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Watcha doing today?

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Annarchy, your MIL definitely needs senior services to help her. You can't keep doing it all.  :hug3:



Well. I had my tilt table test today. My ride to and from was a dream. I maybe could have gotten myself there, but by the time I found parking in a garage and walked over to the building, I would have been spent. A ride really was needed. And they were very nice. Insurance paid for it but I tipped them anyway. I'm never sure. 


The test was an hour long. No I.V. Just continuously monitoring blood pressure. I did great. But on the other hand I was thinking I wasted everyone's time and they aren't going to find out anything about what's going on with me. 


She said I only have about 10 more minutes to go. That's the last thing I remember. All at once I passed out dead away. I didn't even really feel it coming on. They had to put the table down and revive me. :sEm_blush:   The good news is I didn't throw up or wet my pants. They said my blood pressure was 86/41 when they got me to come to. So, I'm guessing it will come back as POTS. 



I forgot to mention I set off the alarm when I went onto the hospital. I put my purse up on the counter and took my phone, keys and wallet out. I asked him if he was looking for anything specific. He asked me if I had any pepper spray or mace. I had pepper spray in my purse. He confiscated it.  It surprised me that it would set off an alarm. I always carry it in my purse. I had even forgotten about it. It isn't allowed in the hospital though. Gonna have to buy another one now. 


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Glad your tilt table test is done, now Jeepers!

I'm sorry you are going through so much right now Annarchy!

I guess Mt. Rider is off to Hawaii, already.


Still being busier than I would like.
Yesterday was walk, walk dogs, 2 loads of laundry, cut chicken, chicken livers and carrots and sweet potatoes for dog food.
Made dog food yesterday afternoon and cooked overnight.


Walked with Bo this morning.
Have 2 pressure canners of dog food going with 14 quarts total so far. Still have at least another canner to fill this afternoon. Will be glad to get this done!
Will look at tickets on Amtrak to go visit DH's family in IL, probably in October.

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Jeepers, glad the test is over and I'm sure you will find out the results soon and they can do something that will help you.  


Themartinchick, hope your dad is doing much better now. 


Miki, glad to see your DH is doing much better now. Hopefully he will be fully recovered soon. 


Today my neighbor and I went to Ollie's and then to lunch. I bought a lot more from Ollie's than what was on my list. But they had things there I didn't think they would have. So had to remove things from my Lowe's list. Much cheaper at Ollie's. 

We went to lunch at the Cracker Barrel. Messed around looking at the things they had and bought a couple of things there.  Then we came home.  Neighbor can't do a lot of walking yet and she gets tired easy with the meds she's on. But we did have a lot of fun.  

She got a $40,000 bill from Dominion Energy from an accident she was in 2 years ago. She was on medication and passed out and hit a pole and totaled her car. They never fixed the pole and only braced it. She was charged for use of the truck to come out and a new pole plus a bunch of other things. I have never heard of that. So don't hit a telephone pole. I told her to call the insurance company. Yes, Jeepers it's State Farm. Hoping maybe they can help her with it. At least it will be a start.  


While in Ollie's I found a new canning lid. It is called Pur and BPH free. They are made in Broomfield CO.  They have a web site www.Purmason.com. They only had the small mouth, so I got 4 of them.  12 lids at 1.99 a box. I'm going to try them out on my next canning session. 

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Posted (edited)

Annarchy, :pray:  :hug3:


Jeepers, I'm glad you were finally able to get the test done.  Hopefully that can help with getting some answers. 

Miki, I hope your husband continues to improve.

LittleSister, it sounds like you had a nice day!

:pray: for healing and safe travels for MtRider.

Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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Praying 🧎 for EVERYONE!! 

Life is crazy. I’m not even sure what all I did yesterday...

Cleaned out 2 weeks worth of yard sale stuff from my van. Packed stuff for market in a box and took that in today. 

Finally got soap wrapped. 
Cleaned up kitchen a bit while I made quick chicken alfredo— canned chicken and alfredo, box of pasta. 
Watered flats of plants and filled a couple bird feeders. 
Went to DS2’s and helped him do chores. Then took bottles back ($7). 
Then to DGD(5)’s first t-ball game of the year. 

Not sure if I mentioned... DDIL sent me the grandkids’ ball schedules a couple weeks ago. DGD(5) plays t-ball on Monday/Wednesday and DGS(7) plays little league on Tuesday/Thursday. Until June 20th.:faint3:It’s an hour from market and 45 minutes from home. 

