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Happy Birthday to @Becca_Anne's grandson! (I want to lead with that because we seem to be in the midst of some negative situations here at Mrs. S.)


Today was a case of hurry up...and wait! Like Jeepers, I was scheduled for a tilt table test (or so I thought) to see if I have dysautonomia. I spent much of the morning getting ready for the appointment. There was a whole sheaf of paperwork to be filled out. Then, I was in the waiting room for a while, followed by the longest stint in the examining room with no doctor in sight. When he finally showed up, I found that he was incredibly dismissive and decided to redo the same blood tests that my regular doctor had already performed. He said some inappropriate things and seemed to equate my issues with the fact that I am retired and have too much time on my hands. I just wish that I had too much time on my hands! (Had I Googled first, I would have found an online review for him that summed up my experience.) My next appointment is in 3 months... I hope that I don't have anything serious... :tapfoot:


After the stellar appointment, the hospital called to tell me that Dad was getting released. It took hours and hours for that to happen, but it eventually did. He is now at home and eating food that actually tastes like food! He is moving well, but wants to get things back to normal and that cannot fully happen. He wants to do some gardening, so I promised to continue to set up the side porch tomorrow to allow a little container gardening. Our kids have cooked up a couple of other ways to keep him busy this summer. Overall, he really needs for all of us to spend more time with him. We intend to do just that.


@Jeepers I will be thinking about your son!


@snapshotmiki I am so glad that you've got power again. That had to be scary to be so low on such a crucial item!


@Midnightmom Your foot looks so painful... I hope that they can figure out what is wrong and that it isn't too serious!


Welcome back, @Mt_Rider!



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Midnightmom, when a frozen chicken fell out of the freezer and broke my toe, it didn't show up on X-Ray. I was broken in the joint where it would not show up. From the looks of your toes something might be broken. Hoping and praying the CT scan will show something up. Those toes look really sore. Being black like that is usually a sign of a broken toe. 

My toe will never heal. I just live with it. But for the most part it doesn't bother me. Mine happened a few years ago so I hope you don't have any issues later down the road. 


Today, I cleaned out the rain barrels the one that was already set in place I cleaned out and put a much finer mesh cloth over it. Hoping between that and the one that came with it, the water will be cleaner. That one had a lot of that yellow pollen in it. The second one that I need to work on the area it is sitting in, had a lot of grit in it. I am thinking from the roof. Plus, the overflow hose had come off so need to get GS to help me fix that back on. Tomorrow I will start working on a better solution for that rain barrel to sit on. The first one is on cement and the second one is in a flower bed all dirt. So, working on that solution. Thinking of cinder blocks or something. 

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Thermartianchick, we must have been typing at the same time. 


Glad your dad is now home and hopefully will continue to do better. And it sounds like it's time to find a new doctor be it family doctor or specialist.  He sounds like he is just pacifying you instead of helping you with your issues. Those issues have nothing to do with rather you have time on your hands or not. I don't have any patients with doctors like that and because I have worked for doctors before, I am quick to put them in their place and let them know there is more than one doctor out there that will help with my issue and that he was not going to add to my issue. Yep, I have a couple of new doctors now. 

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Welcome Home MtRider! :hug3:

Themartianchick I'm so sorry your specialist was such a waste of a visit. I'd get a 2nd opinion and not go back to him. No need for that kind of "healthcare." Hope your dad continues to improve.

Littlesister hope the new set up helps your rain barrels

Midnightmom that foot looks really painful I hope they can figure out what testing will help them figure out what's going on with your foot.

Miki glad your power is back that's always a inconvenience and with your DH needing oxygen could be a serious issue if it took too long. Assuming he has a oxygen generator normally?


