
Laundry is halfway done.
Made chocolate milk for DH and made his tea.
Printed off a few recipes to make and can this month.
Cook bell peppers and onions that didn't get done, yesterday.
Not sure what else.

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Jeepers, you have done great getting all that done. 

Becca Anne, sorry you didn't get much squash and zucchini. Might just be this hot weather. Glad you got a good haul on the potatoes though. Hope the second crop of squash and zucchini will produce a lot this next time around. 


Mt. Rider, this is an order. Go to bed early tonight. 


GS didn't go to work again today. Said his ankle is still hurting bad. What hit him was a U-boat. They carry a good 600 to over 1000 pounds of food. You cannot push them as they will not stop rolling if you do. You have to pull them. Somehow when he was turning a corner a wheel decided to roll up on his foot. The ankle is not broken but is still a bit swollen. Hope he doesn't have a cracked bone. I think it is just a bad bruise on the bone. But not showing black and blue which is a good sign. He talked with his boss and said he was coming in tomorrow and just taken an extra day today to let it heal a bit. He is however sorting out my spices and organizing them. He's doing a great job on that. 

Cleaned kitchen this morning and started back on the bedroom going through boxes. Not much left to do. Then I will clean windows, wash curtains and dust and clean floor. Everything in there is almost done. Also started on getting things ready in living room to move furniture into it. So once GS's foot is better and he has a day off, maybe he and I can get it done. That furniture is heavy. But I only have him to help. Will talk with GSIL to see when he can help also. Maybe between the 2 of them and myself we can get it all done. Then move the dining room table in the den. I am determined to get this house back together in a way that will work for me in a much better way. 


Euphrosyne, sounds like you caught the bug of decluttering.  I let mine get out of hand. But also, I wasn't able to do it a few years ago. Spent 3 years of letting the house go to take care of DDH. It was all worth it though. He was more important than keeping a clean and uncluttered house.  And then a year later the remodel and construction and I still need to paint the rest of the house. I am wondering if I can paint the walls, if I could hire a painter to do all the trim or if I should just hire a painter to do it all. It's a lot of painting to be done still. 

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Almost done. If I could have stayed a little longer I probably could have finished it. But I was done for. I moved 28 boxes of floor tiles from one end of the garage to the other. Each box weighs just over 30 pounds. 840 pounds. Can that be right? Yikes. Of course all full of saw dust. Then I loaded 4 buckets of wheat into the Jeep. Each weigh 25 pounds so there is another 100 pounds. I'm afraid the wheat was compromised so I'm pitching it and starting over. But dang I lifted nearly a half a ton tonight. 


The front of the garage is done. Only thing there are the tile boxes that the movers may or may not move. At this point I don't really care. But they would look nice in the other house. 


The side that wasn't too bad is done except for things I don't want moved. Like empty boxes and the big city trash can. I have 6 big bags of potting soil I need to do something with. I tried to give it to the landscapers but for the plant guarantee place, they had to use their own. I don't know if the Salvation Army would want it or not. I might have to dump it. But it's bagged so no big problem. 


The side that was so horrible, is done except for some things still sitting out that I need to do something with. But everything is sorted. 


I will probably have 4-5 more dumpster trips. The Jeep is also loaded with the final Salvation Army donation. 


I have 4 plastic chairs sitting out there. I hosed them down tonight and tomorrow I'll set them on the front porch with a little table I have. Four chairs but two different sets. I'll make it work. I found some hanging baskets with fake geraniums in them. They are about 12 years old, but they were hanging up in a trash bag and they look brand new. I'll hang them up tomorrow too. The door mat still looks good. So zero dollars for the front porch.


I'm calling the movers one more time and then I'm going to call a different place. Same company but different location. I think there are 5 of them in my county. I'm getting the number of a realtor next week. 


I'm so bruised up that if I went to the doctor they'd swear I've been abused. Especially with the big one I still have when I thought I could jump the fence. 

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21 hours ago, Jeepers said:

I'm already dreading remembering the four words they will ask me to remember.


Riiiiight!  That one I never did get very good at!  During cognitive training.  Names and Nouns - that's my downfall.  :unsure:  well....that AND  "did I tell you that....oh, I told you 3 times now, huh?  :shrug:  


AND the annoying one:   We've been keeping things in this cabin for over a quarter of A CENTURY.....and I can't remember "where do we keep the salt shaker.. :scratchhead:..or the vacuum cleaner......or the :motz_6:  :motz_6:   :motz_6:  I did yell out loud after returning from Maui:  I'M SO TIRED OF LOOKING FOR THINGS


On the other hand, since I have been at this Hide and Seek game for decades, I truly don't USUALLY get too excited/frustrated.  I just keep scanning and eventually I'll either see the salt shaker on the back of the stove OR I'll actually remember.  Learned long ago that :motz_6: will get you no where.  And "The Search" been going on long enough to have become MY NORMAL.  :shrug:  


