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On 5/25/2024 at 11:01 AM, Jeepers said:

so I can get vertical fast enough


Horizontal, Jeepers!  Do not get vertical fast!  :lol:   Glad the tilt test DID show some of your issues with this passing out thing. 


Hi everyone....from Maui.   I haven't overheated - the A/C is so cold, I'm wearing a hoodie most of the time indoors.  Outdoors has been mild.  We're not on the HOT-DRY Lahaina side...tho old friends are taking DH and I over to their...property.  Location of their former house.  :sad-smiley-012:  I was in that house...well, car port mostly...many evenings.  Can't yet quite wrap my head around  - it's all gone. 


But the other side of the island is HAWAI'I !!!  We've had graduation and the party is this ...Friday?  Gaah, I keep getting mixed up.  DH and I took off with DD2's old vehicle ( so we didn't have to rent a car).  We went "holo holo" all over anywhere we pointed the car.  The WIND at the harbor was SO strong!  I was afraid it was going to blow the hearing aide$ out of my ears!  Truly.  But loved seeing the water so active.  Went up country and just wandered.  Got rained and misted a few times up there.  Forgot we were included this evening to a graduate party up country but...our trip wore us out.  As evening hits, DH's back begins to really bother him.  So we stayed 'home' to take showers/wash clothes/ amuse the little dog inside and annoy the big and very old dog outside.  Shut the curtains so she can't see "stranger danger" in the house.  :rolleyes: 


I did catch up reading here but likely won't have time to read elsewhere.  Maybe read more of the Ecuador story...  :)   But y'all....


Annarchy....yeah, your mom sounds like she's definitely not quite 'with the program' any more.  My mom arrived in 'that land' last Nov.  Not totally gone but can't keep it all together.  And crankier.  :(  :pray:  


Glad your DH is doing better, Miki! 


Necie - you are busier than anyone I know.  Sounds like the family has so many resources and work together.  :thumbs:  :thumbs:  


:pray:  for your surgery, Euphrasyne!!!!  For full restoration of use!  You need it!  :pray:


LittleSister  It does sound like your perseverance and rules have helped your GS.  Good!  Now maybe the Coast Guard can finish molding him into a decent young man.  :pray: 


I'm out of time...everyone coming in the door....


MtRider  ....later


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Glad you are well @Mt_Rider

And glad that you had a nice vacation @Becca_Anne.

I pray that your surgery goes well, today @euphrasyne!


Someone else took my friend to the hospital, so I didn't have to get up so early.

Already walked this morning.
Next will walk dogs.
Wash sheets.
List some Mailbox News Cake decorating magazines on ebay.
Work on bedroom closet.

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Posted (edited)

Mt. Rider, glad you were able to log in and let us know how things are going. Sounds like you are having a blast.  I know you and your DH are glad to see everyone again. 


euphrasyne, :pray: that surgery on your hand goes well and you get all your strength back in it.  Now that your DD has her learners permit, she can drive you anywhere you need to go. 


Jeepers I'm glad they got your issue figured out now and I hope everything now goes much better. Hopefully the new med. will help a lot.


Today I have been going though things in bedroom. My garden stuff for the raised beds will be here sometime today. Then I can get things set up for the beds and have them ready for next year. Thinking I might start out for a winter garden in them this fall.  Will see how things go at that time. I'm thinking collards. 

Edited by Littlesister
Hit save again to soon.
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@euphrasyne Hope your surgery goes well today!


@Mt_Rider glad you are having a great time with family and friends. 


I'm going to Indy tomorrow morning. I'm loading up the Jeep this evening. I'm taking all of my canning that I got done. I hate to stack them in there but it's better than trusting a mover to do it. I'll probably be gone a week. I have to rearrange the second garage to be able to fit moving stuff in there when the time comes.


I think all of the dumpster/donation stuff is now out of the house. Mostly just my stuff that I want moved is left. Next week will be the garage. I am sooooo thankful the demo crew cleared out that basement! 

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Safe travels, Jeepers.  🙏 :hug3:

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Posted (edited)

Euphrasyne, glad you are back home. Hope you will be able to have full use of your arm/hand.  Take it easy for a while. Praying for a fast recovery. 


Jeepers, have a safe trip to Indy and back. Glad you are making great progress on the Ohio house. 