Puppy seems 100% back to her usual spunky self after being spayed last week. I'm giving the stitches till Monday to let them heal 100% but they should be able to take them out Monday.  Picked another quart of raspberries to freeze and some peas which were very tasty. Taught youngest son how to use the can opener on his swiss army knife yesterday and tonight he was outside catching fireflies. It isn't horribly hot and I really am enjoying this time outside before it gets blazingly hot and muggy

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@themartianchick Glad your dad is home and bouncing back. Sorry you had such a lousy time with that 'doctor.'  :motz_6:  My tilt table test went well. I passed out. That was the point though. Not much came of it. They changed my blood pressure medicine and pronounced me as having POTS. I pretty much knew that. Oh and they suggested wearing compression socks or panty hose. I bought the socks. Maybe this winter. :rolleyes:. Thank you for keeping my son in your thoughts! Very much appreciated.  :hug3:


@Becca_Anne  Glad little Amber is doing well. It seams like you just got her. Time is flying. 


@Mt_Rider Glad you are safely home. You probably would rather be in Hawaii though. I get that. 


@Midnightmom I think Littlesister might be right. Toes look broken. And very painful. 



I'm so far behind on the comments. I don't mean to ignore anyone! 

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I hope they figure out what is up with your foot @Midnightmom and soon!

@themartianchick, glad that your dad is home and sorry about your specialist!  I keep copies of all bloodwork and procedures done.  I like to compare.

@Becca_Anne, DH does have an oxygen machine and we will be getting a generator, soon!


Bo and I walked a little while ago. He goes with me almost every day, now and does great!
Washed dog blankets and am giving flea meds, today.
Washed bathroom rugs in advance of cleaning bathrooms.
Will clean baths and dust house.
Have vitamins and zyrtec to order.
Will make biscuits for future meals.

Hope you all have good weather and a great weekend!

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Midnightmom, I had on those soft cloth tennis shoes. Not much protection from something falling on a toe. The chicken was one of those huge rotisserie chickens and was on the top shelf of the freezer. I opened the door and it fell out.  The tail end of it hit my little toe hard. It hurt bad. I just stood there and said yep, I broke it. Right in-between the joint of the little toe. And yes, when I went into work at a doctor's office wearing nothing but a sock on that foot, he asked what happened and when I told him he burst out laughing and joking about it. It wasn't funny then but when I look back at being attacked by a chicken it was funny but painful. 

This morning, I worked outside for a bit and now it is getting really hot out. I think it is going to get humid today. Still haven't had that rain they said we were going to get. It keeps going around me. One of the rain barrels is set back in place. The other one is the issue. It sits on ground too low for the gutter so having to set up a system for it. It washed all the dirt out from under it right against the house. So, working on a solution for that one. Might need to get some pavers or something. Going to let GS take a look at it to see what he would suggest. He seems to be really good at figuring things like that out. But then again, the overflow tube popped off and that didn't help any. So going to work on bedrooms and closets today. Maybe this evening if it cools down I will work outside again

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At the farm. DS1 and I got here last night. Got up this morning and had coffee/campfire. DS1 and I worked on the yard and garden til about noon. Then DS2/DDIL and the littles got here along with 2 big dog and the 4 wheeler. They brought hotdogs, so we had weenie roast for lunch, then s’mores. They wanted to camp, but the weather said rain at 3 or 4, so they were only planning to stay for a few hours. Well... it didn’t rain... and it didn’t rain... and it didn’t rain. So they helped me tear apart my van and set it up for me to stay in it, and DDIL and I put down the table/bed in the camper for the littles and they’re all staying in the camper and I’m in my van... and it’s raining. :008Laughing:

It’s been a pretty fun and relaxing kinda day. 

:hug3:and :kissy:


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Ambergris, that chicken ended up in the rotisserie for dinner the next night.  I don't have an upright freezer any longer as that one died a few months later. But still wanting to get another one. Chicken will be on bottom shelf or in the chest freezer if I do get another upright one. 