Today was market and then DGS’s first little league game. 

Yesterday and today were both HOT!! 90ish. Tomorrow is supposed to be better—77. 

It’s midnight... I gotta be up in 6 hrs to repeat today. 😂 


g’night 😴 


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@themartianchickPrayers for your dear father!


@snapshotmiki Glad to hear your DH is doing well!


@Littlesister I have heard of Pur lids but I've never seen any for sale around me. Let us know how you like them. 


@Necie Gotta love those sports out in 90 degree weather. Sounds like a sort of a short season though. It gets really fun in July and August.  :0327:


I slept most of the day after the test downtown. I didn't sleep well the night before because I was afraid I wouldn't hear the alarm. Then I had to get up at 6:30am so I sort of crashed. I did get the kitchen mopped again. I can't seem to get it clean. The more I mop the more dirt I get. It looks clean until I look at the bottom of my feet. Yikes.


I mentioned about being stopped at the hospital for pepper spray. It's a really small purse size container. About like a small pocket size flash light. About 3 or less inches long. Anyway, what surprised me the most was when I asked him what he was looking for, he immediately mentioned pepper spray. How did he know? I only went through a metal detector like at the library. I thought he was going to say my keys or my garage door opener. I didn't think I was X-rayed.  No problem, just curious.  :shrug:


Spent the rest of the evening eating blackberries and watching Ryan Hall Y'all storms. Blackberries aren't my favorite, but at 50 cents a carton at Meijer, I was enjoying them. Exciting life.

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Jeepers glad you were able to complete the tilt test. 

Miki you got a lot of canning done! Hope your DH is doing better

Littlesister hope your neighbor can get help with that bill from her insurance company. Yikes!

Necie sounds like  a busy season for your family!

Annarchy hope you can get some support for your MIL from senior services.


Not much going on here, just getting ready to take my mom to her cardiology apt tomorrow then hoping to go to the Botanical garden again and enjoy some time together. I took Th/Fri off, and then we have Monday off for the holiday so hoping to relax a bit. I do have more plants I need to get into my garden, will do some every day until it's all in. I haven't spread my straw yet so I will try to get that done this weekend. Really need to get my pumpkins in!

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Already walked.
Walked dogs.
Took DH to Dollar General for his snacks.
Put away dog food that was PC'd, yesterday. 21 quarts.
I think I will work on bedroom closet, this afternoon.

I did get train ticket yesterday to go to IL in Oct. $214 round trip.

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Went to doctor for the gel injection. Appointment time was 10:20. They finally called me back at 11:55 and then I had to wait another 20 minutes. That was crazy. Hope when I go next Wed. it won't be like that.  He said this will keep me from having to have knee replacement. I am a stage 3, and they start considering surgery at stage 4, so this better work. It wasn't too bad but a bit sore at the injection site. I will live. 


Glad everyone is doing much better.  

Jeepers, I hope you get your results soon and it is not too bad. Hopefully just a change in your meds and that will take care of it. 


Didn't do a lot today after getting home from doctor other than clean the kitchen. Still need to mop the floor. Will do that in the morning. I did go outside and move some things from the back of the garden shed, hoping my yard man will this time weed eat around there. He is one lazy yard man when it comes to moving something. He will just cut around whatever and not a very good job.  Hoping tomorrow I can get back out to weed flower beds, but I heard something about thunderstorms. So not sure on that yet. If we do get rain, I will just work in the house going through the rest of the clothes. 

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Necie, I hope your son is improving.

Martianchick, I hope your dad is doing better.

LittleSister, I hope your knee is feeling better.

BeccaAnne, I hope you have a nice time at the botanical gardens.

Jeepers, I hope you got some rest and don't get too much off schedule.

