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I hope your dad can come home again, soon @themartianchick


Yesterday was Church, set up my vitamins for the month and went to lunch with friends.


Bo and I already walked.
Second load of laundry drying.
Will set up DH's pills for the month in a little while.
Will work on putting cat tower together, later.

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Picked up neighbor and took her to doctor. Yep, they injected her hand with cortisone. Will take a couple of days to know if it will work or not.  Then we left there and went to a few shops which to were closed today. But we found other ones. Not your typical stores. Then we went to the Cockeyed Rooster for lunch and then to a couple other stores. She had to buy a dress for a wedding she is to go to, and I picked up a couple of shorts for GS and an outfit for the baby. Then we came home, and GS was here. He didn't make it to his sister's house to study so is going Wed. He was working on car and lost track of time. 

GS cooked dinner for us tonight. First time he decided to do that. Porkchops, corn and steamed potatoes. It was all good. He can cook when he wants to.  Seeing such a big difference in him now is making me feel like all the mess I went through with him is worth the trouble. He just might make it yet. 


TheMartinChick, I hope all is well with your dad. Hopefully they will have him straight and he can come home soon.


Euphrosyne, Glad you are doing better with your wrist. Be careful tomorrow. Glad River did really well for you. Sometimes I think small children even though they don't know just what is going on seem to sense that something isn't right and do much better than normal. 


I know Mt. Rider is having a blast in Hawaii. 


Jeepers, be careful coming back home again. I know you enjoyed your GS's ball game. 

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Missed yesterday. It was kinda messed up and didn’t go as planned. Planned to get more of the farm (barnyard) garden planted, but we got more rain Saturday afternoon/evening than I thought. Muddy!! So will have to wait until this next weekend. 
DS1 and I had planned on leaving at 1 or 2, but Mom showed up, then DSIS6/DBIL showed up, then Aunt/Uncle showed up... We all sat around the campfire chatting til 4:30, then got everything picked up and left. I still had to stop at DS2/DDIL’s, so didn’t get home til after 7. 

Crocheted a bit this morning, then DH mentioned fishing... so we went. :happy0203: A bit later than normal. We usually go for a couple hours in the morning, but today was 11-1. HOT. And MUGGY. Ick.  DH (D=dummy) burnt the top of his knees. 
This afternoon I planted the grapes. Then this evening I got soap wrapped. So I finished off my list... and started another. I’m hoping to keep getting stuff done around here on my *off* days, but I need to go to town one day, so that’ll cut into my busy time. 

Flea market and little league game tomorrow. 

@themartianchick, prayers for your dad. 

:hug3:and :kissy:




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A break in activities.  The grad party is pau (finished) and the keys to "the kingdom" were eventually found.  Lot of panic over that one.  I slept from ...? not sure but woke up at 11am.  The rest of the 'ohana went out to breakfast and brought me plenty leftovers.  So today is slow.  Verrry slow. 


Addendum:  But right now as I'm trying to type, the whole hale/house has filled up with people.  Which is very distracting and also very common in Hawai'i. 


MtRider  .... no focus.  :shrug:



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Mt. Rider, glad you are having such a great time. You might not want to come back home again. It is beautiful there with all those views.  I swear between Ambergris's pictures and what I know about the beauty of Hawaii, it makes me even more wanting to move to the countryside and with a mountain view.  Don't know if it will ever happen at my age but I can sure dream about it. Maybe in a couple of years I can do it. But only time will tell. 


TheMartinchick, praying for your dad to be doing well and hopefully is now back home. 


Haven't done much yet this morning. Walked around the yard after that rain last night. Was hoping to be able to weed some more but to wet now. So, thinking of going to Ollie's in a bit. There are a couple of things I need to get, and I want to look at the books there also. They have really cleaned up that store since I was there about 5 years ago. Might see if my neighbor wants to ride with me. Otherwise, I will just head over by myself.  

Tomorrow, I have a Dr.'s apt. for the final injection. I really hope this will work. So far it seems to be doing better and I can now get on my knees to do things I couldn't before. Still hard to get back up but I think a bit of therapy will help that. When I get home, I am hoping it won't be too hot to weed the flower beds. I also want to lay out the plans for the raised beds now that I have everything for it. Might need more straw but will deal with that when the time comes. 