Just sitting around this morning doing little things. Waiting for the farm market to open up and then going there to talk to that lady about getting Bushels of veggies. She is adding my zip code to the free delivery. So instead of me having to go pick them up she will deliver to the house. That works even better for me. Now that I am making baby food and canning it also, I need to rework my kitchen counters to work a bit better for me. Need more room for things. Still thinking about a small kitchen island if I can find the right one. 

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My knee seems to be doing better but still with an untrustworthy thing about walking and driving. Guess It's been going on so long that I just can't trust my knee to not give out on me yet.  I am driving a bit further now but not much. Still have a bit of pain every once in a while, if I overdo it, but not bad like it was. Shoulder is still another story. He said it will take time for everything to work to a point I can tell a big difference. 

Went to the farmers market and it was nice. I think it was a lot of the same people that do the Smithfield one. I got fresh eggs and chicken. And some produce. When I got home and opened the container of eggs there is an off white one in there. Don't think I have seen a chicken egg that color so not sure what type of chicken that was. I talked with the lady from Rosehill Heritage Farm, and she said they have a process they have to go through for delivering in this area. She is going to e-mail me when they can start delivering in my area. I only want it for this year for a few things I am out of or very low on, then next year I will be back to my own garden. I bought a few veggies from her, but the market started at 10am and I didn't get there till noon. So was sold out of a lot of things. There were other farm markets in there also selling from their farms but do not deliver. They also were almost sold out. Seems lots of people are looking to buy fresh and not full of chemicals and such. 

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We had so many teenagers at our house this weekend.  We did do the Korean BBQ Saturday with sides of Korean spiced cucumber, carrot, mushroom, and green onion slaw.  I cooked a full American brunch ( biscuits, gravy, bacon, sausage, eggs, 5 types jelly, honey, assorted cut fruit).  I'm really glad the house is empty today except for me and DD3.  We are taking the day off (did a LOT of 11+Numberblocks of which she made 2 of each number--we had twins sleep over and she identified them correctly by name when they were here.  They were very identical except for hair length, which they both wore in a band at the back of their necks.)


Since the weekend was so busy, today is a lot of nothing but reading, YouTube, and toys.    Hamster maze videos are about on par with Barney or Teletubbies  at this point, but as usual, the kid is obsessed.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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I hope you have a very relaxing day @euphrasyne!  Sounds like you need it!


Good morning! Getting ready to walk w/ Bo.
Then walk dogs.
DH Will go to Aldi and Walmart for a few things, pay hospital bill and have DH's pulmonology appt.
Then home and do one load of laundry.

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Went through a few more things that I had pulled out from bedroom closet and got it all sorted out and put away where it all belongs. Getting ready in a few to work on flower beds. It rained last night and seemed to be dry enough now that I can work in the beds. Some days I feel like I will never get finished around here. Interruptions and other things popping up. But it will get done.  

Jeepers, I know how you feel just going through things to pack up to keep or to get rid of. I am about over it, but I keep pushing. I think taking one day a week and going out with neighbor helps give me something different to do other than housework and yard. It does break up the week a bit. 


Euphrosyne, you had a very busy weekend. Sounds like all went well. You deserve a break to relax and do nothing all day today.  Enjoy your day. 

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Euphrasyne, hope you and the short one have a relaxing day! :wub:


Littlesister, this packing and organizing is getting old. I'm good with getting rid of stuff but I have to go through it to see what I want and don't want. Plus my space at the other house to move it to is sort of limited. So it all can't go with me. I have to make sure the movers can fit it all in the garage before they leave. They have to have some place to unload it. I only need about two more hours and the upstairs will be done. Not packed up but all in one room. I packed everything in bags thinking son and I would move it. But I'm sure pro movers won't accept it that way. Whatever. They can pack it to their specifications. Next will be the downstairs which will be about another 2 hours. Then the garage the rest of the week. 

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You're getting there Jeepers.  I agree it is a lot of work downsizing a house. And yours is a big one. 


