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Congratulations Jeepers, you did it. I know that is a huge accomplishment.  Movers are definitely not cheap. Your first picture looks really good next to my garage. It is a totally trashed. Just too hot to get out there and clean it up. I had started on it when it was a bit cooler but had to give it up for the time being. Cooler weather will get here at some point. Today has been another hot one. 

GS went back to work today. I told him to just get someone to pull the U-boat to where it needs to go if it hurts his foot too bad. So, he said he will if he can't pull it without a lot of pain.  He bruised the bone right on top where the foot and lower part of leg meet. So, when he bends the foot up it is painful. The coloring is starting to show now. Looking a bit bluish brown right now. But at least he didn't break it. 


Haven't done a whole lot today. Cleaned kitchen and getting some things together for canning next week. I think I am running out of pint jars and need to get out to the shed to see if I have anymore out there. 

Ran up to Food Lion to pick up a couple of things and figured I have nothing else to do so walked around the store a bit in hopes my knee would hold out. It hurt but I made it through. I was looking at prices and such. Looking like some things are going up again. Lots of empty areas but they were in the middle of stocking shelves.  The weird thing was I started to get this eerie feeling and I couldn't shake it. Still had it when I got home. Not really a gut feeling but like something was going to happen. I don't remember having a feeling like that before. But nothing happened and that feeling is gone now. Just seemed very weird.  So just sitting here watching TV now. GS gets Netflix for free through his new phone he got a while back. So, he put me on it. So, I have been watching movies today. Watching one about the Cold War starting from 1918 up to 2020. Very interesting.  I remember part of it from school in history but there was more to it that we didn't learn. 

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36 minutes ago, Littlesister said:

The weird thing was I started to get this eerie feeling and I couldn't shake it. Still had it when I got home.

LS,  have you thought of the possibility that someone was watching you, maybe even following you home?  Be very careful.  

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I had a pretty good size fan on me while I was working on the garage. It only helped if I was right in front of it. It was miserable out there. And filthy. 


That's an eerie thought Mother but it could be true. I don't know if I mentioned it or not but, in the suburb next to mine, a woman stalked another woman and her child (Julian Wood) at the grocery store, Giant Eagle. When they left the store that woman stabbed the mother and then stabbed the little boy to death. Happened last month. At least they caught her. The poor mother lived. Her baby boy didn't. He was only 3 years old.  Evil. 

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The garage...I cannot even.  We have so much furniture, boxes of old baby stuff, boxes of old clothes....It is a project that will take a month.  My fear is that one day we will appear on an episode of Hoarders.  

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12 hours ago, Jeepers said:

they can come on the 25th. They will delay the delivery date to any time I want. I chose the 27th,

You mean THIS month!!!  As in like 8 days.  :cele::cheer::hapydancsmil:  :woohoo:CONGRATULATIONS You DID it!   I am so happy for you.  
Oh, wait!  Will this mean you won’t be able to come here until you get internet???   :sad-smiley-012:Please get on that as soon as you step out of the jeep in Indy……. We miss you already but understand this must be like some dream.  Part of you will be sad at leaving the home you have lived in so many years but being off from under the burdens you have been facing will be such a relief.  And being with your family has got to bring one big smile.   


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You are getting so much closer @Jeepers!  I'm sorry it will cost so much, but sounds like you are at the end of your rope and ready to be gone!


Bo and I walked early.
Taking my friend with me to town.
Salvation Army and then dropping her off at Walmart.
I'm going to Aldi and Marshall's. (Have a gift certificate from my Birthday).
Will bring #10 cans of corn (3) in to PC tomorrow.


Got 7 pints of English peas from 1-#10 can.

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Mother, I had not thought about the possibility of someone watching me or following me home. Though the eerie feeling started after I as halfway toward the back of the store. And didn't go away till I checked out and out to my car. With my knee I tend to park up close to the store. Which is what I did then. the store started off packed and then with people checking out the parking lot was almost empty.  I didn't buy much but was walking around just looking at prices and picking up a few items. Then checked out and left. Then the feeling was gone. No one was behind me on the way home, so no one was following me. But I think it might be time to change my routine again just in case. I have a few ways of leaving the neighborhood and going places. So will just change that up again. I am usually very careful of my surroundings but not as much inside a store. So not sure of what the feeling was. Could have been someone watching me though. 


Jeepers, you have almost made it to the finish line. Just put that for sale sign up and you are on your way.  Congratulations you did it.  


Looking at stuff in the office and trying to get things out of it that don't belong in office or sewing room. It sort of became a dumping ground for things like papers and such I need to shred or just put in the proper place. Need to get my shredder out of the garage also. 


Didn't get a lot of sleep last night so dragging a bit today.  I stayed up watching that movie, Cold War. It was several episodes, and it went all the way up partway to Biden's presidency. Didn't think it was going that far. It was very interesting to say the least. It was a documentary. 

