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Jeepers sorry about the shrub and tree! It's been very dry here too.  I'm trying to water more

Euphrasyne glad you had a successful trip! 

Themartianchick yay raspberries! Glad you got some before the birds ate them all. 

I picked beans and harvested the garlic today. It's hanging to dry on the back porch. So feeling good about following through on getting it done since I was avoiding the heat. I think I may be getting contact dermatitis from the bean plants though so I'll have to wear gloves and long sleeves next time.

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Poor little River. Sometimes a new stuffy really is needed. Both for the sake of the child and the parents. LOL. GS is 7 and got a new squishmellow from Costco last time I was there. Some things never change I guess. 


I really miss having a dog too. I love em. Sons have a yapper and just between us, sometimes I can't stand to be around it. Someone is always telling it to shut up. It isn't even 2 years old yet. They have a long life. But they love it so I try to suck it up. But dang. It sounds like what you are thinking about is a Lab or a Golden. Both can have medical issues but are really great family dogs. I'm thinking about a Lab but I'll  probably end up with a Beagle. They are so stubborn and hard to train but they steal my heart every time. Sweet mid size dog if you have the patience. 


Raspberries sound so good! I've been eating a lot of blueberries this year. They have been selling the big plump over size ones up here. I didn't realize they were white inside. Can't wait to get some planted next year. I'm thinking about putting them in front of a couple of bedroom windows. I really don't know where to plant stuff at the Indy house. It's 1 acre but mostly a blank canvass.  :shrug:


Finally, we had a brief showered today. It was pretty heavy but it didn't last long. I'll take it though. Hopefully this heat dome will ease up. In the meantime, free water for the shrubs. But the sun soon popped out...along with the weeds. Tomorrow I'll be on weed detail. 


I got about an hour of garage work in. Lawsy, it's dirty out there. I hate every minute of it. Tomorrow I plan to go about 20 miles south to the Guitar Center store. GS saw bongos at the store by his house when his mom took him in there for a ukulele case. He wants bongos for his birthday. It's going to drive his parents bonkers but his mom approved. Dad doesn't know yet. But bongos and soccer prints is all he wants. Grandma can deliver the goods.  :D

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Grandmas are good for delivering the goods to our grandchildren. I have had lots of practice. Now it will be for a great granddaughter when she is older. 


Jeepers, glad you got that rain but sorry about losing a couple of plants.  


Euphrosyne, Glad your trip went well. And the little one got a new stuffy. All is well. Hope you find the perfect pup. 


Today I read the Bible early this morning. Still not going to church with my knee at that distance yet. Seems when I stepped off that foot stool and missed the bottom step, I messed that knee up again. So, giving it time to rest again. It's sore but not as bad. Tripping and missing a step can definitely give you a bad jolt. 


I did go through a few things in bedroom. Set up a box of maybes.  They will either go or stay. It's things that I am not sure of yet. It's not a lot but something I really need to think about before making the decision to get rid of them.  Also gathered up items and got those put away where they belong also.  I also ordered some space bags for things like blankets and quilts that I don't use in the summer. I had some but wore them out and now they don't work so I trashed them.  Once I get that taken care of, I can better organize a couple of the closets. Those have already been cleaned out, but those blankets and quilts take up a lot of room without being in one of those bags. 



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I moved a lot of my clothes and bedding over to Indy in space bags. It really helped a lot. I was surprised by how heavy they were after being filled though. Ugh, I had forgotten how many of them are still stacked up in a closet out there. :sigh:   Space bags and boxes of shoes. I have way too many clothes. I panic bought when I got divorced. Then I couldnt stop buying tee shirts from Michaels. And there was that night gown phase... :sEm_blush:


I think I'm going to get a couple of the under-the-bed storage boxes for sheets and blankets. I've got a ton of that stuff but I take the sheets off and wash them and put them right back on the bed. Same sheets over and over. No sense in taking up drawer or closet space with them. 


If I get some more energy built up I might take a load to the dumpster. I have 8 bags now. Most are only half full because they are so heavy. I have a tendency to over fill them then I struggle to lift them.  :rolleyes:

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Hope you can get through the rest of the garage stuff soon Jeepers. I used to have a beagle but she was a lot harder than my two current pups. Noisy and only motivated by her nose. Couldn't stop her from running out the front door after a scent so had to put up baby gate to keep her safe but we do what we have to for our pets. Ruby is quiet but Amber has decided barking at everyone who walks in front of the house is her job...sigh at least she's little so her bark hardly is audible outside 


