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You know……if all you guys keep falling/pssing out/having accidents/hurting yourselves I'm going to have to take stock out in bubble wrap!!!  :tapfoot: :wub::grouphug:

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I love the Mastiff @Necie!  Such a big sweetie!


Bo and I already walked this morning.
I'll be going over to the Church, next. Will pick up trash by road, sweep fellowship hall where we meet and clean bathrooms.
Plenty of daily chores after that.
Happy Memorial Day to you all!

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4 hours ago, Mother said:

You know……if all you guys keep falling/pssing out/having accidents/hurting yourselves I'm going to have to take stock out in bubble wrap!!!  :tapfoot: :wub::grouphug:

Might want to do that sooner rather than later. I still have the garage to do. :o


It should be okay out there. I'll be sitting on a ladder some of the time and I usually feel it coming on so I can get vertical fast enough. :imoksmiley:

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Love the pups. They are adorable. 


Euphrosyne, I didn't see that you are going to have surgery on that wrist. Prayers for all to go well. And yes, we are all coming to wrap you in bubble wrap. 


Today DD, DGD, DGGD and I went to the Bazaar today. The baby loved it. She got all kinds of attention from people and one lady took GD's phone and took a picture of the 4 of us. She couldn't believe 4 generations running around together. The baby did really great. GD didn't want to go because she was afraid of how the baby would do. But DD and I talked her into it as she won't know how she will do till she takes her out. But that baby was all laughs and just smiling at everyone. After we left there, we went to 3 secondhand shops. Then to Chili's for dinner. We then came back to my house and DSIL was still there. DGS had left for work, but they did get the head lights done. GS was proud of himself. SIL said he showed him how to do the first one as it called for soldering. And then GS did the second one by himself and did really well with the soldering. He's learning to work on his car and doing really well with it so far. He has other things he wants to do on it also. 

Now I am tired, and my knee is a bit sore. Just need to work it more and start walking again through the neighborhood. 

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I had a couple of errands to run today. I got four more bags taken to the dumpsters. As usual, as soon as my butt gets in the car and it starts rolling down the road, I become parched. I don't know why that is. I'm fine when I leave the house. Pavlov's dog syndrome. So I swung in McDonald's for a large mocha frappe. Cup size medium. $5.69! Never again.


I stopped in Lowes and got some registers AKA vent covers. If I can't change them out I'll hire it done. The ones left here are awful! Very noticeable rusty moldy looking. They stand out, in a bad way, compared to the rest of the house. And they were on sale. :shrug:  I'm not wasting a lot of time on them. Either I can do it myself or I can't. Lowes guy asked me where I'm from. I told him the town over here. He said no really. Where are you really from. I said southern Indiana. He said, "I knew it. I have people down there and you sound just like them." Yee-Haw. :grinning-smiley-044:


Last stop was the pharmacy. I've been moaning and groaning about how much I've been having to pay out of pocket for medical care lately. Guess what my prescription cost me this time?  


A dime. LOL. I must be hitting another tier in my plan. The pharmacy people are very friendly toward me. I think because I'm over there so often and they recognize me. I asked her if she thought she could make change for a quarter. She said they'd probably have to open the safe. She acted relieved when I pulled out a dime. 



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Jeepers, that was lucky. My RX cost me $141 for a 3-month supply. But it is name brand Farxiga. There is no generic for it yet. But have been getting some of my drugs free. So that sort of makes up for it. 


I forgot to say that while DSIL was here he put the shoe rack and the trunk I bought together for me. So that is out of the way now. So now just the small shed I got for the gas cans and such. DGS and I might be able to put that together. It's not that big. 

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Most of mine usually cost between $10.00 - $20.00 a month and I take 8 different kinds. All are generic and 2 of those 8 are vitamins. The one today was my newest one from the heart doctor. Generic for Coreg. They are the smallest pills I've ever seen. 