That day of frustration with looking for things was due to packing suitcases for 2 wks (where did I...oh, in suitcase already).....  Followed by living out of the suitcases on Maui for 3 wks (wait...where did ...which suitcase....oh, I hung it up) ....  Followed by unpacking the suitcases for 2 wks (which suitcase...drawer....oh, in the laundry basket!)  :0327:  LOL  I still haven't hung up the two Hawai'i dresses...cuz, I hadn't worn them since we were back on Maui decades ago.  I did wear them both while there this time, graduation and graduation party...(and being flowing Hawaiian style, they fit! ) :cheer:  


In my defense, clearing the closets (which Clark Kent could never have enough room to change his clothes in)  is getting to be the Next on List for Clutter Clearing.  Both closets.  Yeah - the ONLY closets in the whole house.  Anyway I know half to 3/4 clothes won't fit and we need a thrift store run again.  Cuz we're never gonna be THAT size again.  :grinning-smiley-044:   Sooooo....go for success!  Too small - thrift store bag!  Damaged?  Trash bag!  Undecided.....aw, now you've done it!  But I MIGHT need to use this again....tho I haven't in 20 yrs, it still fits!!!!   :gaah:   I need THAT voice to keep quiet!!!  :rolleyes:  


MtRider   ...yeah, I know none of you can relate to that, riiight?  :008Laughing:

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6 hours ago, Littlesister said:

Mt. Rider, this is an order. Go to bed early tonight. 


Yes, ma'am!  :lol:  Cuz I HAVE A RIDE TOMORROW MORNING!  Missed last Sat. and probably is why legs are refusing to work.  I did get part way down the road and back tonite but definitely NEED a tune-up!!!  :cheer:  


Jeepers - WOW!  Just WOW!  You've really got your motivation going to get over to INDY !!!  :pray:  that you'll not overwork in the heat or take any missteps when you're tired!  :cheer:  


Little Sister...you are also such a busy bee....getting all that done and hauling in DGS for the heavy stuff.  You're going to get rearranged yet!  :cheer:  


Miki  - you haven't had real big projects for a while (are you gardening this year?)  But you always seem to do a lot every single day!  When do you leave for your visit?


MtRider  ....do Hawaiian and then (yes, Little Sister)  :offtobed: 

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I have learned that I have to put things in certain places or I'll never find them. In the winter it's okay to leave my keys in my coat pocket but ALL other times they have to be in my purse. No sitting them down any place. My glasses have to be beside me or on top of my head. If I lose them then they are on the bathroom sink. No place else. I have 3 pair of shoes downstairs. Not much of a problem there. I'll always find a pair. May not be the ones I want but shoes nonetheless. I have had issues with losing my phone in the house. It needs to be in the bed with me or on the charger beside the bed or during the day, beside the kitchen sink. If I'm working around the house, I have to sit it down in the middle of the floor and not on top of something. Else I'll walk away from it and never find it again until it rings.  I have to park in the same aisle at Wal-Mart, Giant Eagle and Meijers. Even if there is a spot closer in another aisle. If I don't, I'll be searching all over for the car. In other words I try to keep my aggravation at a minimum because I know me. It's easier to just play the game. It isn't OCD. It's self preservation of the sanity kind. 


I can't remember common words. That one is pretty bad. I go through the alphabet to see if a 'sounds like' rings a bell. I give it one shot and if I don't come up with it, I stop. Then about a half an hour later it usually just comes to me. In conversation I just talk around it with the first thing that pops into my mind. 'Car hole' could very well be the garage. And it has been. 


GS is picking up on it a little bit. I can't say the name of my favorite soccer player. We talk soccer a lot. A LOT. I can't member it and I can't say it. I'll say, "You know who." He'll say Paqueta and we continue on talking. I have said that it sounds like Potato. Potatah. Paqueta. He'll laugh and say, "Oh Grandma, just say Lucas." Can do...for now. He calls me and we talk soccer and he thinks I'm really with it. I am hep to the jive. He doesn't know that I look things up on the internet and that I take notes and have cheat sheets. We don't face time for a reason.  :pc_coffee:   :reading:


They say that people shouldn't finish your sentences when you get stuck on a word. I welcome it. Son and DIL do it all the time. If they didn't we'd be sitting there all day waiting for me to say my ABC's. Does it sound like...potatah. :24:


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It is mostly the sewing room.  I keep all of the outgrown clothing and baby items in there along with the guest bed.  We will have no more kids so it is time to get rid of strollers, baby gates, Sizes 4T and under, shoes people outgrew.   I just kinda threw them in that room wherever I could stuff things.  

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@Mt_Rider, no big projects right now.  Re-canning some veggies from #10 cans and then starting to can from the freezer again.  Too hot to be outside much!


Bo and I walked.
Went to local grocery for bananas for DH.
Friend is here helping clean house.
I will re-can a #10 can of English peas into pints.

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Jeepers, I am the worst on names. Have been for years. I will remember faces but not always names. 