 Today I have been going through the rest of clothes in closet. Paid bills and getting ready to soon pay off all charge cards again. But this time I am locking the cards up in the safe and not using them. I am also going to stop using Amazon as well. Once everything is paid off, I will start going to cash only basis. Want to work on getting what's left of the house paid off. Then maybe once GS is in Coast Guard and GD and her DH has been transferred to wherever the Coast Guard is going to send them. I will then get the rest of house painted, and a couple of other things done and start looking for a place more in the country and out of VA. Taxes are getting much worse. Depending on what I will be buying, I want a well, more land, and a generator, plus a solar generator to at least run freezer and fridge. There are other things, but I need to see what I will be buying first. Hopefully the new house will come with at least part of that. 

Edited by Littlesister
Hit save again by accident.
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Euphrasyne glad you got through your surgery ok! Now healing can start. 

Mt Rider sounds like you're having a great time :wub:

Jeepers so glad you're getting to the point you can see the end to the packing/sorting. And good to get back to your family for a visit. 

Littlesister have fun setting up your raised beds!

I picked a bunch of berries today, took my mom to the pharmacy and worked. It was a quiet day as many of my co-workers took today off as well. So I just got a bunch of small things done and it was nice not to have a lot of interruptions. Slow easing back in. 

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Caught up on reading. Missed a day again. 🥴


@euphrasyne, praying that your wrist fully heals quickly.

@Mt_Rider, glad your vacation is going well. Sounds like you’re having fun and getting to relax a bit. 
 @Jeepers, safe travels. Wave when you go past Shipshewana. :hi:
 @themartianchick, glad that you’re dad is getting the care that he needs and that you have help getting his house in order. 

Yesterday was one of three holidays at flea market. Should be a HUGE day... not so much. Wasn’t horrible, but wasn’t great. I don’t like slow- nononono! Anyhow, it was kinda slow. And it was chilly, drizzley, and windy. Yuck!! All day. 
Got home and wrapped soap for a wholesale order, DH made dinner, went to bed. 

Today, drove in a downpour for 30 minutes into market. It cleared up by 9 and was actually a decent day. Slow again, but not as bad as expected. But slow, and sheesh— I hate slow. 
Then to DGS’s little league game. 

Tomorrow is a repeat of today. Except hopefully no downpour. Although it is supposed to rain in the morning and then clear to scattered showers. And DGD has a t-ball game. 

:hug3:and :kissy:


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This is what happens when you knock a 1.2 pound container of egg white powder off of a 6ft high pantry shelf :shakinghead: and it lands on your naked foot. :o

:imoksmiley: I was able to walk on it, and I am finally able to get a shoe on that foot again. :thumbs:


IMG_20240528_192422.thumb.jpg.ff1859417a55e7f33c65e6aa87794237.jpg  NOWegg.thumb.JPG.0f40a36ed3a761811745ad2d04c55558.JPG


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14 hours ago, euphrasyne said:

Home.  The damage is a metal plate and 9 screws.   I cannot feel my arm yet.

That might be good for the moment.  Do you have a pump for when it wakes up?  Those are grreat.

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6 hours ago, Ambergris said:

Ouch!  Are you massaging it with mentholatum or Vicks?

The first day I used compression/Ace bandage. It was swollen (raised bump) but not showing the bruise. A day or so ago I soaked it in some epsom salt and that is when the bruise came to the surface. Like I said, I am able to walk on it and now I can get my shoe on that foot. The "lingering" effect is that it hurts (minimally) when I try to bend my toes upwards, but that will ease too.

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Wow! Midnightmom.  Glad you didn't break anything. Or at least I hope nothing is cracked either.  That picture looks painful just looking at it.  Glad it is starting to heal and not as painful now. 


Euphrosyne, Hope you are doing better today.  Just take it easy and try not to use that hand to much. Give it time to rest and then work on it when the doctor says it's ok. 


Hope Jeepers, got to Indy safe and sound. Not sure of the time difference, but hopefully already there. 


Mt. Rider Glad you are having a great time with family. I know you and your DH are glad to see everyone again. 


Necie, glad you are having slow days and getting to rest a bit. 