Today I have been working on both my bedroom and the office as things are so mixed up. Just set down about 15 minutes ago from going through winter and summer clothes. Getting rid of a lot of clothes this time around. I have a great deal more of summer clothes than winter ones. So having to try things on also to see what fits and what doesn't. Don't ask how but I also found a few of DH's clothes and I thought I had all that packed up. It may be some I pulled out to see if GS could wear when he first moved here and those were too big and I put them in the office, and they sort of went by the wayside. I have them sitting in a corner of the room right now. Will deal with it tomorrow maybe. Not sure yet what I will be doing.  Cooked chicken for dinner with Brussel sprouts and steamed potatoes. GS will eat the chicken and potatoes but not the sprouts.  Just leaves more for me for lunch tomorrow. 

He just got home a while ago, ate and put on his PJ's and went out to car to play games. He will come in between 3 and 4 am to go to bed on cot I put in living room for him. The bugs were doing a number on him leaving the car windows open plus the nights are getting way to hot now. 


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:wave:    Today....after sleeping last nite from 11pm to 9?  Ate breakfast DH made before he went to work with his client.  Mon is shopping day so DH gets some things for us at the grocery too...still need to restock fresh!  Anyway, went back to sleep - freezing and used a heating pad to get warm.  Then woke too hot; then too cold....kept changing layers of clothes.  But SO tired I'd fall asleep thru the whole morning.  Finally (don't know what time) I finally felt rested and just stayed in bed reading Kindle.  


Eventually got up and ....actually felt pretty normal.  Have not felt normal since our plane landed ...Thursday/Fri .  Can't remember anything yet.  Not even the code for

:0327:   Had to look it up.  :rolleyes:   I remembered that one.  We've had a bit of rain every day - common for this time up here.  But today was significant rain and thunderstorms breezing in and out.  I didn't walk dog today.  I did last nite.  Birds are very happy to get IN the pond...not have to just stare at it while a stranger gets their food, etc.  Stranger enjoyed $$ that she wasn't expecting ..cuz she and partner were both laid off my "new ownership" recently.  :(  


Since I have skin doc appt tomorrow, took shower and pinned hair.  So much easier/less energy than dry, straighten/curl ends.    


I've just read a whole lot of your posts.  Life does go on and on.  We get one thing nailed down and three more pop up.  Glad to be back in our community and thanks for all the prayers and good wishes while I was gadding about.  Hope my brain arrives here soon.....  :scratchhead:  ...cuz it sure seems like I left it behind somewhere sometimes.  :buttercup:  Having trouble finding things in my house that have been in the same place for a decade or two.  :sigh:  Uses more energy to go looking....


MtRider  ...this too shall pass.  :grouphug: 

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9 hours ago, Mt_Rider said:

:wave:    Today....after sleeping last nite from 11pm to 9?  Ate breakfast DH made before he went to work with his client.  Mon is shopping day so DH gets some things for us at the grocery too...still need to restock fresh!  Anyway, went back to sleep - freezing and used a heating pad to get warm.  Then woke too hot; then too cold....kept changing layers of clothes.  But SO tired I'd fall asleep thru the whole morning.  Finally (don't know what time) I finally felt rested and just stayed in bed reading Kindle.  


Eventually got up and ....actually felt pretty normal.  Have not felt normal since our plane landed ...Thursday/Fri .  Can't remember anything yet.  Not even the code for

:0327:   Had to look it up.  :rolleyes:   I remembered that one.  We've had a bit of rain every day - common for this time up here.  But today was significant rain and thunderstorms breezing in and out.  I didn't walk dog today.  I did last nite.  Birds are very happy to get IN the pond...not have to just stare at it while a stranger gets their food, etc.  Stranger enjoyed $$ that she wasn't expecting ..cuz she and partner were both laid off my "new ownership" recently.  :(  


Since I have skin doc appt tomorrow, took shower and pinned hair.  So much easier/less energy than dry, straighten/curl ends.    