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Got up this morning and called mom at farmer’s market to see how it was going... slooowww. Imagine that! Memorial Day weekend. Campground right down the road. Lakes everywhere. Slow. :sigh:


So I stayed home and watered stuff cuz it didn’t rain even though the forecast had been for semi-severe (heavy rain, wind, possible hail, lightning). I guess it fizzled... again. :pout:


Picked up DS1 about 1:00 and came to the farm. DS2/DDIL/littles came up and brought 4-wheeler and dogs. Mom came up and brought little $hithead princess pooch and pizza. The big dogs don’t give a crud about little 5# b1tch, but every time they’d get near her she’d snarl and snap!! Sissy butt! Kids rode the 4-wheeler all over the farm, ate pizza, we sat and visited. Good afternoon/evening. 
Uncle got garden tilled, so in the morning I have to get the wheel put on the little tiller and get busy *making lines* and hopefully DS1 can start getting potatoes planted. Next week I need to bring the t-post driver so we can get the fence up in front of the barnyard garden and I can start planting that. 
I showed the kids a *surprise* before they left. Remember the cute little bird nest on the potato planter that I moved to a shelf? Well, mama bird found it and the babies have hatched!! 🐣 I also got pics of mama bird, but my phone was zoomed and they’re not very clear. She’s a small bird— barely bigger than a sparrow.








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Posted (edited)

Does it look anything like this?  The bird can also look darker than this one.  This is an Eastern Phoebe and  its nest. 



Edited by Mother
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Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, Jeepers said:

Most of mine usually cost between $10.00 - $20.00 a month and I take 8 different kinds. All are generic and 2 of those 8 are vitamins. The one today was my newest one from the heart doctor. Generic for Coreg. They are the smallest pills I've ever seen. 


 "COREG is in the class of drugs called beta-blockers, and is approved by the FDA for the treatment of mild, moderate, or severe heart failure. It helps to lower the heart rate and make the heart pump better."


The generic name is Carvedilol, and yes, they are small! I take them because it helps to slow the heart down during AFib episodes. If it slows my heart too much, the pacemaker kicks in and maintains a beat of 65 (or is it 68 :scratchhead:)BPM. They are so small they sometimes slip out of the palm of my hand between the fingers when I toss them into my mouth, and I only realize it happened when I discover it on the floor sometime later (they "bounce" and don't always land directly at my feet). :shakinghead:

Edited by Midnightmom
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LOL Midnightmom. That's the one. I found one in my bed already. I don't know when I missed it. I have the habit of throwing all 8 of them in my mouth (or general vicinity) at the same time at bed time. I'm only on 3.125 mg. Odd dosage?


Another pill I take is Chlorthalidone 25mg. I think it's mostly a water pill. I'm only supposed to take half of it. But it crumbles horribly when cut. The doctor said there isn't a smaller dose and to just take the larger part and throw the other slice away. We'll, Dr. Google said there is a 12.5 dosage. Will consult an Indiana doctor about that. :pout:  I don't have the fight in me right now to argue. 


We are getting storms now. Glad for the rain though so I don't have to water the shrubs. But will mean more weeding next week. :sigh:


Going to Indiana in the middle of the week sometime. Have to be there on June 1st. Will probably stay for my birthday on the 6th. Then grandson will fly out on the 8th. with his grandpa to the west. Not sure for how long but he has to be back by his birthday on July 4th. Gonna be a busy summer. 

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Baby birds are so cute.   My DH had to take Coreg. He was on 12.5mg. 

Jeepers, have a safe trip to Indy. 


Went to next door neighbor's house for dinner tonight. Really haven't done a whole lot today but did weed out one flower bed today. It got hot so I stopped and then the clouds cooled things down again later and I went back out and weeded some more.  GS went to his sister's house, and they went to Dairy Queen and then off to wherever his aunt is staying for a cookout. It is his dad's sister and her son and his 6 kids and his wife. They are here visit her parents from Colorado. Then DD and SIL were heading back home to NC. I think GS and GD are studying for the test for Coast Guard. She is really helping him a lot so hoping he will pass it on this try. She suggested he wait another 30 days as right now he can take it again in a week or so and he is not yet ready. I am in agreement. 