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Thank you all for the prayers and well-wishes for my Dad!


He is still in the hospital, but is doing much better. I suspect that he will be there for a few more days. The hospital has a new-ish geriatric medicine facility, so they involve that team whenever they treat a senior citizen. His labwork was almost all in the normal range today. They have been checking to see if some of his troubles were caused by an embolism. The test results are inconclusive, but it is still in the realm of possibility. He's a little cranky, but spent some time with one of my daughters today. I visited with him this evening and he slept through most of it. I finally woke him up to ensure that he ate dinner and headed home about an hour ago.


I was at home for most of the morning and afternoon. I did a little work for a client and then attended a virtual board meeting for an organization that I volunteer with. Hubby did the brakes on the car, so I didn't feel like taking the SUV and leaving him stranded.


I am really enjoying reading about all of the activities that everyone else is involved in!


@Mt_Rider the culture of Hawaii seems fascinating and it sounds as though you are having a fabulous time. I am enjoying the language lesson, too.


@Littlesister Ollie's is one of my favorite places to shop. You never know what you are going to find. I used to spend a lot of time in traditional bookstores. Ollies has become my favorite place to buy books, especially when I want to get something unusual for a gift.


@Necie you are one heck of a busy lady! I don't know where you get the energy for all that you do. I haven't made soap in a long time, but I do enjoy the scent of handcrafted soaps. I have an online friend who makes lotion bars from goat milk. I think that I'd like to try making some of that if I can find a recipe...and the time!


@euphrasyne I am glad that your wrist is on the mend, but cannot imagine having to care for such young children at the same time. I hope that your drive to the doctor is  a safe and uneventful one!





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I had nausea and stomach cramps this afternoon.  Then, I had a doctor's appointment today. The doctor was seriously in the room with me for 3 minutes! With my co- pay, that works out to be $8.33/ minute! I am very forgetful and have trouble focusing.  There is probably more I wanted to tell him but I couldn't remember. 

I think I am headed into menopause. I have a few of the signs. I'm  almost 53 so this is probably it. I took 3 pg tests in 3 weeks. All negative! Whew!

I made a good supper tonight.  Beef stroganoff! https://www.thecountrycook.net/beef-stroganoff/#recipe

After supper tonight, I started having liver pain. I was diagnosed a few years ago with non alcoholic fatty liver disease . I have not been eating like I should be and I have gained 20# back in the past few years.

Please pray that I would stop being so stubborn and stop giving into unhealthy cravings. 

It's hard since I have kids and they are always requesting homemade baked goods.

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I made it home on time to pick up my meds yesterday. Heart doctor changed them again. I had a great time with DGS. His ninja program was so cute. I thought I was recording it but it is blank. I think I had it on 'photo' mode. I can get it from his parents though. We had 3 cameras going. I bought him a soccer net and we played with that. I have my own victory song and dance now. It's like the chicken dance with me singing the Stones, "Once you start me up, I never stop." He let me score some goals just so I'd do the routine. It was a thing of beauty...not.


Today son was taken to the hospital for surgery to do a colonostomy. Sort of an emergency situation. They will put the ports for chemo in too. They might do it tomorrow now though. My birthday.  :(  He called to wish me happy birthday tomorrow incase he is out of it. Sigh. I wrote about it in the Blue Couch forum. 


So, there is a chance I could be headed back to Indy in a couple of days. If I'm scarce for awhile that will be why. Prayers always appreciated. 


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Went for my 3ed and last injection this morning. So, the next set if I need them is in 6 months. I am hoping I won't need to do this again.  The knee is doing better and no pain now. though the injection today was in a bit of a different place and is sore and a bit harder to walk on it today. But within the next day or two all should be fine. 

Not doing much today other than washing clothes and taking it easy.

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My liver is still hurting today and so is my back directly behind my liver.

Helped my sons stack firewood this morning.  I had to stop early because I was hurting and dizzy. They finished up right about the time that it started to rain. It didn't rain very long though. DH needs to go buy tarps for the firewood. I need to find my Mediterranean cookbooks and eat right. I also carry most of my weightbin my belly and it's just getting worse. Afraid of the possibility of heart disease, too.