I've just read a whole lot of your posts.  Life does go on and on.  We get one thing nailed down and three more pop up.  Glad to be back in our community and thanks for all the prayers and good wishes while I was gadding about.  Hope my brain arrives here soon.....  :scratchhead:  ...cuz it sure seems like I left it behind somewhere sometimes.  :buttercup:  Having trouble finding things in my house that have been in the same place for a decade or two.  :sigh:  Uses more energy to go looking....


MtRider  ...this too shall pass.  :grouphug: 

Exactly!  Life continues to move on!


Bo and I already walked.
Already walked dogs around perimeter.
Second load of laundry in the wash.
Will mess around with garden plants.
Spray grass at bottom of back porch.
Then who knows?

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I didn't make plans for today as I was basing it on the weather.  So, it was nice and cooler out early this morning, so I cleaned the car out and detailed it. It was nasty. Still have to wash it though but the inside is clean, and all the green and yellow muck is gone. Pollen did a number on the car this springs. So glad most of the work is done. Just wash it and clean the windows and tomorrow is another day.  Worked on the grill today and got GS to take the propane tank off and help me turn it on its back. One of the wheels kept coming off and I needed to see why it kept falling out every time I moved it. Then my grass man came to cut the grass and he saw me messing with it and looked at it. He drilled a new hole for the wheel as the part that was in the grill itself was gone. That worked. So now all I need to do is give it a good cleaning and it will be ready to use. That grill is old, but all stainless steel and they don't make them like that anymore. So glad he was able to fix it because I was about ready to take all 4 wheels off and set it up on 4 bricks. Wouldn't be able to move it that way but at least I would be able to use it.  He refused to let me pay him for fixing it. That was so sweet of him. 

tomorrow will be about like how I did today. Playing it by ear. Will see what the weather does and take it from there. I need to finish getting outside stuff done while I still have some cooler mornings. Got a lot of work done yesterday in bedroom and another box almost ready for Goodwill. Just need to finish going through summer clothes. Then off to Goodwill to drop off those boxes. 

I am so tired right now I can hardly move. My whole-body hurts. 


Mt. Rider, it sounds like you are having to get used to the time change again and the trip I know was fun, but it can be tiring also. You will be back to normal before you know it. Glad you felt better and more like yourself when you got up. The sleep I am sure helped a lot and was much needed. 

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Wow. Little Sister..you're really getting things spruced up, sorted, and done.  I know....a zillion more things await.  But you are playing catch up from previous years when it just wasn't possible with taking care of your dh.  :hug3:


Today was pretty awful.  I think I got decent sleep.  But I couldn't find clothing...Much is unpacked but not all put away yet.  I'm getting tired of SEARCHing .  :sigh:  This too will pass eventually.  But today was skin doctor check.  I could not "get it together"!!!  :imoksmiley: Not walking well.  :sassing: Can't bring coherent thots in my brain.  Finally got into car (with clothes)  :rolleyes:  and NO DOG.  Did not need the extra stimulation to brain.  Then a black bug lands on my hand (in seat behind driver) while traveling highway speeds.  I meant to roll down the window to shake it off my hand.  I OPENED THE CAR DOOR....wrong button. :o   Pulled it shut but had to open and slam harder.  By then bug was MIA.  Not out the window (or door).  I've worked the wrong mechanism before so ....I should just lock the door when I get in, right?  ( good luck with remembering that)  DH suggested putting the "childproof lock" on....  <_<    Bug came back later and I think I got it out the window this time.  

Skin doc says odd color circle on face is normal stuff.  Did spray the freeze stuff on the other side - something that looked 'pending'.  Full body check and I'm fine. 


Next stop...drop off a bill due today.  ROAD WORK ...everywhere that leads to there.  So he gave up and went to Post Office.  Bought stamp and mailed it - dated today.  :sigh: 

Grocery store - I barely made it back into the car after doctor - using the wheelchair - so I'm staying put.  Cool enough day.  DH went in to shop - I was reading book on Kindle.  That went well but his back is giving out.  Load fresh fruit/veggies/other things we emptied before the trip.  Mostly heavy stuff that was stuffed into the car here and there. 