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DS2’s shoulder is doing ok. He had a setback Monday at DGD’s t-ball game. DDIL’s sister smacked it—hard! I thought DS was gonna deck her out of reflex. I jumped up and jumped her @ss. She was drunk and shouldn’t even have been there. She left. She also said a couple of rude comments to DDIL about her having the tubal done and was overall obnoxious. I just hope it didn’t do any damage to DS’s shoulder. He said it’s just gonna take a little longer to heal. He’s been wearing his sling again the last 2 days, so I know it’s hurting him again. 😢


Today was a repeat of yesterday. Market was slow. Then went to DGD(5)’s t-ball game. Market closes at 4 and game wasn’t til 6:30, so stopped at DS2’s to waste time. He and his 2 dogs ended up riding with me and DDIL took their car with 4 kids (DGD(13) had a friend along). They have a FAT 6(?) year old female English Mastiff and just Sunday got an 8 month old male Cane Corso. He’s kind of a rescue... but not. The people didn’t have time for him. 😢 He’s very smart and wants to please, so is learning quickly. He’d never been in a car or on a leash. DS said his crate was covered with poo... which means he was in it wayyy too much. He’s a total big baby and just wants loved on. 🥰 I’ll try and get a couple pics tomorrow. 

Tomorrow I get to do whatever I want!!! Day off!! :cele: I’m definitely gonna try to sleep in. 😂 DGS has a little league game at 5:30. 

:hug3:and :kissy:





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On 5/21/2024 at 4:59 PM, snapshotmiki said:

Yes, we are in the  middle of  his 3rd week and  he is feeling a lot better, thank you!

@themartianchick, how is your  dad doing?

Dad is doing well... He is still in the hospital, despite the fact that they discussed a dismissal before finding out whether or not he was still too weak to walk. Our family pushed back on that plan and asked to have him evaluated. He needs a few more days to regain his strength. We arrived back in NY this evening after taking the AutoTrain. We were exhausted.  I was able to speak to him on the phone and will spend some time with him tomorrow. He has requested chicken wings, as the hospital food is too bland. We are only going to let him have a few because we don't want to over-salt him! I am also bringing a few things that he might like. A deck of playing cards and maybe some magazines with a lot of photos. I have some National Geographics that were printed over the past years. We had a gift subscription and never read them. This might be a good use for them.


So glad that your hubby is feeling better, @snapshotmiki!

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Necie, I hope your DS's arm isn't messed up from getting hit like that.  It's bad enough that it started him having pain again. Hope that stops soon. 


TheMartinchick, I hope your father gets stronger soon. He needs to be walking at least enough to get around some before going home from hospital. 


Hope Mt. Rider is having lots of fun with family and friends while in Hawaii. 


Jeepers, have a safe trip to Indy and enjoy your GS. Would be a good time to load up stuff that is going to Indy with you. It would be a bit less on next trip. 


Went to Harris Teeter store to pick up RX and to buy a few things for the weekend. DD and SIL will be here Tomorrow. I thought they were coming on Sat. morning. But then I am the last to know. Found out from GS. 

Mopped kitchen floor when I got back from store. Then started cleaning bathrooms and working on things in bedroom. GS left for work a couple of hours ago. So, I am free for the day. Need to get back to the bedroom and finish that room up. lots to get done. 


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Our weather in NY has been warming up while we were in Florida, so we came home to a house that was sweltering and we were too tired to do much unpacking. Failing to unpack was a bad decision. I needed to be dressed in business attire from the waist up and could not seem to find any short-sleeved blouses. My home office is on the 2nd floor and was sweltering. We haven't yet installed any of the window air conditioners and the fans are in the attic. I opened all of the windows, but it was going to take a while for the temperatures to drop. Luckily, I remembered that I had a couple of sleeveless blouses that I brought back from Florida. Thank goodness! I was afraid that I would have to wear a turtleneck sweater and a suit jacket. :knary:


When I arrived at the hospital today, the physical therapists had Dad up and walking with a walker. To be honest, his glide was pretty smooth and fast! Everyone at the hospital seems pleased with his progress. They are planning to discharge him tomorrow, so I will be staying with him for a few days while we make better arrangements to share the responsibility among the family members. Despite the expense, we have always kept the internet account active in his house, despite the fact that he doesn't use a computer. Were it not for the internet connection and an Amazon Echo Show, I wouldn't have known how badly his health was deteriorating. The existing internet connection means that the 3 family members that need the internet to be able to work from (his) home already have that access and we don't have to scramble to get it installed. Dad lives in a rural area and cell towers are spotty. With internet, we can still make and receive work calls. I feel greatly relieved to have set MY EYES on him rather than rely on the observations of others. 


Lastly, our family has always considered Dad's house to be one of our Bug Out locations. While spending time with him, I should have the time to do some work to ensure that it still can function in that capacity. Mom was always the one who kept things organized and stocked up. Now that she is gone, this is a long overdue project.