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Blessedhomemaker, seems we need to keep you in prayer also for better health.  I also have fatty liver and I use Live52. Just google it and it should take you to the site. It is a liver cleans and has helped me to get my counts back to normal. I take it 3 times a day.  Maybe it can help you also, but you also need to cut way down on carbs and sweets. That will help. 


Today after I got home from the doctor, I washed clothes, and cleaned kitchen. Then just sat around doing little things. Earlier this evening I did go out and drop the hoses to drain the 2 rain barrels. One I need to reset and the screens that came with them are ok but doesn't keep everything from getting into the water. I bought some covers for them so that should help better. I need to clean them out and then reset the on and just set the other one back in its place.  

And surprise, my DD and SIL are here. Never told me they were coming. My GS found it out about 3 hours ago. They had him come over to his sister's house as his dad had his toolboxes. He bought those back down with him. He could have used those tools when working on the car. But he just used his grandfather's tools. Just glad the tools were there for him to use. So, the car is back in good shape again. 

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Jeepers, wasn't your birthday on Wed. or is it today?  Either way Happy Birthday. :balloons: :happyBD:


Working on closet this morning.  DD and SIL should be here sometime today but still haven't heard from them. DGS went over to his sister's house and got his toolboxes but didn't stay long. He said the baby just smiled and carried on with him. So, I think now that the hoodie issue is solved, she will do much better around him. Glad we got that figured out. 


Praying for everyone that is in need of prayer this morning and will continue to pray for all of you. 


If it doesn't get to hot late afternoon, I might go out and work on the rain barrels and weeding. 

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Keeping your son in our thoughts and prayers Jeepers! Glad they are moving fast to get him treated. :hug3:


Today is my grandson's first birthday. Sad I'm not there to celebrate but excited to see him at the end of July when I fly out for work. I booked my tickets and hotel :hapydancsmil:

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Happy Birthday to your grandson. Special day for him. :happyBD:


Well, I am halfway together, I think. Typed everything I was doing today in Worst day of my life.  Don't mind me, I really am not with the program tonight.  Been a long day. Baby cried herself to sleep. She is cutting 2 more teeth and not a happy camper. But I did get her down for a short nap.  GD said she cried all the way home. She did get her down later for another nap. Hope she woke up in a better mood.  GS has a bad case of poison Ivy and had to go to doctor early this morning. She managed to get it on her eyelid also. All up her arm and on her leg. She was working on the yard and yep, poison ivy.  Her medicine won't be in till tomorrow, so I pulled out the big guns and found something to stop the itch. Told her to take it home to use till her medication comes in. She is wearing long sleeves when she is handling the baby and said she was turning her over to her DH when he gets home from work. She is afraid of the baby getting it on her if she rubs against her arm. She is still oozing a bit. If she needs me tomorrow, I will probably go to her house to take care of the baby for her. Her arm looks really bad. Not too bad on the leg though. 



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Posted (edited)

Blessedhomemaker,  :pray:.    I write down everything I want to go over before my appts.   I have a small notebook I take to the appts and I take notes.    One place I go to, I just take a large index card with a list on it to make sure I don't forget anything. 


Martianchick, I hope your dad is improving.


LittleSister, do you know about the book "Medications and Mother's Milk"?  It's by Dr. Thomas Hale.  An updated book comes out every other year.   I made sure to buy a copy when I was breastfeeding DD.   It was expensive, but it is a very thick book.  


BeccaAnne, Happy Birthday to your grandbaby!

Edited by out_of_the_ordinary
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Woo-hooo. Happy birthday to Becca-Anne's little grandson! :happyBD:. June birthdays are great. School's out and still 6 months away from Christmas presents.  LOL.  So glad you will get to see him soon. :wub:


I have a couple of running lists in my "Notes" file in my phone. One list I labeled medical and I keep track of all of my appointments, meds I take, phone numbers and any questions I want to ask the doctor. I'm lost without lists. 