Today I went to doctor for second injection. This one wasn't as bad as the first. He said it will take some time before I feel a true difference. I just know I am not in the pain I was in and that it is much easier now to get up and down. Hopefully now it will make it much easier to do yard work and work in house. I also had a slow day today. Did some work in bedroom as it was too hot to work outside. But I need to get back out there soon. Maybe this weekend will be better.

Also went to bank to make a deposit and will be going back to change some things around for a high interest CD. Then left and went to post office to mail the bills. I'm done for today and will sit down and read a bit after while. 


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3 hours ago, euphrasyne said:

Ice for swelling.  15m on 15m off.  works great.  

Now that I've been thinking about it, I remember pulling a large bag of veggies out of the freezer and putting that on my foot prior to wrapping it. :scratchhead::frozen:  :thumbs: 


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Today was slower than yesterday. I feel like I’m going to implode. :gaah:

I’d like a drink. Or 8. I’m not. 
Tomorrow I have a list. #1-23.. declutter the brain.

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Hang on!  @Necie!  

I'm so glad that your knee is feeling better @Littlesister!


Yesterday was monthly stock up at Walmart and Aldi.


Today, walked first.
Headed out for a hearing aid doc appt. with DH 35 miles away. Didn't get out of our town when they called and cancelled-never got replacement hearing aid.
Went to a thrift shop locally. Bought a women's beach cruiser bike for $30. Needs air in the tires or new tires and a new horn. Everything else looks good.

Paid bills for the month.
Home now and don't know what will be on my list for this afternoon.

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Had termite inspection early this morning. He helped me take a bunch of wood and limbs to the street for bulk pickup. That was really nice of him. I gave him some bottled water to take with him on his way to Franklin for rest of the day to work. 

Then tried to get hold of my neighbor to see if she wanted to ride out to the store with me. She doesn't have a car, so I try to take her when I go. But couldn't reach her. So left a bit later than I planned and picked up RX.  Yeah, my Synthroid copay went up from $45 for 3 months to $139 for 3 months. That is a huge co-pay jump. Will fix that one when it is time to change insurances again.  Got quite a few organic veggies for baby food so will be canning that up soon for the baby. Had to buy some 1/4-pint size jars. Need to get them in the dishwasher before I can start canning anything. Will get that done shortly. 

GS is off today so I think he went to his sister's house to study. 

I am tired already.  Tomorrow I will be going off with neighbor to just mess around to see what we can get into. Not sure yet where we will go yet. But it will be fun whatever we decide.

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On 5/27/2024 at 8:40 PM, Ambergris said:

You might be surprised at what has survived down under the weeds.


Do you know which of the brambles are the kinds that bear on this year's growth and which bear on last year's?

There are a lot of black raspberries growing close to the house. They are already flowering and some have very small berries. Surprisingly, they aren't too weedy. A couple of the patches of (the best ever) berries are no longer in their place. They had been growing on a site that had an old collapsed barn. I hope that mom moved them, rather than just cleared them out.

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Dad had a doctor appointment today, so not a lot got done. However, I did go outside after dinner and started looking through old flower pots. While I know where the majority of Dad's tools are, I still don't know where my mom's are. Tomorrow, there is nothing on the agenda, so I will try to look in the barn. It is jam-packed with all sorts of things. It has been Dad's domain so it is very disorganized and I think that something is living in it. I am hoping to go home for a little while this weekend... I need some more/different clothing to allow me to do some work around here. I originally brought over the travel bag that was still full of nice Florida clothes and pajamas. I need something that I can get down and dirty in!


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Martianchick sounds like things are progressing glad your family has been able to rally around your dad. 


We went to an apt today for my youngest son's ear. He is going to need reconstructive surgery to remove a keloid scar and repair his ear. It got injured a few years ago and didn't heal well. I was nervous but the apt went well. The surgery will happen in Oct. So that apt ate up the whole morning, then I worked all afternoon and other than watering the garden didn't do much. I did get a quart of raspberries frozen yesterday and more to pick tomorrow. I'm also going to grab some more mulberries tomorrow when I have a chance the tree is loaded :wub: Puppy is getting spayed tomorrow so that's going to take up the day.

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Still working on de-stressing(? that doesn’t seem like the right word-?).


Crocheted for a couple hours this morning.

Then open ALL doors, turn on ALL lights, crank UP the tunes... GO BUSY!! BOUNCE!! :bounce:


More of the same tomorrow. 




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