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My DD when she still lived here, the upstairs got really hot. She had to put a fan at the bottom of the stairs to blow the cooler air from downstairs up the steps. It seemed to have helped. 


Today I went to pick up an RX and picked up a few groceries for this weekend. Since the kids are going to be here.  DSIL likes his Pepsi, and I don't buy them unless he is going to be here. Got stuff to make homemade pizza and hotdog rolls for those that want hotdogs. Everything else I had already. 


TheMartinchick, glad your dad is doing better and walking now. That is a good sign.

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Took my mom to her cardiology apt follow up today and that went well. He didn't have any concerns after viewing the imaging from when she was in the hospital, going to follow up again in 3 months for labs. We followed up with a visit to the Botannical Garden and then out for lunch. We had a good time. I took 5 days off from work starting today. Going to relax. I did get my pumpkins planted, still have pink banana squash to plant and want to put my oregano and thyme into pots, and the lemon grass. Also want to plant some more zinnias sunflowers and hollyhock seeds and hoping to get some more blooms mixed into the garden. My strawberries and raspberries are producing nicely now. Really enjoying this garden season.

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Posted (edited)

Giving the kitchen and den a deep cleaning this morning.  Getting ready to throw in a load of clothes also. GS came in house early and flopped on the couch to sleep.  I am not letting that deter me from getting the den and kitchen cleaned up. If I wake him up making noise, I will tell him to just go back out to his car as I have things to do. Not going to work around his butt. I want this house back together and I am trying to do it without much help. I don't know yet how much help I will get if any when my DD and SIL gets here. They will be at DGD's house at around 8pm tonight as they are leaving right after they both get off work. Then will be here in the morning to pick me up to go to the Bazaar. SIL will stay here to help GS with his car. He has a bit of work to do on it. The headlights keep going out and on one side the wires are burnt. So, they are doing some work on that. GS already has the parts he needs.  


Becca Anne, enjoy your week off.  Glad your mom got a good report. 


Jeepers, keeping you in prayer as you leave to head to Indy.  I know you were planning a trip there for GS's game. Stay safe and alert. 


Themartinchick,  Hope all continues to go well for your dad as he works on getting his strength back.



Edited by Littlesister
Hit submit to soon again
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I hope that shot takes care of your knee @Littlesister!


Yesterday was another crazy day for me. After Bo and I walked, I went to Aldi, Walmart and Dollar General for stuff for DH. Stopped at VA clinic to ask about respite care so I can leave in October for a week (a little less). They have a social worker, but she wasn't there. Will try again in August or so.  Met a friend for lunch. Bible study last night.


Already walked today.
Am working at little cafe today for 3 hours.
Hope to rest some!

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Posted (edited)

Miki, the first injection left my knee sore but doing ok, I think. It is hurting some but not too bad. May have just overdone it today. I get another one next Wednesday and the 3ed one the Wednesday after that one. Then I am done.  I am getting up and down better than I was though. 


GS just got home from GD's house. They studied for a few hours, and he is going back to her house on Sunday to study some more. I really hope and pray he passes the test this time. Only one more test for GI doctor and all his wavers will be done. So far, he has passed all of them. 


Got the kitchen and den finished. They really needed a deep cleaning. 

Edited by Littlesister
That save button is in the wrong place for this tiny computer
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Dr. called today and my wrist surgery is getting moved up to this Tuesday.  I'm glad for the speed of it.  DD16 got her learner's permit today.  

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My internet is very sketchy. Lakers! 😡 


I’m not sure what all I did yesterday...

Slept in. 
Crocheted a little in the morning. 
Played in the dirt. 
Filled a couple bird feeders. I think we have a raccoon 🦝 creating havoc. 😡 One of my feeders has gotten knocked down and broken, oriole jelly feeder keeps getting tipped over, suet missing. 
Went to DGS’s little league game. Got a pic of DS2’s puppers.



DH woke me up early— “Let’s go fishing.” 🎣🥰

This afternoon I rearranged my van to fit a push mower in the back. DS1 hit a rock with it at the farm. DH fixed it this week and I have to take it back up tomorrow. 
Weeded the garden.

Did laundry.

Got bottles ready to make lotion... didn’t get the lotion made though. 

Farmer’s market tomorrow. Then pick up DS1 and go to farm. My uncle got the gardens tilled, so we are going to try to get some potatoes planted. Have to be back Sunday cuz we have flea market Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday this week. 

:hug3:and :kissy:






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