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Sorry to hear you strained you knee again, Little Sister.  Yikes...everyone!  Watch the stairs.  They can be anything from minor twinge to deadly!  Since smacking my lower eye rim on stair step a while back, I've been a lot more careful.  Ours are outdoors, old wood and open - no back on them.  Stick a leg thru the step and one could get a very bad break.  So far, the only bone I've every broken was big toe.  :pray:   Now is not the time to break that record.  And Jeepers?  Do please watch out for getting too hot and landing on your garage floor!!!!  :hug3:  


DH and I got the A/C in today.  I cleared away my big chair and "stuff" behind it.  We got it in place and screwed down - stuff the edges so buggie critters won't get in.  Then....I remembered how FREEZING it is to sit in my chair - right in front of it.  Hmm....  How can I rearrange for the summer - cuz I don't have to save space in front of the pellet stove until winter.  :scratchhead:  Our place is odd enough already but as long as we can pass thru...it works.  I put on a fuzzy robe backwards to keep warm in chair today.  Then I get too hot.  :shakinghead: 


Still haven't seen the moon.  In this season, it comes up so late - due to the high eastern ridge.  Can't really see horizons from most of mountain country.  I've seen an orange glow tho. 


Does little one get lonesome for D16 in summers, Euphrasyne? 


I love hearing about the gardens from you all - since we can't plant anything that won't be gobbled up by some critter.  :lois: 


MtRider  :offtobed:

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Knee is still a bit sore but much better. Thank you, Mt. Rider. 


And Jeepers, do NOT get yourself overheated and make sure you have your cell phone with you just in case you need help. 


Mt. Rider, when it is time to remove the air conditioner, since it is a window one. Can you leave it in the window for the winter and get an air conditioner cover to put on the outside of it for protection? You could also use some window insulation first and then put cover over it. It would sure save both of your backs carrying it back and forth up and down those steps. 


Deep cleaned kitchen this morning, and then worked on getting more stuff either put away or put in the Goodwill box to go.  GD is bringing the baby over for me to keep for about 2 or 3 hours around one today. So, my day is done in a little while. GD said she is tired and wants to take a nap. Really, I am exhausted just getting to bed late because of GS's late working hours. Plus, he is in and out of the house all night long till he decides to go to bed between 3 and 4 am. I'm a light sleeper and he wakes me up every time. Please Lord get him in the Coast Guard soon. 


I might piddle around the house some after the baby goes home. Not sure yet what I will do. But will do something. Hard to get this house back together with so many disruptions. 

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Did way too many chores yesterday after Church.

Walked first with Bo this morning.
Walked dogs.
Went up to Church for a little to talk about getting my cleaning lady to do a job.
Did 2 loads of laundry.
Oxygen supplier should be coming today to switch out cannisters.
Friend coming now to talk about generator.
Put away canned potatoes.
Cleaned up grill.
I'm done!

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Played with the baby all afternoon. She is trying so hard to crawl but really wants to walk. It's funny watching her trying.  GD bought her over around 2 and picked her up at 6pm. Then after she left, I started dinner. GS went back to work this afternoon. He seems to be doing a bit better, so the Prilosec seems to be helping. He's still complaining of his stomach hurting but it's not as bad. Guess he will learn the hard way to eat right. 


Going to try to play catch up tomorrow. 

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Dad had an appointment today, so getting him there was the priority. Afterward, I did some cleaning and a load of laundry. Then, it was berry-picking time! I picked another pint. The weather was a little cool and rainy this morning, but I wasn't about to complain. There was a lovely breeze and plenty of sunshine all afternoon and evening. I introduced Dad to a new (to him) food. Plaintains!!! I fixed them 2 ways: savory and sweet. He liked them sweet as a dessert and thinks that I should make those tomorrow, too. I had to explain that I could buy some more, but we'd have to wait days for them to ripen. I knew that I should have bought more than 2 at the store.


It sounds as though you all had a pretty productive day! 

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Plantains...the banana-like fruit  - as opposed to plantain the "weed" (also edible and possibly medicinal)  :)  


I've never had the fruit but I'd heard about it.  Yeah, when trying something new...and you have a sweet alternative, go with the sweet!  :thumbs:  Bet your papa likes having you around, Martian. 