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LOL, as soon as I get there I'm going to get internet at the house. DIL looked into it and T-Mobile is supposed to work at my house. They use that and she said they just give you a little box already programmed. No guy has to come out and do anything. All you have to do is plug it in a wall socket and use a password and it's ready. Supposedly. Well see. Its kinda tricky out there. A lot of providers still don't work out there, but I don't want satellite. It's $50. a month and I'm not getting cable or a house phone. There is a $200 a month savings over what I'm paying over here. I got a letter from ATT saying I don't have to send in my internet box. They did the same thing with my cable boxes. They were so old they didn't want them back. I'm still keeping the letters though. 


Hopefully, I can get back on my laptop and get access to some important lists I've made. Things like last minute things I need to do and information about who I need to contact to either discontinue service or change of address. I have all of that listed in the computer that I haven't been able to get on. Also a list of everything I want to tell a realtor. 


I'm not going to be completely moved until I get the house sold. I was going to call a realtor this Friday, but since I'm going to be gone part of the week, I'm going to wait until I get back from Indy. It will only be about a week difference. Plus by then the house will all be empty except for the kitchen, bathrooms and one small bedroom. That should help it show better. 


I still need to have one more thing repaired. The chimney cap is still loose and leaning. It really sticks out like a sore thumb from the street. Might as well do it now. I could leave it but I'm trying to make this place as attractive as I can. I need a good sell. A really good sell. 


Son kept saying that I don't have to still be here to sell the house. I can do most of it online with a realtor. True. But I still have to be here to get the bills and pay them and to keep the shrubs watered. But I don't have to be here every day. I could hire a property manager but I'm already hemorrhaging money. He said, but you'll be living there with no furniture. We'll, basically, I've been living in one room (hotel) for over a year and a half and I'm still living here in one room with only a bed, so another month isn't going to matter to me. I'm not going to know how to use a livingroom couch and chair any more. :D


I'll be happy to get everything (mostly) out of here. All that will be left are things I'm going to be using. It has already been a psychological boost seeing it slowly empty out. That garage was huge. I'll take a load with me on the 26th of a few things I found that I want to be careful of. A couple of laptops, a big crock planter thing, and a couple of really cute lawn ornaments. I have a resin bunny and a squirrel that looks real. I kinda would like to take them myself. Cheesy I know. And some liquid stuff that they won't take. I always load the Jeep down when I go over. 


They are coming the 25th, I'm going over on the 26th and they will unload on the 27th. I'll come back in a couple of days and get a realtor here. 


I thought it would be a lot longer wait. Especially at this time of year and people moving.


I haven't heard from the fecal test but I'm not expecting any issues. Mammogram is done. Tilt table test is done. One more ear dr appointment on the 24th. And I'm going to schedule an eye test as soon as I get back. So all of that will be done except for dental. I can do that over there. I just have to inform my doctor here. That is last minute so I can still get scripts from him without alerting him I'm leaving. 


I'm getting excited now. 


Oh crap...the attic. 

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Euphrasyne, start on your garage early. Get rid of all the baby stuff unless you think your oldest will need it...eventually. Didn't you say she was newly engaged? Correct me if I'm wrong. Give it all to her or, sell it and give her the money to buy new. Either way, it's G O N E. 

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58 minutes ago, Jeepers said:

Oh crap...the attic. 

I thought of your attic but hated to remind you.  :grinning-smiley-044:  

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Jeepers, you be careful going up in that attic. I would just look around up there and just take out what you want to keep and leave the rest for someone else to deal with. As they say one man's trash is another man's treasure. 


Went through some things in office and now have another A B C pile. Trash, Goodwill, and to keep. So that is all set to make it easy for tomorrow. Got the bills paid and out of the way. 


GS finished cleaning out and organizing my spice closet. Looks really good and now I can find things. 

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Littlesister, I'll probably end up doing that. I'm thinking I might be able to sort of hide some of it back in a corner. :sEm_blush:


I have no idea what all is up there. I remember a big foot locker that D-ex used in college. He'll be 77 years old in October. A suitcase full of baby clothes and some toys. My baby is 54 years old. Two big boxes of china that I inherited and never liked. A big very thick 12 string guitar (think big Mexican guitar) that my BIL disassembled and was going to make it custom made. I don't know how I ended up with it. He has been dead for over 15 years. Two heavy manual typewriters that D-ex talks about all the time. ALL. THE. TIME. He thinks they were his grandma's. He thinks. He also thinks I have Amish dishes up there. I know what he is talking about. They aren't Amish. They are old cattail designed dishes. I might keep those. There aren't very many. I remember a couple of packets of roofing tiles. We were going to use them on our storage shed. We have never had a storage shed here. Ever. More heavy crap. And only God knows what else. All I want is one bowl that was my great grandmas. If it's even up there. And not broken.  I haven't been up there in over 30 years. I hope there are no big surprises. I'm going to venture up there tomorrow. Sigh. 