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Why you shouldn't hang curtains when you are hot and tired. Short one goes in the bathroom and the long one stays there in the dressing room area. The tops are the same so I just started loading them onto the rod. Sigh.  Fortunately I have another set just like them! :24:

Tomorrow is another day.  



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Chlorthalidone is a diuretic medication that treats high blood pressure. It also treats swelling caused by heart, kidney or liver disease. It works by helping your kidneys remove fluid and salt from your blood through your pee. The brand name of this medication is Thalitone


I take a combo of Spironolactone Hydrochlorothiazide (25-25). Despite what it says it's primarily for in the "What's it used for questions," My BP is fine; I take it for edema. My legs swell up like water balloons if I don't take it. And, 3.125 for the carvedilol is a normal dose. :thumbs:

Have a wonderful time with your family during your "extended stay" in Indie. And, Happy Birthday in advance. :happyBD:

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I think that’s the correct bird @Mother. You’re awesome!!! 

Worked in the garden for a bit at the farm this morning. 
Took DS1 home and hung out with mom for awhile. She’s having problems in the barn between the electric/air compressor/generator. I told her to JUST CALL SOMEONE!! She says: I don’t think I know any electricians. :buttercup: I don’t know why she thinks it has to be someone she knows. She does it all the time with anything that needs worked on. Ummm... sometimes it’s better to NOT *know* them. 
Storm were headed in, so headed home to beat it. Got home and took a nap. 😳 Then sorted 3 boxes of cookbooks that a friend gave to mom for flea market. Got a small tote loaded in the van to take in and put at the $1 table tomorrow. 

:hug3:and :kissy:


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Oh my Necie, I identify with your mom.


There is an episode on Andy Griffith where Aunt Bee buys a bunch of meat from a fly by night salesman. Then her old freezer keeps breaking down. Long story short, Andy repeated says, "Call the man!"  I've been hearing that a lot the past couple of years. "Just call the man!" Son says it. D-ex says it. Even grandson says it now. But I don't know a man to call.  :24:

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@Jeepers, those curtains!  LOL  Looks like something I would do.

I hope @Mt_Rider is having fun!  And that her Hawaiian language exercises pay off!


Will walk with Bo after the rain this morning.
Do laundry.
Vacuum out DH's car.
Make chicken salad.
Easy day, today!


Tomorrow, I have to leave the house at 5:45 am to take a friend to the hospital for a procedure (then bring her and her mom home). Not sure how long it will take or what else I will get done.

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Not awesome, Necie, just been around a LOT of birds over the years. Some I have had hands on experience with them.  Phoebe’s are good birds.  They eat a lot of insects but then again, when you are rehabbing them,,,,,,,they at a LOT of insects.  I love birds.  Not so good with catching and feeding insects. :grinning-smiley-044:  

I also identify with your Mom. All too well.  Your Mom just lost her husband and I’m sure is feeling a bit lost yet.  I still have my DH but with his cognitive issues it’s as if I had lost him.  For some of us older people, facing today’s world alone can be pretty daunting.  We don’t want or even need to be told what to do.  We can still handle that.  But it sure is nice to have the support of family.   I bet if one of the family, who she trusts, were to look at it and tell her it’s going to take a repairman and maybe suggest someone and/or would be there when that repair person came your Mom would feel more secure. It’s really tough to get to the point in life where you feel your family is too busy with their own lives to be bothered with you. We understand but it’s still tough.  

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Happy Memorial Day everyone! I am on day 5 of 5 of my break, back to work tomorrow but I feel like I was able to relax and also get things done on my break. I managed to plant all but the herbs in the garden (going to put those in pots they are just too tiny yet to go in the main garden and I ran out of space). I mulched the main garden with straw, and still have enough to mulch my strawberries which I will get to.  So feeling accomplished.  

