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12 hours ago, Necie said:

Still working on de-stressing(? that doesn’t seem like the right word-?).


Crocheted for a couple hours this morning.

Then open ALL doors, turn on ALL lights, crank UP the tunes... GO BUSY!! BOUNCE!! :bounce:


More of the same tomorrow. 




Hmmm...This does not look like a list for de-stressing. You've been doing a whole lot of work, @Necie! I am a list maker, too. I like the BOUNCE part for de-stressing and enjoy dancing around the house to make chore time fly!

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Good morning, everyone!


Today's tasks include a load of laundry, some dusting and a lot of decluttering on Dad's front porch. He is hard of hearing and needs to have the tv blasting. I have been wearing earplugs because I can't cope with the noise. When I get the front porch organized, I can have a space to use for my client's work and provide a quiet space to escape and unwind. I might even be able to follow @Necie's lead and enjoy a bit of bounce!


I am determined to get into the barn today to determine what is there. This property was once a dairy farm. My parents purchased it when I was a baby. By then, there was only one large barn left. Years later they built a 2-story pole barn and then at some point in the 2000s, the original barn fell under the weight of a lot of snow. My parents salvaged as much stuff from the old barn and crammed it into the pole barn. This task is daunting.

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That does sound daunting @themartianchick!  I hope you rest a bit, too!


Walked early this morning.
Took my jeep to have wiring looked at as blower motor doesn't work at all and has been replaced twice. Won't get it back until, well, right now. LOL Just got a call. Wiring harness.
So back to repair shop in a few.
Should walk dogs in a bit.
Bike with bad tires to local mechanic.

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Seems everyone has been really busy with things. Makes me tired just reading what all you are all doing. But glad everything is going well. 

I also make list of things I need to do but lately with GS it isn't getting done. I helped him until after 10pm last night working on his car. He got a late start as he went to his sister's house to study. So, we didn't get started on his car till after 3pm.  We got the new headlights in. Both sides he replaced the whole unit and all new bulbs. Now all his lights are working. Told him his tires are low and he checked those and low was an understatement. So that is taken care of. Then I told him to check his transmission fluid. Yep, that's low so got that done. then told him to check the antifreeze in radiator. Yep, we had to go to AutoZone and pick up that so now that is taken care of.  Brake fluid was good. Filled the Window washer as well. He learned how to maintain his car these past 2 days and is doing everything himself. He is learning now to be more responsible. Still a way to go but learning. His car should be driving much better now. He left for work about an hour ago and I finished up on making and canning baby food. I have 30 jars in canner now. Using the quarter pint size (4oz). Just enough for a meal in each jar. So far, I have canned sweet potatoes, squash, butter beans, peas and carrots. I still have more sweet potatoes, white potatoes, a bit more sweet potatoes, green beans, and butternut squash. These are so when she is busy, she can just open a couple of jars and heat it up some for her. It will save her time and all the food is organic. Much heathier than store bought baby food. No additives.   I need to buy more jars. I used up what I had. So will be canning tomorrow as well. Going to run to store for more jars after the pressure cooker is done. This has been my past 2 days of working. Though I did get a couple of other things done in the process. 

My next-door neighbor and I were going off today. But she overdid it on her leg and couldn't walk well. So, we put it off till next week. Which really worked out better for me.  Even though she has 3 blood clots in her leg she decided to walk a mile yesterday. Big mistake. I keep telling her to let the blood thinners do its job that she can't afford for one of them to break off. 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, themartianchick said:

He is hard of hearing and needs to have the tv blasting. I have been wearing earplugs because I can't cope with the noise.

Does he have hearing aids? I recently learned about a "device" that can be built into them: it's called a T-Coil. It's not the same thing as Blue Tooth but can make the hearing aids more "useful" in certain situations. My newest pair will have a T-coil built into them. I hope it will help me be able to hear my son with less difficulty while he is here visiting. It will also, I hope, make it easier to communicate with my IHSS worker when she is here.


ETA:  I found the video that I wanted to add earlier.

Is This the Best Kept Secret to Hearing GREAT in Difficult Settings?


Edited by Midnightmom
added video
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Posted (edited)

Kid 21 is hearing impaired.  The last pair of hearing aids we bought had a Bluetooth mic that clipped to someone's lapel and went directly to the aids.  I could talk to them from a few rooms away and they could still hear me.  Highly recommend.  


If you are trying to make things quieter but still audible, check out loop earbuds.  Amazon.com: Loop  The loop switch is great.