Whenever I go up, I'm going to call son and tell him what I'm up to and to call me every hour to make sure nothing went wrong. If I don't answer, call  the squad. 



See why I'm harping on everyone to get busy on stuff you'll never want. Don't wait until you are old and possibly on your own. It sucks. 


Edited by Jeepers
Added a thought
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Jeepers,  I bet the new owners would LOVE to find treasures in that attic.  Just a little bonus with the house. :grinning-smiley-044:  If you are very careful to  not disturb any dust when you take out the things you want they will certainly think you didn’t even know it was up there!!!   :008Laughing:

Of course if your D-ex wants anything from up there he will have to fly out and haul it all down, totally destroying the surprise for the new owners……… 


Seriously,  that stuff sounds way too heavy for you to handle.  If you don’t want it what would it cost to have it hauled away?  I know you are already being nickeled and dimed but might be cheaper than getting hurt.  Or having heat stroke….  Be safe. 

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Thank you Mother. I think I would be hard pressed to find someone willing to go up those steps and try to bring stuff down. The way they are, you have to come back down backwards. 


The 1-800-GOTJUNK guys only take what you have ready to go. I've seen the commercials of people pointing to piles of stuff in the house and in the yard and it magically disappeared. They are very good. And very expensive. 


If I remember correctly, :rolleyes: the attic only coveres half of the garage and not all of it. And you can't stand up in it. And I'm only 5'2".


D-ex is already giving advice about realtor stuff. It's nice and he means well and he is qualified, but when things are different from what he expects, it becomes nagging. And why didn't I....:blah:.  He is in another state and laws are different. Normally I ignore it, but I'm tired now. If I heard one more time, "Are they pounding nails yet?" last year, I was going to blow my top. I really had no control over insurance and construction schedules. Crimony. 

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The steps to our attic are pull down ones like yours.  We have a ton of stuff in our attic, some very useful and now costly, like boxes and boxes of canning jars.  

Be very careful. 

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Yes, Jeepers, please be very careful.  This is no time to be falling off the steps of an attic. 

I also have pull down steps. My DH and SIL changed them out for a heavy-duty wider step type with handles on both sides.  But still like you said you have to back down the steps. A lot of times when I am bringing something down in a box. I go part way down steps and then slide the box down the steps and not lift it. It does make it easier but still have to be careful. 


GS was off again today. He finished setting up all my spices. And I have a lot of them. But I do use a lot of spices. It looks really good and now I can find what I need easily. 

DD texted me this evening and wanted to know what I am doing Saturday. I told her working in house if too hot to work outside. She said she is coming down and will be at my house about 10 am. She wants to take me out for my birthday and just mess around doing things. I think she will only be here for the one day as she has 7 baby opossums, she is having to bottle feed. The squirrels have already been released. Not sure if SIL is coming in or not yet. She didn't say. 


Mt. Rider, hope you had a good horse ride the other day and it helped you out.  

I think I better be getting off to :offtobed: Been a long day.

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What scares me the most about it is that big spring. It's old. I envision it flying off and hitting me in the face. 


Please don't let there be any mice up there. Please don't let there be any mice up there. Please don't let there be any mice up there. :unsure:

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Please be careful on your attic stairs @Jeepers!  You're too close to being finished with all of it.


Good morning!
About to walk with Bo and then walk dogs.
Rest of day is re- pressure canning 3 #10 cans of corn into pints. And putting peas away.
And filling out app to get another passport- mine lapsed.

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Jeepers, please be careful and keep your phone on your body. 


Took empty boxes out to garage that I had emptied. That was the last of them. Just have to get all the plastic ones put away and break down the cardboard ones. 


Still can't believe my DD texted me that she's coming here this weekend instead of me finding it out from DGD or DGS. But it's a start. 


Working on the deep cleaning today in bedroom, if I can get up the energy to get started on it again. Woke up tired and with my knee feeling a bit weird. But now it is doing better. Guess just getting it moving helped. Tried to walk around the block yesterday evening after the huge down pour we had. Thunderstorms and sharp lighting.  It's trying to rain again now. sprinkling on and off. But so much cooler today but everything is to wet to work on. Will see how things go later. Might run down to tractor supply later. Will see how things go. 

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Our kids are spaced.  DSD is 27, DD21, DD15, DD3.  Husband got the clip so no more.  But ... in the past.... every SINGLE time I finally decided to get rid of the baby things, I got pregnant within a year with another.   Its sorta like holding on to it is a superstitious form of birth control.  Also, I used to babysit a lot when in MS and I used some of the items on other kids.   I  have swings, strollers, 2 carseats, cribs, playpens, the list goes on and on and on and on.    (And if you cannot read that last bit without singing Journey, you are my people.)