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Hi, everyone!


I have spent the last few days staying with my dad at his house. So far, his recovery feels kind of slow, but I don't have anything to compare it to. He is having a problem with his leg, which is making mobility an issue. He is due to begin physical therapy at home in a few days. So far, the only walking that he is doing is the trek to the bathroom with a walker a couple of times per day. My daughter and I have been reorganizing some of the rooms to make them more functional in a bugout situation. We noticed that a few things are needed, so the Amazon delivery drivers have been extremely busy with deliveries. We needed a lot of new bed linens. I had some decent ones at home that I contributed, but I don't have enough to outfit all of the rooms. The grass was so high that it looked like a hayfield! Hubby mowed and I hope to get out early tomorrow and mark all of the perennials that bear food. I think that I remember where the apple trees, pear tree, bramble patches, rhubarb and mulberry bushes are, but there may be some new ones. Dad hasn't had a garden in years and his fencing for it is a mess. Several years ago, the old barn fell down due to heavy snow. The newer pole barn is still there, but it is loaded with tools and equipment. Many of the power tools need repair. Hubby rolled up his sleeves and changed the oil  & fixed a flat tire on the lawn tractor and fixed something on the DR trimmer to make it work. Then he realized that there was no more gas for any of the other power tools. This week, he plans to replace a running toilet that is wreaking havoc with the well and make some small wooden repairs to the clapboards.


In between helping dad, I want to pack away a lot of the old dust catchers. I have been washing a million afghans and quilts. It sometimes feels as though there are 3 of them on every chair. The water issue is impeding my progress, as it is a pain to wash laundry and then have the machine shut off due to no water. The maddening part of this story is that there are 2 wells on this property and a mechanism for switching from one to the other. The second well was installed after my sisters and I moved out of the house, so we never learned how to make the switch. Hubby was shown how to do it a couple of years ago, but has forgotten. Dad is feeling well so the LAST place that he should go is the basement to try to show someone how to do it!


I had planned to plant a few things in my own garden, but that is on hold. My mom's herb garden is completely overrun with weeds and I think that all of the plants have been choked. I might plant some herbs in pots at dad's house. I won't have time for much else.

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You might be surprised at what has survived down under the weeds.


Do you know which of the brambles are the kinds that bear on this year's growth and which bear on last year's?

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Themartinchick, you sound like you are going to be very busy for a while.


Jeepers, your curtains look like something I would do.  Easy fix though. 


Becca Anne, I know you have enjoyed your vacation. But going back to work is rough on that first day. Or at least it was for me. Just never was ready to head back after a week or 2 of vacation. Especially if I had gone somewhere for a few days. 


Today has been a quiet day. Rained all day hard with thunderstorms and lighting. Still under tornado watch till 11pm. But I think for my area it is over. GS is at work, and he studied for his test both last night after he got home and again today. So hopefully he will pass it this time. I am going to be praying hard for this to happen for him. I am worried that if he fails it this time he will get to discouraged. The cookout for his father's side of family went really well. His mother said he did really well socially. Two years ago, he wouldn't have anything to do with family and would stay in his room. So, he has come a long way from then. Yep, he is finally growing up, but still has some growing up to do. I am proud of him for the things he is now trying to do. I guess it is better late than never. 


I might run back to Ollie's tomorrow. Not sure yet. I want a couple more of the kitchen mats. I bought one and found them to be great.  They really help in the kitchen when I am doing a lot of canning. Easy on the feet and legs, not to mention the back. 

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Slept late, cleaned a bit, had a late snack since I'm a gremlin due to surgery tomorrow afternoon (don't feed them after midnight.)


Tomorrow I plan on sleeping late, going to the hospital and then coming home and sleeping some more.  Chances are roughly 90% that I'm going to have to pee in front of a nurse in recovery.  With my kids so spaced and pets, I don't think I've been to the bathroom by myself in almost 30 years.  

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