Euphrasyne, just do what most of us are doing keep plugging along at your own pace till it gets done.  I don't even want to talk about my sewing /office right now. I still haven't gotten to that room since you were here. Still working on the rest of the house. 


I have my bedroom almost done. Just a deep cleaning and shut the door and move on to the next room. Can't really do a lot with the sewing room/office yet as I need to make those changes in den, Livingroom and dining room first. The dining room is going to be my sewing and craft room.  The office part of that front bedroom will still have material in it, but I am going to start using it to make baby clothes and some other things. Then it will be my desk and a dresser and one bookcase only in that room. The shelving unit will be taken out as that was just temporary to put sewing stuff on. The material will be put away in the dresser. And stay in the office. Going to buy a trundle bed for that room for when kids come into town.  And I will have a couch to sit on for reading as such in that room. I have a plan just have to pull it all together and make it work. 


Just wrapped GS's ankle a few minutes ago. The bruise is starting to come to the surface now. Not going to be pretty. It's on the ankle and top of the foot. He said wrapping it helps with the pain. So whatever works. He's going in to work today. He will just have to be careful pulling those U-boats. I have seen them in other stores, so I know what he is talking about. 

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I started the day off with the best of intentions. I planned to focus on something for a client and then started thinking about my plans for ournext trip to Canada. I want to have a mobile phone that will work there. Mine has been hacked twice since last October and I told the carrier not to make any changes whatsoever to it based on a phone call. Instead, I have to go into a store to make changes. Right now, Canadian roaming is turned off on our phones. When it was turned on, we still didn't have any coverage in Toronto. I figured that I should (at least) have coverage in a city that has a population of 3 million, right? So, I set up an account with another carrier to have an extra phone for our trips. It turned into a fiasco. They have a fantastic deal, but you have to transfer a number over to them and I didn't have one to transfer, since we are keeping our old phones. I ran into an issue with trying to get a Google Voice number. I have an old one that should be expired and gone, but they won't let me have a new one. I finally put the Google Voice number in hubby's name and then ordered the new phone and service. By the time that I got it all straightened out, It was 11 am! 


Dad slept in this morning, so we ate breakfast at 11:30. I finally started working on my client's project. I was pretty proud of what I was getting done. Then, my phone began to screech a tornado warning: Take cover immediately! We went through two rounds of that before things settled down. There has been at least one confirmed tornado today and a few last week. We have a couple of small branches down in the yard and a torrent of water is cutting across the property from fields in 2 directions. While this house does have a drainage ditch and I have seen it fill up before, I have never seen the water come from the back and side of the property at the same time. Then we had a sunshower followed by sunshine and blue skies. I was in the middle of typing a post here on Mrs. S and then... the power went out for about an hour and a half.


This is really crazy weather for NY! :twister3:

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Littlesister, I've seen those things but I didn't know they were called U-boats. I just called them a dolly. 


Stay safe TMC. They have been saying for the last four days that we are going to get rain and it hasn't yet. I'm going to have to break down an water the shrubs again. 


I stopped in Wal-Mart for an extension cord and some light socket covers and I could barely get my cart through the aisles. They must have gotten a huge shipment. Huge. The tool area was packed with pallets of stuff. I didn't go down the food aisles but I saw pallets of canned food clear back in the hardware area. 


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It's done! The garage is done. For the most part. :). All the area where the movers will be is all done. I just have a few things on the other side of the garage that will stay here. Mostly empty packing boxes and the big city trash can. Also 6 bags of potting soil that either Salvation Army will take or I'll dump. 


I got what will probably be the last load to the S.A. delivered and I dumped a load at the dumpsters. I will probably have  5 more dumpster visits. I can't believe that garage is done. There are a few cleaning supplies and 3 bottles of windshield washing liquid that they won't take but that's no issue. 


I did get a hold of the movers. It is going to cost a fortune but what can I do? Maybe I can recoup some of it on the sale if the house. She gave me a rough over the phone estimate. Hold on to your hat. $10,000. :0327: She said most of the cost is because its so far away. Glad I'm not moving to California!  She wanted pictures, which I sent, and will text a final cost in a day or two. I asked for a senior citizens discount.  If I accept, (I will, I'm done with this mess) they can come on the 25th. They will delay the delivery date to any time I want. I chose the 27th, which will give me time to get over there and make sure the garage is the best I can make it and time to get there and unlock the doors. Son has parked his truck and trailer out there and will have to move it out of the way too.  Whew.


Then the lawn guy texted. I figured about $6,000. It is a huge job. He quoted just under $1,800. I jumped on that one. I'm wondering if we are on the same page or not? I'll be glad for what ever he can do for that price. I also asked if he hauled junk. I have an old box spring mattress, a bakers rack, an old dresser and a garage door opener that needs gone. He said he'd do it but I have to pay the dump site fee. Oh heck yeah. 


AND, my mammogram came back clear. Finally, a good day.  


Before: Actually after I had already spent about a month cleaning in there. 





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