Edited by euphrasyne
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45 minutes ago, euphrasyne said:

Kid 21 is hearing impaired.  The last pair of hearing aids we bought had a Bluetooth mic that clipped to someone's lapel and went directly to the aids.  I could talk to them from a few rooms away and they could still hear me.  Highly recommend.  


If you are trying to make things quieter but still audible, check out loop earbuds.  Amazon.com: Loop  The loop switch is great.

I have the partner  mic and  it works great!

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1 hour ago, euphrasyne said:

Kid 21 is hearing impaired.  The last pair of hearing aids we bought had a Bluetooth mic that clipped to someone's lapel and went directly to the aids.  I could talk to them from a few rooms away and they could still hear me.  Highly recommend.  


I don't think that is BlueTooth, but is a T-Coil as I mentioned above. I could not find this video earlier but I finally was able to find it again. I think it explains the issues very well.   ( @Jeepers I think you will find this interesting)


Is This the Best Kept Secret to Hearing GREAT in Difficult Settings?


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Posted (edited)

T coil is great.  The ones Kid 21 has are definately Bluetooth.  They also connect to any smart phone via an app and sign in as well as the lapel mic.  Theirs are Rx through an audiologist with special programing because they are severely impaired on one side and moderately impaired on the other since birth.    On the plus side, that means insurance covered most of it.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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Hope all the hearing aid issues are good ones. Lots of options now. That's a good thing. 


I have the last load of baby food in the canner now. I am tired and will be up early to babysit tomorrow.  60 jars of Baby food. Seems like a lot but the small 4oz. jars is what I used. Hopefully no waste in that. DGD is very picky about what she is feeding the baby. No sugars, chemicals like they put in some of our foods now, no food coloring or any of that stuff. So, I did all organic and she can season the food as she fixes it for baby. Will see how long this will last and then do another load of canning as she gets close to running out. Never thought I would be making baby food and canning it but these days it might just be the best route to go. Too much stuff being recalled these days. So hopefully this is safer.

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AT THE FARM!! :woohoo:


Got up this morning and crocheted for a little bit. Then DH had to drag me to a couple of barn sales. :happy0203: He was riding his bike and saw signs, but couldn’t find it. So he came back and we took the truck. 
Then I worked on *the list* for awhile. Got everything done except for planting grapes and wrapping soap. Will do those on Monday. 
Picked up DS1 about 5:30 and came to farm. Tomorrow we need to mow/weed whack and plant potatoes. 

I’m liking my *this year* schedule better than *last year* schedule so far. My week basically starts on Tuesday. 
Last year: Tue/Wed flea market. Picked up DS1 on Wednesday nights after market and came to farm for Thursday/Friday. Home Friday evenings. Farmer’s market and yard sales on Saturday. Go to mom’s for dinner on Sundays. Home on Mondays. 
This year: Tue/Wed flea market. Home Thursday and Friday. Pick up DS1 Friday evenings and come to farm for Saturday and Sunday mornings. Mom’s Sunday afternoon. Home on Mondays. 

There are +/- both ways, but this gives me 3 days a week at home instead of one. We’ll see how it works out with other issues. 

After being home for 2 days and working on my list, I feel much more relaxed and DECOMPRESSED (the word I was trying to think of before :wink(2):).


:hug3:and :kissy:



pics of list and the little baby Eastern Phoebes this week.






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Still in the Aloha state.  Sheeesh, hearing of drastic tornado weather back on mainland.  :pray:  Keep your eyes open and ...that weather guy Jeepers talks about. 


We're having just typical weather for Maui.  Even rained for a short time - then nobody has to water grass.  I spent time finding and rerouting a flowering vine that DD2 uses in lei making (sewing).  The vines were curling around inside the pot and in the grass.  I wove them into the trellis and had a grand time.  :lois:    Didn't get sunburn...have been careful of that.  Didn't do much today - next 2 days will be busy but I'll pull out if I have to.  DD2's friends from Lahaina time are coming for K3's grad party. A lot of those going on - big and small family ones.  We're doing party favors and appreciation gifts (kalo (taro) and/or kukui tree starter plants ) for those helping.  Folks here can forage or grow so much that they use for decoration here.  You can't believe some of the lei that are made (sewn). 


DH and I are definitely in low gear.  Others are buzzing around us and then the house is empty and we just do whatever.  Or take the old vehicle and go see or do something.  This weekend will be high gear tho. 