I did a bunch of stuff today like 2 loads of laundry (requires 4 trips up and down   down and up the stairs).  Hung a sheet on the line and it was dry in no time.  The weather clouded over X3 ..but the sun kept coming out.  I was talking on the phone as well; catching up with a friend that lives in a nearby town.  Sheeesh we're OLD!  :imoksmiley:   Both exchanging health (or lack thereof) related stories.  :buttercup:  


Did a bunch of other little things and am feeling like I've finally adjusted to CO.  But tonite I'm pretty wiped out.  Could go to sleep now - 9pm.  DH had his client today and is wiped out from back pain.  We both went down to barnyard - he gathers the birds in from pond and feeds them, sets them up for the night.  Dog and I walk.  Whoa...I didn't get very far at all.  STAIRS - I've had enough leg exercise for one day.  But I'm feeling good about getting so much done today.  Almost fully unpacked.  :rolleyes: 


Heard from neighbors that a coyote is hanging around, got 2 chickens so far.  <_<    We chose water birds since we have the pond.  But the geese in particular, feed more on grasses than ducks who feed mostly on pond things.  They all come out of the water to sit around and are vulnerable then.  Goose has gone broody and wants to sit on the nest.  No male for her.  Today she wanted to sit on 2 duck eggs.  Well, those are probably fertile but....  Not sure we want to try for that.  Not sure what she'd do with ducklings and we're not in the mood to bring up 2 baby ducks right now. 


Little Sister - I'll think on that suggestion for the A/C.  For one thing, it's one more blocked window and we get little light in now.  It is a small A/C unit cuz the window is small, but still heavy for us.  We're not big people.  Hmmm.... ???


MtRider  ....  oye, very sleepy. 

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I woke up at 5:00. 


In the afternoon! And that was only because son called. I had a rough night tossing and turning but 5:00 PM. Sheesh. I hope I can get to some sleep tonight. I think it's going to be an Ambien night so I can have a fighting chance to be productive tomorrow. Obviously, I got not a thing done today. 


Fortunately I did get the weeds out of the shrub bed yesterday evening and I got the 8 bags of trash hauled away last night. Those were on my agenda for today. 


So tomorrow it's back to the garage and to the Guitar store...hopefully.  :rolleyes:


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The internet made the village idiot go global.  I am just done for the day.   FB idiot said that you can only make cultural dishes based on hand color.  I'm just over that.  OK I can only cook things that my neighbor cooks... not happening.   Get over this color/cultural appreciation BULLSHI!  I can cook/eat what i like and I can wear/decorate/worship what I prefer.  If we are ever to be truly nondiscrimination, then  we need to appreciate that.  

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Euphrosyne, did I miss something?   No one I know of cooks like the neighbors or make dishes based on hand colors.  We are all free to do as we choose. Hope all is well. 


Got my small chest into bedroom last night. So going to gather the throws and put them in the chest in a bit. That will get those separated from the regular blankets and less in the linen closet.  Going through a few other things also. Might be going outside in a bid to weed flower beds. The weather is much cooler than it has been the past 3 days. Just hope it is not to wet out there.  Rain yesterday. 

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Euphrasyne, that stinks. Just another reason I never got on FB. I know I'd be going off on the daily. Then I'd probably end up being the *FBI  :grinning-smiley-044:  I'm already on 3 blood pressure medicines. I don't need my head to explode. But you are right and they are wrong. :pout: 


So according to the *FBI, I can no longer make spaghetti or tacos? We'll see how that goes, Buttercup. 


*Face Book Idiot

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@themartianchick, I love plantains sauteed in butter and brown sugar!  Haven't had them for a long time, but will look for them soon.


Walked early with Bo this morning.
Took DH to town with me.
Home Health supply--cat keeps chewing up oxygen line.
Baptist missionary board for list of ministries.
Going to re-can (PC) baked beans today. Have 2 #10 cans that were gifted.

I've been tired and weak lately. Not sure if it is the heat or I'm not eating enough. I'm thinking the heat.

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The hilarious thing is that my neighbor on one side does not speak English.  She is a terrible cook and she knows it.  She has lots of great skills, but cooking isn't one of them.  She loves my Borracho beans though.  She said they were better than her grandmother's (who was by all accounts an excellent cook.)   I am not going to stop making cuisine because of skin color.  It is getting a bit stupid out there.  

Edited by euphrasyne
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@snapshotmiki. If I hadn't bought so many really small cans of baked beans I'd be recanning large cans too. 


The heat nearly did me in this summer too. And summer is just getting started. Other than the obvious, I think it caused me to have some headaches too. 



I went to the Guitar Center today. They only had one set of bongo drums and they were huge. I don't think they would even fit between GS legs.  Plus they were $119.00. Uh, no! DIL said the one he liked was about $30.00 on clearance. So if Amazon doesn't have any then I'll have to go to Indy a day early to go shopping. Their Guitar Center is about 20 miles away too. 


Where I went today is a big shopping district on a long highway. There are stores on both sides of the road. Good stores too. They have the biggest Hobby Lobby I've ever seen. It's about half the size of a Wal-Mart. So...Michael's still have the $2.99 tee shirts. Just saying. :D.