Pizza....they're painting the resurfaced parking area but DH was able to get in anyway.  Good...supper.  Tues sale prices.  Bake at home.


Drive half way home and get gas at the cheap place.  A bit further and drop off some paperwork with Senior org.  Drive almost home but stop at the library.  DH likes to watch movies and we don't subscribe.  He just gets them from library.  Then ....home.  Stairs were not fun.  Hoist some lighter stuff up on the pulley.  Got us and stuff inside; put pizza in oven; collapse!  Too much in one day that didn't even start out well.  But survived....  This too shall pass. 


MtRider  .....none of this fatigue and brain fog is unexpected.  Yep, just as rotten as I thot it would be.  :shrug:  :rolleyes:  Life!

Edited by Mt_Rider
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Mt. Rider, is it possible that with you living in a higher altitude and being in Hawaii with a lower elevation, have anything to do with your brain fog and such and your body just has to adjust again? Just a thought. 


I have been going full throttle trying to catch up. But so many interruptions along the way. You are right when you said I was trying to catch up from taken care of DH for 2 years. I put everything on hold. Then before I could catch up on stuff after his passing. A few months later I started the remodel (Contruction on 2 bathrooms, den and part of the kitchen. Right before that started DGD and her DH moved in for 4 months and then after the Contruction started GS moved in. GS held me back even more with his tantrums and such. He came with a full package of issues that I had to deal with. But we have worked through a lot of them, and he is doing so much better. He is at a point now that I just tell him get out of my way I have work to do or start helping. He will help me, so not complaining. But he still needs to get into the Coast Guard and make a life for himself. Hopefully that will be this year. I have been praying for it to happen soon. 


Edited by Littlesister
Added to post.
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Yipes!  I forgot all about this.  I think 3 wks at sea level does mean a loss of some of our extra red blood cells and other adaptions that help folks live in high altitude.  And the rise in elevation was basically from sea level....tho we were Up Country every few days.  Don't know if their high levels are that high.  Haleakala (hale = house... a ka= of the... la with line over the a = sun )  is 10k in altitude but we didn't go there.  Makawao is 1,600.  Probably the highest we got.  Our part of CO is around 8,500ft.  Kinda the threshold of that measurement of "high altitude". 


Yes, thanks for the reminder, Little Sister.  Besides my usual constant fatigue issues....and the physical/mental strain of the whole trip....the altitude difference is probably taking it's turn at plaguing me too.  :rolleyes:   So.....I have to wait this out.  Uncomfortable but not painful.  Not much, anyway.  Not good access to brain; easily confused with brain overload; nervous system twitchy - VERY TWITCHY!  That rhymes with "itchy" and that's what it feel like....internal "itch" all over.  I will be glad when this phase is done.  DH has to do the thinking.  I get a bright moment every few hours...  :shrug:  Today didn't save up any energy, that's for sure.  But all that is done and neither of us has to go out for anything but the ducks/goose.  Dog was going berserk over something so I already drove down and got them in the pen....it's evening but just a little earlier than usual.  DH will go lock them inside the duckhouse before dark. 


So yeah...this is a multifaceted recovery but it will happen.  

MtRider  :pc_coffee:   gotta catch up on my emails and articles anyway, yeah? 

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Lots of medical appointments.  The DD3 makes things take way longer than necessary.  At the wrist appointment yesterday, one of the PAs watched her while I got an x-ray.  It was less than 3 minutes, but it was significant.  I love the lower level medical personal.  The basic level of care is so much important. I cannot even explain how happy I am that that a PA would watch my 3 yo watching a hamster video on my phone  for 3 minuets.  Being doctor or caregiver   takes a lot of care or energy. 

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