Hope all who are enduring injury will heal quickly and well. :pray:  Those who're in the path of the storms - be safe.  Jeepers...safe travels!  Those taking care of your elderlies - I know that story.  :hug3:   It's SO hard and SO VERY important!  I finally remembered today, at the right TIME to call mom on the East coast - 6 hour time difference.  She was delighted, of course.  ( I was quite annoyed that I didn't remember her number.   Brain fry again... :(  ) 


Told me she fell when she got up in the night - tripped.  Banged forehead but did she use the call button they all wear 24/7 ?  Did she pull the emergency cord that is just by the shower where she fell?  Did not even enter her mind.  She got herself up and checked and no blood - so she went back to sleep.  Horrified the person who woke her the next morning...with her very bruised forehead.  :blink:   The RN who checked her just shook her head.  Knows she won't talk her into going for check at ER.  Nope.  I'm fine.  :buttercup:   But really - it just never even occurred to her to reach out for help.  She lived independently until she was into her 90's and this Assisted Care concept is blowing right past her.  That...I can really understand.  I am...and will continue to be...like that too.  Something goes wrong - ya fix it!  :shrug:  But of course I worry that she went back to sleep with a head injury.  But since I was hearing about it after the fact and she woke up without even a headache - only the bruising to tell of her fall....she was fine.  Whatcha gonna do?   :shakinghead:  


OK...going to bed...


MtRider  :hi:   Aloha! 

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8 hours ago, Necie said:

pics of list and the little baby Eastern Phoebes this week

As many years as I have worked with and raised baby birds it never fails to amaze me how fast they grow. Sometimes doubling their weight and size overnight. Having been in the every fifteen minutes feeding side of that growth I have nothing but great respect for the  fortitude of the parents.  I love seeing the pictures Necie!  

:pray: For everyone! 

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Good morning! Already walked (Bo and I).
Walked dogs--perimeter check,
Going to hardware store for mulch and plants for Church. And then to plant same.
The bike tires hold air so will clean it up a little today.

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Littlesister that's great that you were able to can so much baby food.

Great job on your list Necie!

Mt Rider glad you are having a good time and hope your mom heals up well from her fall. :hug3:

Puppy got spayed yesterday so we're laying low today. Had 4H here at the house, planted my basil and otherwise having a quiet day. Didn't get the oregano or thyme or holy basil planted as it started to rain while I was out there but will hopefully get those in the ground tomorrow. Happy with the progress I'm making though.

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I kept the baby most of the day today, so nothing got done. GS helped me by playing with the baby while I fixed her meal.  That baby can eat a lot. GD loved having all that baby food. I know it will help her save money as she doesn't want to use store bought baby food. I can't say I blame her. I fixed her sweet potatoes, butter beans, unsweetened applesauce and GS had some Chinese fried rice, and she ate all of it.  Then GS cleaned up the floor and picked up her spoon and such off floor where the baby dropped things. Yeah, learning to use a spoon is fun. But so cute. GS mopped the kitchen floor after I got her cleaned up and out of the highchair. He can help when he wants to. Baby is doing much better around GS now that we figured out the issue was the hood over his head. That is what would scare her and started her crying every time she saw him. Big difference when the hoodie is off. 


Maybe I can catch up on a few things tomorrow afternoon.  GS has been working on his car and was talking with his dad about an issue he is having. Trying to figure out why the headlights dem every time he opens or closes a window. He thinks he has it figured out but can't get the alternator out. I took him to get some liquid wrench. Hopefully that will loosing it up. It's not the alternator but a wire that connects to something. So, needs to replace a connection. 


The baby will be crawling soon. She is trying hard to do it. She is scooting all over the floor backwards now. They grow up to soon. She's at the really cute stage now with learning new things. 

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Got up... campfire and coffee. 
DS1 and I worked in the yard/garden from 9-3. 
DD got here at 12 to help in the garden and then DS2/DDIL came up at about 4 for dinner. Tacos on the camp stove. 
It started raining at about 3, so we sat around the fire under the big maples and stayed fairly dry til about 7. Then we moved to the porch for an hour or so. Kids left and DS1 went to bed and I came out to the camper. 

Highlights of the day:

1. Had a fledgling robin poop on my arm. My fault... I shouldn’t have sat under where he was perched in the cherry tree by the garden. And I couldn’t be too mad since he is the state bird. At one point he decided to drop down, flop around a bit, and scare the bejesus out of DD. 
2. Had a baby opossum waddle across the garage floor just as I was going in there... scared the bejesus out of me!!