Edited by euphrasyne
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Jeepers be super careful on the stairs. 

Euphrasyne I understand the superstition I did get rid of all the baby things, then had a surprise and had to repurchase everything. I gave all of those items to DD when we moved, and she used a lot of them for her baby. So it felt like I got my money's worth after all and saved her a fortune.

Littlesister enjoy your visit with your daughter :wub: 

It's cooler here this week so I'm going to try to get out there and work on planting my fall garden before I fly out next week to my work in OR and visit my grandson and daughter. Super excited to go hold him. Will be fun to see his reaction to seeing me in person. 

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Becca Anne, Have a wonderful time with your DD and GS.  


DGD is coming over tomorrow with the baby to help GS study. Yeah, I jumped all over him because he hasn't picked that book up and studied in almost 3 weeks. I let him know he best be passing that test this time if he wants to live here till they call him in. So, guess he decided to get busy. I am now going to be pushing him harder than ever. 


I said in the canning section I was going to store to get the Boston Butts, but I forgot DD will be here right around 10am. So, it will be either Sunday or Monday before I get there. I want to start canning them on Monday or Tuesday. 


Worked on bedroom all day today.  The dust is really bad, but got it taken care of. Just a few things under the bed that I need to pull out and organize stuff better. Not really sure of what is under there so will be more stuff to go through and hopefully trash or give to Goodwill.  My shoulder is killing me tonight, so calling it quits and going to put the heating pad on it and sit down and read a bit. 



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Euphrasyne, oh yes, Journey. Oh, bigger yes, Steve Perry. Woo-hooo. 💕


Becca-Anne. Have a great time with that baby! :wub:    Duh. :D


Littlesister hope you have a great time with your DD too. 


I didn't get to the attic today. I'm just too tired. I pulled the steps down and let some of the hot air out of there. I could feel it. I'm leaving the car out in the driveway so I can leave the hatch open to cool down over night and I'll attempt it tomorrow. Ugh. 


I took the 6 packs of chicken out of the freezer and put them in the fridge to thaw. This weekend I'll get them canned up. I want to do it before the next trip to Indy so I can move them over in the Jeep. Movers won't move food, I don't think, and I wouldn't trust them with it anyway. Precious cargo goes with me in Jeep. Like my resin bunny. :grinning-smiley-044:

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At the farm. :happy0203: Sitting in the camper. Snacking on sunflower seeds. 🤤 A couple weeks ago, my uncle moved the camper for me and I’m really liking it’s new spot. I can see the campfire from the bedroom window. This weekend is our family camping-Sunday funday-dinner at the farm. We’ll see how much I like it being surrounded by a bunch of 20 and 30-somethings, a couple of teens, and a bunch of little rugrats when I’m trying to sleep. 😂 Shouldn’t really be much different than when I camped in my van. 

Let’s see... got soaps wrapped and lotions made on Monday. Then picked up the DGkids. They spent Monday and Tuesday nights with me and DH and went to market with me Tuesday and Wednesday. Long days for the littles (7 and 5). But we all had fun. They got to eat a lot of junk food and candy :happy0203:, walk around and look and shop with DGD(13) when I was busy and all together when I wasn’t, go play with the puppies that are for sale (yes... Amish puppy mills... but they have their kennel licenses, so it’s *legal*). But a lot of sitting and coloring and playing with toys cuz there’s only so much to do and 8 hrs of market. They did surprisingly well and behaved themselves pretty good. DGD(13) had a bonus on Wednesday... her Nana and stepsister(15) came in the morning and she got to walk around with them, then unexpectedly 3 friends from school (with one of their moms) showed up in the afternoon and she got to go walk around with them. She’s been going to market with me since she was 2, so she knows it like the back of her hand. I think she enjoyed showing her friends where the best boutiques were. 👗 👠 She was really surprised when I took them home Wednesday and gave her $100. She said— But I didn’t work at market. I said— It’s for helping so much with the littles. She said— But that’s not work... that’s what you do when you have siblings. 🥰 God I love that kid!! Ya gotta remember that the littles mom and DS2 have only been going out for 2 yrs and living together for 1 yr. Her being an only child and ALWAYS having her dad to herself, she has really impressed me with her acceptance of them. 

Tomorrow, DS1 and I are doing yard and garden work in the morning and then mom is coming over about noon and we’re gonna work in the house to have a sale next weekend. 
Not sure if anyone will show up tomorrow to camp and hang out. Not expecting any til Saturday afternoon for weenie roast/s’mores, corn hole and camping. 

pic of grandkids hanging out in front of building across from our building. That vendor wasn’t there this week— THANK GOD!!— cuz it would’ve been crazy crowded to have all 3 of them in our building with me and my mom. 🥴




Edited by Necie
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