And Joann Fabric must be closing the store I was in because a lot of things were on sale. Some things as much as 40-50% off. Their yarn was 20% off so if you need some you might check out your local store. I didn't really need any but I got some anyway. I think I got enough to make a couple of winter scarves. I'd like to make those that are a circle and you double or triple them over your head and around your neck. Good wind breakers. Or maybe a hat and headbands. Whatever, it is pretty yarn and not yet picked over. 


I want to spend another hour in the garage. Hopefully I can get another half shelf cleared out. 

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Euphrosyne, that sounds like someone has step out of bounds.  We can cook like we want and do what we want, and no skin color can stop that. Cook all the cuisine you want. No one has the right to tell other's what they can or can't do. 


Worked on both bedroom and office today. I also wanted to work in garage a bit but to hot.  Went to the store to pick up just a few things I ran out of and bought some more bottled water. DGS and I are drinking a lot of water these days. Must be the heat.

What I decide to get done tomorrow will depend on the weather. Lots to get done outside also. 

Edited by Littlesister
Hit save by accident again.
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Wow....these exclusive clubs that idiots are making (Euphrasyne reported)  would have some difficulty in our house.  Or rather now ...when we visited DDs etc.  At any given time we were up to 4 or 5 "ethnic groups" represented....and it's a small kitchen!  Add a friend of DD2's and you've got Korean, Japanese, French, German, Hawaiian.....  The kitchen is too small for that. 


I'll just stick with the idea that segregation is a bad thing!  :sassing:


But seriously, we were all kinda dumb and uninformed at younger ages.  (hopefully not THAT ignorant and stupid!)  ...But WHAT can anyone do about getting those idiots out of the rut that their lack of common sense or absence of logic is getting them into?  :sigh:   It would certainly help if FB and other places would not be so willing and able to cluster all of them together so they become their own cheerleaders and validation.  :shakinghead:



   But doncha have some folks/relatives that are looking at all of us here and saying the same thing?  Oh those crazy preppers/militia/doomsday folks!  Hmph!  :pout:  


   ....guess we can be glad they USUALLY don't HATE us.  Disdain.  Mock.  Think we're Foolish.  Waste of time/money.  Backward.  Back Woods. Crying 'Wolf'.  etc.  But honestly, the hate will come if "they" start to have trouble getting things they want..... all sold out.....(like the "c0vId era ) .....  :unsure: 

 :darthduck:   IT'S BECAUSE OF THOSE DANGED HOARDERS!  :soapbox:    


MtRider  :sigh:  Seriously it's: "Prepared Ahead Of Time"....not the ones grabbing 10 bales of T.P. in March 2020.  

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Korean food is epic.  We do a hotpot/BBQ about once a month.  We also do curry, stir-fry, sauerkraut, Ethiopian bread, Katsu, and assorted other stuffs.  We like food and do not care where it came from (as long as it is not bugs.  no bugs.)


I just tell people that I have 4 mostly-adult kids.  Only 2 of them live at home, but that is NTK info.  Shopping for 1 should not look like shopping for 6.  And shopping the sales should not look like going out weekly.  Someone wrote that not going to the store for 'fresh' veggies weekly was child abuse.   Really?  Canned, pickled, dehydrated, frozen, garden.   I'm lucky I shop every 4-6weeks.  These people who buy 'fresh' veggies every week are the ones yelling at everyone else about 'carbon footprint.'  really?  how do you think those out of season 'fresh veggies' got to you weekly?  enough ranting from me.  I'm having an off day. 

Edited by euphrasyne
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Euphrasyne, I hope your day gets better. 


I do have a FB account but haven't been on it in over a year. Seems last time I was on it there was a bunch of advertising type stuff that I had not seen before. Been thinking about shutting it down. 


Today I have been working on getting my vitamins and RX's straight. Filling my monthly pill containers and paying bills. Getting the end of the month stuff out of the way. 


Tomorrow is trash day so going around and gathering all the stuff to be thrown out. Then will get some dusting done and mop kitchen and den floor. It is way too hot to do much outside again. Seems this type of hot weather has come a bit early. Hopefully I can get some things done by the weekend. If not, I will just douse myself in mosquito spray and work outside really early in the morning and again late evening when it is a bit cooler. Then come in and take a shower to get the spray off of me. I hate mosquito bites. I need to find some more Avon Skin so Soft. That worked really well for mosquitos. 

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Bo and I walked first, this morning.
Then walked dogs.
Found more beet seeds to plant.
Re-canned baked beans from two big cans. (PC)
Went to Church to help clean in kitchen.
Finished with baked beans.

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On 6/25/2024 at 1:59 PM, snapshotmiki said:

@themartianchick, I love plantains sauteed in butter and brown sugar!  Haven't had them for a long time, but will look for them soon.



I saute them in butter but don't add anything else. They are so inexpensive and really add a nice touch of "dessert" to any meal.

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