:hug3:and :kissy:



pics of fledgling robin. (I didn’t get one of the opossum.)












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7 hours ago, Necie said:

Highlights of the day:

1. Had a fledgling robin poop on my arm. My fault... I shouldn’t have sat under where he was perched in the cherry tree by the garden. And I couldn’t be too mad since he is the state bird. At one point he decided to drop down, flop around a bit, and scare the bejesus out of DD. 
2. Had a baby opossum waddle across the garage floor just as I was going in there... scared the bejesus out of me!!

Been there, done that…..We humans believe we are a superior race but there’s nothing like a baby animal to put us in our place :laughkick:

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I am sitting here at my dining room window watching 2 bunnies frolic.  So cute and playful.  I am glad the neighbors dogs haven't found them. We all have 6 acres apiece here but he lets his pack of dogs roam at will. I also have a white squirrel  here.  I checked up on it and apparently there is one white squirrel for every 100,000.


We have had rain all weekend.  We do need it so I won't complain.  It is keeping it cool though.  I still haven;t had to turn the a/c on. It is supposed to get close to 90 on Tuesday though.


It is amazing how good the newer hearing aids are. If you can afford them is another question.


Hope everyone continues to recover from their injuries and surgeries!


Have a great week ya'll!

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Didn't do a lot today but did manage to pull weeds for a bit. Then it got to hot, and I had to stop. So came in and cleaned up and worked in house for a bit. Then this evening I went out and weeded a bit more and then my neighbor came over. She needs a ride to doctor tomorrow. So, I will pick her up around 10 am and take her to the doctor and then we are going to a couple of places and then off to lunch. Not sure what we will do after that yet. We are just playing tomorrow by ear. 

GS is working today, so won't see him till around 11pm or so. His car is doing much better now. So, the worse of it is fixed.   I have been really tired today for some reason. Though I did a few things today my energy has gotten up and gone by the wayside. Hope it comes back by morning. Thinking my thyroid is acting up again. It does that sometimes. Or could be the diabetics since GS got Chinese food and I ate some of it. Not sure if that would affect a diabetic or not. But something is going on. But this too will pass. 

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It sounds as though everyone has been really busy! I have a productive couple of days and feels good to finally get things done. I'm still staying with Dad and I have managed to get outside to trim up the massive trumpet vine at his house. It was getting dangerously close to the house and can do damage to a wooden structure. It was one of my mom's favorites because it attracted a lot of hummingbirds I also started to weed her largest flower bed and pulled dead wood out of her lilac bushes. I started clearing the front porch and kind of gave up! There are some larger items I cannot shift on my own. Instead, I reorganized a lot of the contents and turned my attention to the side porch. I was able to clean 1/2 of it and hope to turn the other side back into a potting area. I need to relocate some of Dad's tools to the barn and get a couple of new plastic tablecloths Mom used a picnic table for her potting items and had a million pots and other supplies there. Once it is finished, I will have a nice spot to enjoy my morning tea. 

My daughter brought gas for the lawnmowers this morning, so hubby will resume cutting when it stops raining and I have a couple of small trees to cut with the chainsaw.I might be able to do that if another family member can stay with Dad during the day tomorrow.


In the meantime, Dad is back in the hospital. He was having a little difficulty breathing so I called an ambulance this morning. We are still in the emergency room, though I am sure that they will admit him. I will be staying with him tonight. My daughter returned to his house this afternoon to finish setting up the bedroom for me. Unfortunately, Amazon delivered a couple of packages after she left, so I had to go back to his house to retrieve them. I wasn't worried about someone stealing them. We are due to get a lot of rain and the boxes would've been soaked.

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Hope your dad stabilizes well at the hospital Martianchick! Your family is doing a wonderful job of getting everything in order


Not much going on here except laundry today but it's nice to be caught up for the most part. It was a beautiful day today!:lois:

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Today is the first day with my broken wrist and baby alone.  We are doing lazy and late.   River is being super cooperative which is unusual but welcome.  It is a lesson in preps for injury.  

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Euphrasyne,  When I was unable to use my hand for months each day brought more lessons.  I didn’t have a little one but there were a few times when I thought I could have used a young willing helper.  But then again……..  we’ll, you know! :grinning-smiley-044:

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tomorrow, i have to drive across town for about an hour one handed for a dr appt.   that is going to be fun.  not.   

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