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Ugh, I feel bad for your GD. I get poison really bad too. I always end up having to go to the doctor and get shots for it. It spreads on me like wildfire. My grandma was the same way. 


I've had poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. The sumac was the worst.  Shudder. 

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GS took his first steps yesterday! Was able to visit by video tonight and sing him HB :bdaycake::wub: He loved the toys I sent. I sent him the same set of toy keys my kids played with that was such a favorite and he was mesmerized. It honks and makes a car starting sound and has a light just like real keys, and when he's older they fit into a cozy coupe ignition. So that's on my list for Christmas to send when he's a little bigger and can make it go. 

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I'm HOME....  Sad but happy to be here.  It's the middle of the nite and getting to be morning.  I'm SO off on the times now.  Have to get up and go fetch our dog in the morning.... so I'm going to try to sleep for a few hours.


Praying for several concerns here - poison ivy, DS's colon surgery and chemo outcome, Blessed for better health, Littlesister - knee and all the Grandkids/great Grand.  Martian's dad and the family property.  :pray: 


MtRider  :offtobed:  

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Wow, Mt. Rider, I didn't think you would be home for another week.  Glad you had such a great time.  Later after you have rested up and caught up you can tell us more about your trip. I know it was fun. 


GD is doing better with the itching. But still waiting on the medication. One is by pill and the other is a cream. The cream I gave her is working really well for the itching. 

GGB is cutting her two eye teeth on top and is not happy. Popsicles and Orejel for babies are helping some.  She is waking up during the night once or twice and DGD puts Orejel on the gums and gets her back to sleep. Teething is rough, baby doesn't take it well at all. 


Becca Anne, first steps and you are in trouble soon after.  My GGD is almost there for crawling. She is scooting everywhere now. 


OOTO, my GD has a lactating nurse she talks to about any issues. She has a lot of breast milk stored in freezer for these times. So, she is good but doesn't think the medication by mouth will affect the baby. She said she is going to talk with the lactating nurse before taking it just to be on the safe side. That book sounds like it would also be a good one to have. I will check it out for her. 


It is hot and muggy outside today and I wanted to wash car and work on the rain barrels. Mainly the one I needed to set up better than it was. That one was just set up fast for the guys putting in the gutters so they would know what to do.  

Will work on the closet again today. And start getting things put away. I have a box I am filling up fast for Goodwill.  Lots of stuff going out of the closet.  Downsizing is going to be so much easier on me. 




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Well, not sure if it was a straight line wind or what but something took out the (only) red light in town out. Cracked 5 more poles in it's wake. Our power went out Tues afternoon and came back on last night. No power, no wifi. I continued to walk every day. Had to have oxygen delivered for DH as he was down to one small 5 hour tank. I bought plenty of ice to put in the chest freezers and refrigerator, so I think we didn't lose much.

Yesterday I picked up branches in our yard for a while.

This morning, walked first.
Went to Church and planted, fertilized and mulched some flowers.
picked up trash by road and in parking lot.
I'm going to make a pizza and rest some today!


I will try to catch up here tomorrow.  Glad you are safely home @Mt_Rider

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Remember my foot fiasco ?


Got an x-ray. Saw my podiatrist. Nothing is broken, BUT, she is not sure what is going on with it, so......................... she ordered an MRI.

Since I have a pacemaker I had to make an appt at the hospital not just the imaging center.

The hospital only does pacemaker MRI's on Wed & Thurs when they have a nurse there and also a rep for the brand of pacemaker you have. I was tentatively looking at an appt on the 26th of June, but....................... plans change. My pacemaker is not MRI safe! The explanation was that the wires (leads) could get overheated and cause internal burning/singeing!!! They contacted the doctor to advise her to find another alternative to "see" what is going on. I 'googled' it and it seems that a CT Scan may be a possibility but I have not heard from the doctor's office yet.

In the meantime, my foot is still "angry" and has bouts of throbbing and pain. I can stuff it inside of a shoe if I need to, but when the shoes come off the foot goes into an "ice bath" to relieve the pain. 

I sure hope a CT scan can deliver the info the Doc needs to figure out what is wrong. In the meantime, I am taking Ibufrofen which is not ideal because of other issues. :shakinghead:


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